DC Universe heroes are still reeling with the events of DARK NIGHTS METAL. The breakout villain of the event is coming back for more.

The Batman Who Laughs strikes again. Continue reading BATMAN WHO LAUGHS Miniseries
DC Universe heroes are still reeling with the events of DARK NIGHTS METAL. The breakout villain of the event is coming back for more.
The Batman Who Laughs strikes again. Continue reading BATMAN WHO LAUGHS Miniseries
I successfully dodged social media like skipping over a gauntlet of landmines to avoid spoilers of the comic book social engagement of the year. Now I need to express and speculate about what’s next after BATMAN #50.
Selina is now starring in her own CATWOMAN series by Joelle Jones, who designed Selina’s wedding dress.
What about Bruce?
Before I deep dive into BATMAN #50 I want to give a SPOILER ALERT plus I’ve waited some time after the book’s release to cope with the post-wedding issue recovery. Continue reading BATMAN WEDDING Shocker, The Other One!
One of the most infamous femme fatales in pop culture is becoming a blushing bride? This week Catwoman chose her dress as she plans her wedding to Bruce Wayne in the pages of BATMAN.
It wasn’t white. Don’t expect the typically honeymoon for Selina Kyle either!
The wedding gown revelation was followed by be the biggest C2E2 (Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo) announcement from DC this past weekend: After Catwoman marries Batman – she’s going solo. Continue reading CATWOMAN New Solo Book After The BATMAN Wedding
Counting down to the most unexpected wedding of the year – will The Bat and The Cat really tie the knot?
As you can see from this DC Comics preview, Catwoman is saying yes to the dress. Will she say goodbye to her past? Continue reading New Comic Book Picks for April 4, 2018
A new Age of Heroes will dawn in the DC Universe.
DC Comics and Warner Brothers shared the next trailer for JUSTICE LEAGUE at Comic-Con featuring a first look at the villain who unites Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman. What about Superman? Ask Alfred?
Watch the action and come back for the breakdown:
Continue reading JUSTICE LEAGUE Comic Con Trailer Teases VILLAIN, SUPERMAN
Batman may be in love with Catwoman but this Fall he will be alone and lost in the Dark Multiverse. DARK NIGHTS METAL one-shots and tie-in books dominate the DC Comics books coming this October. But there’s a legendary creator uniting with a classic hero and the Gotham City Garage is open.
Here are our top picks for new books coming this fall: Continue reading LOST BATMAN, GOTHAM CITY GARAGE & More DC COMICS Fall Books
Bats vs Birds. A Batman sidekick’s true destiny revealed. The Joker – the hero?
DARK DAYS THE CASTING is the second of the one, two punch before DARK NIGHTS: METAL – the six part epic unleashing an army of evil Batmen from the Dark Multiverse. That’s no spoiler. It’s been out there. But how these really Dark Knights got unleashed is the revealed in this week’s massive issue.
The action picks up with Joker locked in the Batcave, Batman on a global hunt, the most journals of Carter Hall/Hawkman and the mysterious metal wrapped in the hidden history of the DC Universe. Continue reading DARK DAYS THE CASTING Reveals METAL Mystery Threat
Fireworks at the comic book shop this Fourth of July week!
Let’s begin with a classic in the making as two of the Dark Knight’s greatest enemies go to war! Continue reading NEW COMIC BOOKS For JULY 5, 2017