Detective Comics: Endgame #1 courtesy DC Comics
Detective Comics: Endgame #1 courtesy DC Comics

Did we see the future of Batman family in Detective Comics #40 and this week’s Detective Comics: Endgame #1?

This one-shot may be more than an intense tie-in to the Joker’s current reign of terror in Batman: Endgame.

If you caught this tale of teens taking action in a Jokerized infected Gotham City you may have seen some of the cast of We Are Robin. – the upcoming new book by Lee Bermejo and Khary Randolph.

The brand new series will star a diverse group of teens who take on the mantle of Robin in the aftermath of Endgame. Batman is symbol. After Convergence and Endgame, Robin becomes the symbol for tough teens of Gotham City.

After months of speculating on who could be the next Robin, DC Comics is giving us an army of Robins but who’s joining the crusade?

We Are Robin courtesy DC Comics

When we first saw the cover we immediately thought Duke Thomas (an African-American boy from Zero Year and now a teen in Endgame.) Bermejo confirmed Thomas will be in the cast in USA Today.

Riko, Dax and Dre were introduced in Detective Comics #40 along with Lonnie aka Moneyspider, who hacked into Wayne Enterprises mainframe. In this week’s one-shot the teens took action in a city overrun by Joker zombies.

These new teens were created by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato, who created Anna Aguila in their first Detective Comics arc. We considered Anna a longshot for becoming the new Robin but she would be a dynamic fit with the theme of Bermejo’s book.

There’s no official word on if these teens or other fan-favorites like Stephanie Brown or Harper Row will be part of the book. Damian is the current (and recently resurrected) Robin who will star in Robin, Son of Batman by writer/artist Patrick Gleason in June.

How will these kids interact with the all-new Dark Knight to be introduced in Batman #41? The clues are there. The answers are coming this June.

By Editor

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