X-MEN LEGACY Writer’s New Series

Numbercruncher #1 courtesy Titan Comics
Numbercruncher #1 courtesy Titan Comics

Si Spurrier (X-Men Legacy, X-Club) launches a new creator-owned series with artist P.J. Holden this week from Titan Comics.

Numbercruncher is an “off-the-wall romance mixing time-travel, life-after-death and coal-black comedy.”

What does the writer who turned Professor Xavier’s troubled son into a leading man have in store with this creation?

From the publisher:

Numbercruncher follows a brilliant Mathematician who dies young, enters the afterlife and discovers a way to cheat the terrifying Divine Calculator. He schemes to be endlessly reincarnated within the lifespan of the woman he loves, no matter how often the violent bailiffs of the Karmic Accountancy cut short each life. It falls Continue reading X-MEN LEGACY Writer’s New Series

X-MEN: New Hero and New Legacy

X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

A brand new X-Men Legacy series starring Legion? This is one of the most surprising titles of the Marvel NOW relaunch. Writer Simon Spurrier and artist Tan Eng Huat create this week’s X-Men Legacy #1 starring one of the most powerful and dangerously unstable mutants in the Marvel Universe – the son of Professor X.


X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

Writer Simon Spurrier (X-Club) and Editor Daniel Ketchum shared their vision and plans for this new series on Marvel.com.

“It’s kind of the black sheep of the X-Men family,”Spurrier says of the book and star, “is he going to step up and try to fill his father’s shoes? Is he going to go in a completely opposite direction? At the same time, how are the X-Men going to feel about this?”

X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

“How do you feel when you’ve grown up in the shadow of a great man?” Legion is someone who has largely defined himself by who his father was,” Spurrier said of Professor X’s son.”

You could call Legion an enemy of the X-Men because of the evil personalities that took over David but Spurrier plans on giving him his own voice.

X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

“It was wonderful to give Legion a voice & get into the nittygritty about what he is all about.”

Legion will confront the X-Men in issue #4 and questions their decision to keep mutants closed away at a school.

How will Legion react to meeting Cyclops – the man who murdered his father?

“I haven’t written Cyclops yet, let’s just say that,” Spurrier replied.

Since Legion grew up on a small island off Scotland Spurrier said he will give him a slight Scottish accent. Spurrier said he’s a fan of Chamber and Blindfold is a “brilliant and broken character” who will have a big part to play. Wolverine, Storm and Frenzy will appear in the series.

What about Legion’s famous hairstyle?

As you can see from the interior art by Tan Eng Huat, Daniel’s classic hair is staying.

Op/Ed: Professor X’s son has been central to many storylines but as a supporting character but now he’s the leading man. In the aftermath of AvX it makes more sense that Legion assume a greater role in mutant affrairs except that Daniel Haller isn’t the most stable guy. Legion’s mental instability and drastic actions created the Age of Apocalypse and Age of X. Professor X’s son will struggle with his psychic demons while trying to save his father’s dream. It may seem very unorthodox but this new X-Men Legacy #1 really takes on a personal and literal meaning.

By Editor



X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

  One of the biggest Marvel Now surprises is the announcement of a new X-Men Legacy starring Legion. Professor X’s son has been central to many storylines but as a supporting character but now he’s the leading man. In the aftermath of AvX it makes more sense that Legion assume a greater role in mutant affrairs except that Daniel Haller isn’t the most stable guy. Legion’s mental instability and drastic actions created the Age of Apocalypse and Age of X. Professor X’s son will struggle with his psychic demons while trying to save his father’s dream. November’s X-Men Legacy #1 really takes on a personal and literal meaning.


X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

  Writer Simon Spurrier (X-Club) and Editor Daniel Ketchum shared their vision for the series on Marvel.com.

  “It’s kind of the black sheep of the X-Men family,”Spurrier says of the book and star, “is he going to step up and try to fill his father’s shoes? Is he going to go in a completely opposite direction? At the same time, how are the X-Men going to feel about this?”

X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

 “How do you feel when you’ve grown up in the shadow of a great man?” Legion is someone who has largely defined himself by who his father was,” Spurrier said of Professor X’s son.”

 You could call Legion an enemy of the X-Men because of the evil personalities that took over David but Spurrier plans on giving him his own voice.

X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

“It was wonderful to give Legion a voice & get into the nittygritty about what he is all about.”

   Legion will confront the X-Men in issue #4 and questions their decision to keep mutants closed away at a school.

  How will Legion react to meeting Cyclops – the man who murdered his father?

  “I haven’t written Cyclops yet, let’s just say that,” Spurrier replied.

  Since Legion grew up on a small island off Scotland Spurrier said he will give him a slight Scottish accent. Spurrier said he’s a fan of Chamber and Blindfold is a “brilliant and broken character” who will have a big part to play. Wolverine, Storm and Frenzy will appear in the series.

What about Legion’s famous hairstyle?

As you can see from the interior art by Tan Eng Huat, Daniel’s classic hair is staying.

X-Men Legacy #1 arrives November 14.

For the entire liveblog here’s the Marvel.com link.

Professor X’s Son Seizes X-Men Legacy

X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

  Professor X had a dream of mutants and humans living and working together in harmony. It has not happened.

  Marvel revealed today that David Haller (Professor X’s son aka Legion) will take on his father’s role as leader of the mutants marching on towards making the dream a reality in a new X-Men Legacy series by Si Spurrier and Tan Eng Huat.

  As a longtime X-Men fan this is definitely not what I was expecting. Legion is a mentally unstable mutant with multiple powers for his multiple personalities – and maybe the worst hair in comic book history! David’s fractured mind has been the cause of epic stories (Age of Apocalypse, Age of X) and twisted realities.

  Si Spurrier revealed David’s plan to reshape the mutant world in his father’s vision.

“Yeah, David does feel like a natural fit for the title, doesn’t he? We’ve got the son of Professor Charles Xavier slicing, smashing and exploding his name into the history books of mutantkind. I’m kind of in love with that LEGACY tag, because in the run-up to the announcement so many of the readers speculating blindly on the Internets—we’ve all done it—have been saying “it can’t possibly be X-MEN LEGACY, that word doesn’t work as a title any more, it doesn’t make sense, it’s gotta be something else, oh God please let it be Stiltman Legacy, no, no, let it be Squirrel Girl Legacy, or Devil Dinosaur Legacy, or yadda yadda,” Spurrier tells Marvel.com

 Actually, I would read the [expletive] out of all those titles, so ignore me.

 Anyway, I kinda like the idea that rather than launching something new with a whole new X-adjective attached—Ebullient X-Men! Gibbous X-Men! Arousing X-Men!—we’ve made it our business to make the LEGACY tag relevant. This time it really is all about how mutantkind in general, the X-Men in particular, and the name “Xavier” specifically, will be regarded in the light of the dawning future.”

  If you’re like me you’re probably asking of all the mutants to get their own series in the Marvel NOW! relaunch why David?

 “As far as I know the idea of basing the series round David has been in the works since the plotting of Avengers Vs. X-Men. David’s story grows organically from those events. In fact I’d go so far as to say it’s the tale that really needs to be told in the aftermath period. My brief was pretty simple: take a thoroughly screwed-up young character—who’s been handled so differently by so many narrative teams down the years that it’s tricky for anyone to say for sure exactly who he is or what his voice might be—and launch him into the Marvel Universe as a definitive, dynamic, tormented, likeable character cooler than an Inuit’s arse. “Show us who he is, Si. What he can do. What he wants to do but can’t yet. Think differently.”

  It’s a pretty wonderful remit, when you think about it. Here’s a character almost everyone’s heard of but nobody feels familiar with—yet. So, who’s David? David is one of the most powerful beings alive on the planet, who has spent the majority of his life unable to trust his own brain.

 That’s a cool starting point.”

  The mutants have always been divided: Xavier vs. Magneto, Cyclops vs. Wolverine. How will Legion fit?

  “Without giving too much away, nothing’s ever that easy with David. When we join him at the start of this story he’s very much alone, confused [and] lost. In many ways the controlling idea behind everything he does is about finding himself—but of course that manifests with all the explodo insane villain-blasting fun you’d expect, as well as the soul-searching and, ah, internal struggles particular to David.

  But—yeah. This book isn’t going to work like the other X-books. It—like David—is the black sheep of the family. It’s tricky to define. It worms its way between the cracks. It’s not a team book, although we’re going to see a lot of team stuff along the way. It’s not a straight-out fight book, although a [lot] of stuff explodes all the time. It’s not a horror book, although we’re going to see a lot of horror vibes. David isn’t really one of the X-Men at all when we first meet him, but we’ll certainly be seeing a great deal of those guys throughout the tale. 

  For much of the time David doesn’t actively “belong” to any of the political or resource-structures we’re used to associating with mutantkind. He may have a “side” he prefers—he does—but it’d be stretching things to say he “belongs” to it. It’s easier to think of him as the Joker in the pack, or the Independent Candidate. The only side he belongs to it his own. None of the above, right? There may come a time when he isn’t the only one occupying that niche, but you can bet your bottom dollar he won’t be working with anyone on any terms beside his own.”

  Spurrier did not comment on if other mutants will join David’s cause and book. For more of Spurrier’s interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

 Here’s the question? If Legion is taking over the mutant cause does that mean Professor X, Cyclops and Emma are not around after AvX to do it?

By Editor

A Geek’s Dream: Emma Frost & Her Avenging X-Men?

  Disclaimer: This is just the raving speculation of an excited geek!


Astonishing X-Men #18 courtesy Marvel

  I love Jean Grey in every carnation (original, copy, post cocoon, dead, resurrected, etc) but Emma Frost was the best thing to happen to Scott Summers and the X-Men. Grant Morrison wedged Cyclops and Jean apart during his New X-Men run. Joss Whedon brought them together in Astonishing X-Men. Matt Fraction and Kieron Gillen developed Emma into a ruthless heroine capable of throwing one-liners as sharp as her diamond hard skin. Emma has kept secrets within secrets that come back to haunt her (Sebastian Shaw.) Now the Phoenix is ripping her away from Cyclops.

 The former White Queen’s road to redemption is one of my favorite character arcs in comic book history. Emma switched her allegiance to the X-Men and pledged her love to Scott but it was always too easy for her to fall back into her ruthless ways (Dark X-Men) to accomplish her goals. Kieron Gillen has ramped up the sexual tension between Emma and Namor. The Phoenix Force is attracted to, feeding off of and fueling the sparks between the former lovers. That passion is about to explode future chapters of Avengers vs. X-Men. It was only a matter of time but I think the Emma/Scott era is about to be over.

Avengers vs X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  This week’s Marvel NOW! announcement of an Uncanny Avengers title featuring Children of the Atom and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes will include Cyclops. The original Jean Grey is arriving from the past to star in an All-New X-Men. I can see Emma not fitting in with this new world order and thus the Avenging X-Men will be born.

  Emma Frost – mutant leader who isn’t quick to mend fences with the Avengers and still believes only mutants will truly be dedicated to protecting fellow mutants.

  Magneto – the Red Skull is reborn with an anti-mutant agenda. The legacy of the holocaust and the Nazi symbolism surrounding the Red Skull will ignite Erik’s painful past and make him pledge his allegiance with Frost.

  Storm – rival queens may find a reason to unite in the post AvX world? Ororo and T’Challa’s marriage may be over and she distrusts Cyclops and Wolverine. 

  Frenzy – it will be easy for Magneto’s former Acolyte to rejoin him plus Joanna and Emma may be sharing bitter heartbreak caused by Cyclops.

  Again, this is just speculation. Only Marvel knows the post AvX fate of Emma Frost I just know the Marvel Universe is sexier and edgier with her in it.

By Editor


AvX Avengers Seize The Jean Grey School

X-Men Legacy #266 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel’s ladies in green are about to throw down as Avengers Vs X-Men hits the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. She-Hulk and a team of Avengers arrive to “secure” the school in X-Men Legacy #266.

Christos Gage says knowing AvX was coming affected his direction for the book in a new Comics Newsarama interview.

 “I have certainly been aware that AvX was coming, and been preparing for it, but it’s not as if we’ve been solely focusing on that. I think in Uncanny, there was more of a continuity of purpose… the roster was smaller, and there was some change of focus, but the Utopia X-Men are doing more or less what they did before.

It’s been a bigger shake-up for the Grey School X-Men, and I wanted to examine that, as well as the Schism‘s effects on the characters. Over in Avengers Academy, I’ve been continuing with ongoing stories for the kids, and having a blast with the Runaways guest appearance in #27 and 28. So I think each story is its own thing, but with an awareness of where we were headed, and the character journeys will continue during AvX.”

The Avengers task force coming to the school includes She-Hulk, Falcon and Moon Knight. Gage revealed how he picked these heroes.

 “I’ll be honest, it was partly to do with who I could use in a way that made sense given where else they’re showing up and who’s off in space and so on. But of those who were available I picked these three because they work well in the context of the story. I can’t get too much into why without venturing into spoiler territory. But it’s a fun mix! She-Hulk and Frenzy have battled before… and Moon Knight vs. Gambit just sounded cool to me. I hope people enjoy reading it as much as I’m digging writing it!”

For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

I’m ready for Rogue to whip She-Hulk!

AVX: X-Kids in Avengers Custody

Avengers Academy #23 courtesy Marvel

  Christos Gage answered fan questions about the future of X-Men Legacy and Avengers Academy revealing how both teams will be impacted by Avengers Vs. X-Men. The mutant kids of Utopia will be held at Avengers Academy leading to an odd reunion for X-23 and her former teammates.

  “There are indeed scenes between X-23, Surge and Dust, and they were fun — for me, not for the characters involved! This storyline definitely looks at X-23 and how she has developed as a person since her days with the New X-Men, as well as how she is continuing to develop. As for the Westchester kids coming to break them out, they’re going to have their own problems…”

 The situations are different. I can only say so much to avoid spoilers, but in Avengers Academy, what has happened is that various X-kids from Utopia end up in the custody of the Avengers, and it’s decided the best thing to do with them to keep them out of the conflict is to house them at Avengers Academy. It’s not an internment camp per se (the cover of Avengers Academy #29 is more symbolic of how the X-kids feel), it’s more like Child Protective Services, where kids who have nowhere else to go are placed — presumably for their own good.

X-Men Legacy #264

  I’m not saying it’s right — there’s a lot of debate about that in the book itself — but it’s with good intentions. As for the situation in  X-Men Legacy, events there are more reaction to the larger conflict — the Avengers send a team to keep an eye on the X-Men and make sure they don’t escalate matters by joining the Utopia crew, but they are more watching from outside, like cops at a Mafia wedding. Oh, and don’t assume it was Cap who made the decision in all these cases!”

For the entire interview here’s the Comic Book Resources link.

I’ve enjoyed Gage taking the reigns of X-Men Legacy especially the brewing passion between Gambit and Frenzy. I hope this book survives the reboot that’s surely coming after AVX.

X-Men Legacy’s Frenzy and X-Men: First Class Casting


Frenzy by Jorge Molina courtesy Marvel.com

Following in the path of Rogue, Frenzy is a character searching for redemption. Joanna Cargill debuted as part of Apocalypse’s Alliance of Evil in the original X-Factor then joined Magneto’s Acolytes.

Mike Carey started evolving the ex-villain in Age of X. The heartbroken Frenzy awoke from that alternate world arc learning her passionate romance with Cyclops was lie. Christos Gage now has Joanna flirting with bad boy Gambit in X-Men Legacy. Gage told Comic Book Resources about Frenzy’s motivations and his plans for her.

“I’ve always been a sucker for characters who are seeking redemption, and Frenzy is most definitely one. I think her primary motivation right now is to be a hero, the kind of person she was in the world of “Age of X.” An interesting catch is that in “Age of X” she was protecting and defending mutants, not humans. As a former mutant supremacist, she hasn’t really addressed how she feels about protecting a world that hates and fears her. We’ll be exploring that coming up.

Cyclops and Frenzy share a kiss courtesy Marvel.com

I think that her struggle after discovering her relationship with Cyclops, which meant so much to her in “Age of X,” was an illusion is the very reason she shared a kiss with Gambit. It was implied back in the ’90s that they had met before joining the X-Men, when both were freelance mercenaries and that they were both enemies and lovers. It’s not terribly uncommon for people who are emotionally vulnerable to turn to an old flame for comfort; even if they know there are probably pretty good reasons that old flame is not a current flame. I think she and Gambit are in a similar place emotionally, and it’ll be intriguing to see where it goes, if anywhere.”

For Gage’s entire interview here’s the Comic Book Resources link. I love David Baldeon’s art on X-Men Legacy especially Frenzy.

On a geek personal note:

Nicole Beharie by John Shearer courtesy WireImage.com

I think Frenzy would make a perfect for Magneto’s Brotherhood in the X-Men: First Class sequel. A passionate and strong African-American woman like Joanna would be a great character to explore the turbulent 1960’s and the struggle for racial equality and mutant equality. Frenzy could become Erik’s love interest. Michael Fassbender could reunite with his Shame co-star, the stunning Nicole Beharie. The two had incredible chemistry in that film.