Uncanny X-Men #29 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #29 courtesy Marvel

Every holiday season I love sharing special Christmas issues of the X-Men.

This year’s holiday flashback comes the same week a key issue that changes the Children of the Atom.

Uncanny X-Men #29 is a “turning point” for the mutants and a moment Brian Michael Bendis has been building up to since he took over Uncanny and launched All-New X-Men and revealed the legacy of the late Professor Charles Xavier.

The bitterly divided mutant factions united for the Last Will and Testament of Xavier this year and coped with the death of Wolverine.

So let’s reflect on moments of the past when the X-Men came together to celebrate the holidays and their extended family. Continue reading HAPPY X-MEN HOLIDAYS

Why GAMBIT In All-Female X-MEN

X-Men: Origins: Gambit courtesy Marvel
X-Men: Origins: Gambit courtesy Marvel

Storm, Psylocke, Monet and Rachel Grey investigate a mysterious event in The Burning World starting in X-Men #23.

A fan-favorite outcast X-Man guest stars in the upcoming arc by Ms. Marvel writer G. Willow Wilson and artist Roland Boschi (Winter Soldier: The Bitter March).

Gambit is known as a ladies man and that makes  him a perfect guest star for the story.

Willow explains why Remy was the perfect choice to appear in this new arc. Continue reading Why GAMBIT In All-Female X-MEN

Time Catches Up to TEMPUS In UNCANNY X-MEN Annual

Uncanny X-Men Annual #1 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men Annual #1 courtesy Marvel

A rookie X-Man’s lost story is revealed this week in Uncanny X-Men Annual #1.

Tempus (Eva Bell) is one of the new mutants created by Brian Michael Bendis since taking over Uncanny X-Men and launching All-New X-Men.

Eva can stop time. The Australian mutant vanished during a training session in the Tabula Rasa. Eva only disappeared from her teammates for a moment but when you have the power of manipulating time reality can get twisted.

Bendis explores how long Tempus was away and what happened to her. Continue reading Time Catches Up to TEMPUS In UNCANNY X-MEN Annual


Spider-Man and the X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Spider-Man and the X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man swings to the Jean Grey School to save Wolverine’s legacy.

Peter Parker keeps a promise to Logan but it puts him at odds with the students, teachers and a hidden conspiracy at the mutant school.

Class begins again in Spider-Man and the X-Men #1 this week by Elliott Kalan (The Daily Show) and Marco Failla.

Even in death Wolverine is looking out for his fellow mutants by recruiting a non-mutant for a classified mission. Continue reading SPIDER-MAN Joins The X-MEN


X-Men #182 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #182 courtesy Marvel

Bringing humanity to Apocalypse?

One of the X-Men’s most ruthless and vicious enemies takes on the Children of the Atom in the next big screen adventure.

Oscar Isaac (A Most Violent Year) will play En Sabah Nur in X-Men: Apocalypse and reveals director Bryan Singer’s approach to portraying the classic villain.

“In the early conversations we talked a lot about that [Apocalypse’s distinct point of view and agenda],” Isaac told IGN. “Of course, you read the comic book, and [Apocalypse is] not so shaded with gray — except his face. [Laughs] That’s the only thing gray about him.” Continue reading OSCAR ISAAC On X-MEN:APOCALYPSE

More X-MEN Fallout for SCARLET WITCH

Scarlet Witch in House of M courtesy Marvel
Scarlet Witch in House of M courtesy Marvel

The X-Men are currently caught up in AXIS, feeling the impact of the Death of Wolverine and The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier with The Black Vortex and Secret Wars on the horizon in 2015.

The mutants are under the leadership of Editor Mike Marts who ran the X-Office under two influential events of the past: M-Day and Decimation (when Scarlet Witch declared No More Mutants) wiping out the mutant gene and sending the race to the edge of extinction.

Wanda’s been on a path of redemption in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, AvX and Uncanny Avengers but are the X-Men really ready to let it pass? Continue reading More X-MEN Fallout for SCARLET WITCH

X-MEN Real World Inspiration

X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel

A real world phenomenon is part of the inspiration for G. Willow Wilson’s upcoming X-Men arc guest starring Gambit.

Storm, Psylocke, Monet and Rachel Grey investigate a mysterious event in The Burning World starting in X-Men #23.

This will be a four-part arc by  Ms. Marvel writer Wilson and artist Roland Boschi.

Will the powerful mutants be outmatched against what might be a natural phenomenon and how will a mutant like Storm react to this mysterious enemy. Wilson explains the unique challenge she’ll throw at the X-Men and how real world events inspire her story. Continue reading X-MEN Real World Inspiration


New Mutants #21 courtesy Marvel
New Mutants #21 courtesy Marvel

Chris Claremont’s vision of the X-Men is the core of Fox’s film franchise. The legendary writer guided the Children of the Atom for nearly two decades in comics. The Dark Phoenix Saga, God Loves Man Kills, Days of Future Past, The Wolverine are iconic stories that inspired the film franchise. Claremont is now working on a treatment for Gambit for Fox.

After X-Men: Apocalypse how does Claremont think the film franchise could evolve?

“With New Mutants, you can appeal to kids and explore the tensions and pressures of young mutants trying to get a handle on their powers and their lives,” Claremont told The Hollywood Report Heat Vision. Continue reading CHRIS CLAREMONT On Future X-MEN Movies