AVX: Spider-Woman Blasts Gambit, Angel and Devil

  AVX Round One continues with more Marvel teaser images!

Spider-Woman Versus Gambit? I really like this matchup because the powers are similar and both heroes have swayed down the dark path so they could both fight dirty if necessary. Humberto Ramos created this showdown of venom blast and kinetic cards.

  Daredevil and Archangel by Salvador Larroca is a wild card simply because of Warren Worthington’s recent transformation in Uncanny X-Force: The Dark Angel Saga. Murdock could take Angel but a clash with Archangel – not so sure Matt could survive.

AVX Thing Versus Colossus

AVX image by Brandon Peterson courtesy Marvel.com

  The sheer power of the Thing and a Colossal Juggernaut in battle will shake the Earth! Brandon Peterson creates the latest Avengers Versus X-Men Round One teaser image from Marvel.

  Fan favorite Ben Grimm may be the sentimental pick but I don’t think he’s a match for Colossus in his Juggernaut mode.

  It’s scary to see how easy and quickly it’s becoming for Peter to summon the Cyttorak power. The wholesome farm boy is long gone after a series of tragedies and sacrifices. I suspect a “Dark Colossus” could emerge in AVX.

AVX Captain America Versus Wolverine

AVX Image by John Romita Jr courtesy Marvel.com

  Captain America Versus Wolverine! The latest Marvel teaser image shows the All American Avenger locked in battle with the Canadian X-Man/Avenger by John Romita Jr.

  Logan has ties to both teams but this sure makes you think he will choose his fellow mutants in the upcoming war ignited by the return of the Phoenix.

X-Kid’s Fiery Future and Kitty’s Labor Pains

Wolverine and The X-Men #4 cover by Nick Bradshaw courtesy Marvel.com

  Fun 101 is in session in Wolverine and The X-Men #4 out this week. Jason Aaron continues taking us on great ride with drama, action and humor.

  Aaron may become the “John Hughes” of mutant writers with this issue – and I mean that as a huge compliment since I was a teen in that era. The way Aaron captures the inner struggles, hopes and fears of this motley student body reminds me of the Hughes era teen films.

  Would that make Quentin Quire a psychotic Ferris Buller?  

  Two refugees from the Dark Angel Saga in Uncanny X-Force join the Jean Grey School. Deathlok is a guest lecturer delivering dire predictions for the students and we see a vision of the future that includes one student sporting a very familiar firebird image.

  Marvel freaked me out with an eerie preview image of Kitty Pryde pregnant and surrounded by Brood. In this issue Kitty’s labor pains begin and the headmistress receives a second biological shock.

  Nick Bradshaw takes over from Chris Bachalo as artist. Bradshaw’s work reminds me of Art Adams and is perfect for the chaotic cast. This is a book that keeps delivering fun energy and surprises.

AVX: Emma Frost Versus Hulk?


AVX Hulk Vs. Emma Frost image by Carlo Pagulayan courtesy Marvel.com

  Some Marvel AVX teaser images have inspired sighs, cheers and dread but this one just makes me say “what!” and fear Emma Frost’s days and nights with Cyclops may over.

  Emma may be an omega level telepath that can transform her body into diamond but this is the Hulk. Her diamond form is no match for the Green Goliath and I wondered if the Hulk’s mind may be simple and childlike Emma’s mental power would be mute?

  From the first announcement of AVX I feared an X-Woman will be sacrificed and if this matchup really happens I think Scott’s losing streak with women may continue.

AVX: Beast Versus Luke Cage? Say It Ain’t So

AvX image by Alan Davis courtesy Marvel.com

  No way I can choose between these favorites of mine: Beast versus Luke Cage. 

  Marvel’s latest AVX teaser image shows the X-Man/Avenger versus the New Avenger trashing Avenger archives in the mansion.

  Legendary Alan Davis created this image that certainly seems to answer a burning question: which side will Beast choose?

Zanadu Comics Round Table Night One

Zanadu Comics Seattle First Round Table Group 1/11/12

  Watch out Court of Owls, the Comic Geek Round Table of Seattle is the newest secret society…well not so secret.

  Tonight Zanadu Comics Downtown Seattle hosted the first ever Comics Round Table. Perry, Howard, Casey and Morgan who I learned is the store’s self-described ‘shelf monkey’ welcomed 10 customers to share, discuss and recommend what we love about the medium.

  Tonight reminded me of what’s cool about comics and my fellow fans. The shared love of comics brings together fans of different backgrounds with diverse tastes and helps us understand each other and pushes us to try a different kind of book we may not usually pick up and have a new experience.

  Everyone shared a book, creator or publisher that we currently love or have rediscovered to recommend to the group. I hope I have captured everyone’s picks and the topics that kept coming up during tonight’s round table.

  Brothers of the Spear – Dark Horse Comics – Perry’s pick

  The favorite writers of women in comics – Terry Moore, Greg Rucka

  Greg Rucka’s new web comic Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether

  X-Statix Omnibus by Milligan and Allred – Milligan’s Justice League Dark

 2000 A.D. the birthplace of Judge Dredd and anticipation for the new film – Clint Eastwood should have been Dredd and the helmet stays on!

  Preacher is the all time favorite of Scott Adams (It finally nice to put a face to the email! Great to finally meet you.)

  The Goon by Eric Powell

  DMZ by Brian Wood

  Batwoman – a definite favorite among the majority of the round table!

  Howard wanted to “show some love” to Archie recommending the twin timelines of Life With Archie and how it’s evolving into an Archie multiverse.

  Secret History published by Archaia

  Hellshock by Jae Lee – (I always wondered what happened to that 90’s Image creation that just vanished…the finale finally came out.)

  Thunder Agents by Nick Spencer

  Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remember, Wolverine and the X-Men by Jason Aaron

  The Strange Talent of Luther Strode from Image Comics

  Butcher Baker, The Righteous Maker by Joe Casey described by Casey as “Captain America doing drugs and banging hookers.”

  Image is the source of new talent, new ideas


  Hellboy, B.P.R.D.

  Longshot (Much love) and X-Factor by Peter David now featuring Longshot

  Swamp Thing

  Animal Man

  King of the Flies by Fantagraphics

  Young Liars by Dave Lapham

  OMAC by Dan Didio

  Breaking the boys club at the big publishers could mean more female driven titles.  Gail Simone and Marjorie Liu (soon to be on Astonishing X-Men) are the only top female writers

  A recommendation to try European books where comics are treated like art by the mainstream and it doesn’t follow the American book a month structure/ schedule.

  Jason Thompson brought everyone a copy of Hyperborea, a comic featuring his art from Mock Man Press.

  Next step for the round table: A book from a non-top tier publisher for the group to read and discuss and a non-superhero genre book.

  If I may have left out one of your picks or themes – I have to admit I got home and couldn’t read all my shorthand – please send me a comment on this post or to comicsblendwill@gmail.com.

  If you’re in the Seattle area check out Zanadu’s facebook page or this site for the next round table and always feel free to give me your picks.


Join the Class at The Jean Grey School

Wolverine and the X-Men #4

  Wolverine and the X-Men is one of my favorite new titles. Logan and Kitty Pryde are the new headmasters at the Jean Grey School. Marvel is giving you a chance to attend.


  Here’s your assignment: Wednesday, January 11th at 2pm EST, log on to Twitter for Future History 101 taught by Kitty and guest instructor Deathlok! My favorite new character Broo will be in the class too.

  Log on to Twitter and follow @JeanGreySchool, @JGSHeadmistress, @DeathlokL17, @GenesisHero, @KidGladiator1, @QQuire, @idie_okonkwo, @_Broodling_, @SANTORULES and @_Anole_.

 Make sure your pencils and minds are sharp because the Headmaster’s claws are too! I’d hate to be sent to detention.