Top 5 Picks December 21, 2011

X-Men Legacy #260 cover courtesy Marvel Comics

X-Men Legacy #260 The X-Men are divided. Magneto chooses Cyclops. Gambit chooses Wolverine. If Rogue survives her mission to save a lost young mutant, who will she follow. This is Mike Carey’s final X-Men issue after five and a half years of epic storytelling.

Justice League #4 Darkseid revealed. Cyborg is born. Aquaman attacks. DC’s big guns are meeting for the first time. Can they stop fighting each other in time to face the real enemy behind the conspiracy.

Batman #4 Batman digs deeper into the Court of Owls and discovers its dark ties to his own family. Scott Snyder keeps delivering intense action and a brutal secret history of Gotham City and the Wayne family that may trap the bat.

Birds of Prey #4 courtesy DC Comics

Birds of Prey #4 Batgirl joins DC’s female crime fighting force. Three bombs in the brains of three passengers on three trains. The Birds of Prey only know two names of the living bombs. How will they prevent the disaster. DC promises this issue will rewrite the rules for the team.

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