X-Men: Days of Future Past courtesy Fox
X-Men: Days of Future Past courtesy Fox

What might have been: Two Wolverines in X-Men: Days of Future Past?

X-Men: First Class director Matthew Vaughn exited the follow up to direct Kingsman: The Secret Service. Bryan Singer returned to the X-franchise and the rest is future history.

While promoting the new spy film Vaughn reveals his plans for the X-Men sequel in which Logan went into the past to change the mutants future.

“I had a whole different idea of how X-Men should go. I thought ‘Days of Future Past’ should be the next one and be set in the ’80s. So, when I wrote the treatment, I then wrote Kingsman and got confused about which film I should direct next. Continue reading TWO WOLVERINES In X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST?


Inferno #1 courtesy Marvel
Inferno #1 courtesy Marvel

The X-Men have fought Sentinels, Brotherhoods of Evil Mutants, Brood and hate-mongering crusaders but the Children of the Atom face pure evil way back in Inferno.

It was mutants vs. demons with the souls of their friends at stake as a satanic army took over Manhattan.

The match is lit again.

Marvel announced Inferno, a Secret Wars Warzones a new tie-in series by Dennis Hopeless (Avengers Arena, Spider-Woman) and Javier Garron (Cyclops.) Continue reading Return of X-MEN INFERNO


X-Men Alpha: Age of Apocalypse courtesy Marvel
X-Men Alpha: Age of Apocalypse courtesy Marvel

Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen may not finished as Professor X and Magneto in the X-Men franchise.

While Stewart is not appearing in X-Men: Apocalypse, he says McKellen will be.

“Yes, I understand that it seems to be very unlikely that I will be in the next “X-Men” movie, which is almost getting ready to start shooting in Montreal,” Stewart tells Oregon Live. “…But Magneto, Ian McKellen, is certainly going to be in it.”

The sequel pits the mutants against the first mutant, En Sabah Nur aka Apocalyspe, played by Oscar Isaac. The story is set in the 1980’s and Michael Fassbender will return as Magneto. Continue reading PATRICK STEWART & IAN McKELLEN in Future X-MEN Movies

Who Will Write X-MEN After BENDIS & SECRET WARS?

Uncanny X-Men #600 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #600 courtesy Marvel

Brian Michael Bendis announced he will leave the X-Men franchise with Uncanny X-Men #600 this May leaving X-fans to wonder who will take over the Children of the Atom after Secret Wars?

Yes, we firmly still believe Marvel is not cancelling the X-Men.

With the Universe changing events of Secret Wars it’s a perfect time for change much like after Avengers vs. X-Men.

Who might be the next writer to pen, “To Me, My X-Men!” as the lead of the flagship X-books?

Let’s examine potential candidates: Continue reading Who Will Write X-MEN After BENDIS & SECRET WARS?

BENDIS on BEAST, CYCLOPS in X-MEN final issues

Uncanny X-Men #600 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #600 courtesy Marvel

Brian Michael Bendis is leaving the X-Men franchise but staying a Marvel exclusive so fans are waiting to see what he will do next.

Before the milestone Uncanny X-Men #600 (the final issue of the Bendis run) the mutants have to survive The Black Vortex crossover and the shocking time twists of The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier.

We don’t want to spoil the current issues but if you’ve been reading it seems Cyclops is paying for his actions in Avengers vs. X-Men when he killed the Professor X.

“Issue #31 is going to be the issue that rattles people before we get to #600. Continue reading BENDIS on BEAST, CYCLOPS in X-MEN final issues


Uncanny X-Men #600 courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources Exclusive First
Uncanny X-Men #600 courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources Exclusive First

After making and changing mutant history Brian Michael Bendis announced he’s leaving the X-Men with a giant-sized Uncanny X-Men #600.

Bendis brought the original students of Xavier into the present in All-New X-Men and Cyclops started a revolution in Uncanny X-Men.

As the Children of the Atom feel the fallout from Professor X’s greatest secret – Bendis will exit just before Secret Wars.

The acclaimed writer explains why this was the time to leave:

“Over the course of the last few years, I will have written almost 90 issues of X-Men. That’s a good run! One of the best parts about being on X-Men was that I knew I was never going to hit Chris Claremont’s X-Men record, so I was free of whatever that is that drives such a thing,” Bendis exclusively told Comic Book Resources. Continue reading BRIAN BENDIS Leaving X-MEN With UNCANNY #600


The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel
The Black Vortex courtesy Marvel

The first big comic book event of 2015 is almost here…with cosmic level consequences or two big franchises.

Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha arrives this week.

The first chapter is a huge bookend issue by Sam Humphries (Legendary Star-Lord) and Ed McGuinness. The crossover will lead into Guardians of the Galaxy, All-New X-Men, Cyclops, Captain Marvel and Nova.

Humphries explains how the hunt for a mysterious power source draws in heroes and villains from across the Marvel Universe. Continue reading X-MEN & GUARDIANS Enter THE BLACK VORTEX

X-MEN Television Series For Your Consideration

X-Factor: The Longest Night courtesy Marvel
X-Factor: The Longest Night courtesy Marvel

“I Want My X-TV!”

Fox wants to mutate their X-Men movie franchise into a new television series. If Marvel and Fox reach an agreement which mutants could make the leap to television?

Here are our top candidates for X-TV:


Imagine “mutant noir.”

The long-running series by Peter David would be a fresh quirky take on another side of the Fox’s X-Men universe like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is for the Marvel Avengers Universe.

X-Factor is filled with charismatic mutants who didn’t attend Xavier’s and was filled with romantic complications, inter-agency love triangles, conspiracies and unique villains. Continue reading X-MEN Television Series For Your Consideration