All-New X-Men #18 courtesy
All-New X-Men #18 courtesy

The milestone Uncanny X-Men #600 marks the end of an era by Brian Michael Bendis. This week the fan favorite writer’s final issue wraps up his run on Uncanny X-Men and All-New X-Men.

From Cyclops and his Revolution vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. to Battle of the Atom to The Black Vortex we saw plenty of action and intrigue with classic and new enemies.

What about the surprising team bonding, romantic twists and personal moments that show why the X-Men are a family….dysfunctional but a family.

Here are some of our favorite moments of the Bendis X-Men run:

Jean Grey is a Marvel Girl.

All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

This original Xavier student suffered the most traumatic impact of the five when she reached the present day. Jean’s entire triumphant and tragic future history instantly filled her mind when he powers prematurely kicked in. While the all-powerful Jean was always a victim of her power, Bendis made his Jean grow stronger and more secure. An assertive Jean refused to go back in time and decided to make her own destiny, took on the power of the Shi’ar Empire and even called out her fellow mutants on their behavior (Iceman’s outing) as a strong young woman learning to use her power for good instead of letting it control her.

Professor Kitty:

All-New X-Men #6 courtesy Marvel


The young X-Men needed help assimilating into the shocking present and their evolving powers. I can’t forget how Kitty coached Jean into focusing her power in a moving moment that demonstrated how far the X-baby as a teacher and leader.

Tempus Time.

We immediately fell in love with Eva Bell. The Australian manipulator of time starred in her own time lost adventure in two annuals. Beast may have set up the entire time twisted X-Men run but did Eva go too far? When an Omega level mutant kills several X-Men Tempus goes back in time to give a young Charles Xavier at look at what his greatest secret does to his Children of the Atom. The Professor’s gentle telepathic nudges mean the powerhouse student is never born. Will Tempus pay a price for tempting fate and changing time?

Dazzler’s Dramatic Change.


A Bendis signature is taking an off-burner character and using them in new and exciting ways. Dazzler, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. may have made some readers say whuh? Alison Blaire became Maria Hill’s mutant liaison officer and a target of Mystique. Dazzler was kidnapped Raven who turned into a “cow” in which she milked and sold mutant growth hormone to de-powered mutants. When Dazzler escaped, her wrath of being Mystique’s victim led to a shocking rock and roll makeover and revenge against the woman who abducted and impersonated her.

Jean and Emma Together Again.

The rivalry between Jean Grey and Emma Frost is legendary. The former White Queen was always haunted by the shadow of the late Phoenix over the man they both loved. Imagine Emma’s reaction to seeing a younger Jean and Scott in the her and now right after Frost’s cosmic breakup and breaking with Cyclops. Time and telepathic bonding healed wounds as Emma got a fresh start with a new Jean.

Who Is Benjamin Deeds.

Uncanny X-Men #14 courtesy Marvel

The outing of young Bobby Drake made mainstream headlines and heated fan debate but Bendis outed someone else other than Iceman. Benjamin was one of the rookies the writer introduced in his run. Benjamin’s power to morph into anyone he came into contact with combined with a chemical influence that makes them like and trust him.  Deeds came out in a moving, funny issue with Emma Frost.  The teacher helped Deeds accept himself as a young gay man and as an extremely powerful mutant full of potential.

I Believe In Magik:

Uncanny X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

I was not a fan of Illyana Rasputin because of her confusing back story and often cruel treatment of her brother Colossus. The team’s fight with Dormannu in Uncanny X-Men #7 made me see Magik like I hadn’t before. More than just X-Men vs. demons, this was a story of sacrifice, identity and call for help. Heroes live with demons  but Illyana’s are literal and emotional. The story weaved between Magik confessing her sins with “a very special guest star” and back to the battle with Dormannu where she pays a terrible price for saving the X-Men. After multiple reinventions, Brian Bendis made Magik sympathetic and beautiful by getting to her core. Another Magik moment was her reunion with Kitty Pryde in an adventure on Monster Island.

What were your favorite moments in the Bendis X-Men run?

All comes down to the The Trial of Hank McCoy in Uncanny X-Men #600 this week.

By Editor

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