Uncanny Avengers: Scarlet Witch Redemption?

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Uncanny Avengers is the first of 20 new titles in the Marvel NOW! relaunch. New books, new creators, new costumes and a new start for one of Marvel’s most controversial characters: Scarlet Witch.

  The mutant Avenger who decimated the Children of the Atom is on the path to redemption in Uncanny Avengers by Rick Remender and John Cassaday. Wanda Maximoff is back in Avengers vs X-Men but the new book will see her back on a team after a long absence. How will the woman with hex power fit in the team dynamic which includes Avengers and mutants like Havok and Rogue?

  “She’s in a unique situation. She and her brother were the first mutants that Cap ever tapped for the Avengers, and they were on the second Avengers team. So she is a long-time Avenger who caused a lot of heartbreak and death, and depowered a whole lot of mutants. Obviously the events that led to that, she was not entirely in her right mind. Doctor Doom had helped confuse her with an energy source that had driven her quite crazy. And she had lost her kids. There’s redemption potential there, but I want to make sure that I’m careful with it.


Avengers Children’s Crusade #7 by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel.com

She’s a great character and she’s sort of torn between these two worlds. She’s always really been an Avenger when it comes down to it, but her community should be the mutant community. But they don’t necessarily dig her. She’s the daughter of Magneto former Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, an Avenger—she’s never really fit in with the X-Men. But at the same time, it’s kind of her people. Or should be. So she’s in a situation now where she’s reviled by most mutants for what she did, at least those who know what she did. And then you’ve got the Avengers, who she also played a big whammy on. It’s still not necessarily very easy to go “Oh, well if charged up you can alter reality—that’s a bad thing and we might maybe not want to go down that road with you.” 

  But, conversely, you’ve got somebody who’s a friend and a long-time Avenger, and somebody who really wants to make a difference. Wanda is very motivated to never be used as a weapon again, to never be a tool, to never be a thing that somebody can grab and misuse. She wants to stand up and she wants to be the face for mutants and sort of promote peace between the people—but she can’t. That’s not really a thing she can do. So she has to sit in the sidelines and sort of earn her redemption here—if that’s even possible—but in the meantime it’s kind of a case of “You’re going to be out there and doing the good work, but we should keep your public profile to a minimum. Keep you out of people’s eyes, probably.” And that continues to drive a knife in her belly.”

Avengers Vs X-Men #6 variant courtesy Marvel

 Uncanny Avengers #1 debuts this October. If you want to follow Wanda’s fall and rebirth I recommend: Avengers: Disassembled, House of M and Avengers: The Children Crusade.

  The way Rick Remender writes Psylocke in Uncanny X-Force makes me very excited with him handling the return of Scarlet Witch. For a real Scarlet Witch flashback – check out Avengers: Nights of Wundagore in which the Witch is possessed by the Elder God Chthon in a classic tale by David Micheline and John Byrne.

By Editor


Uncanny Avengers: Why Havok?

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men a new team will be born. Uncanny Avengers is the first of 20 new titles in the Marvel NOW! relaunch kicking off in October. Rick Remender and John Cassaday craft a team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom. 

  Remender (Uncanny X-Force, Secret Avengers) promises a different take on the two franchises. Some surprises have been revealed: Havok (X-Factor) will be team leader. Captain America will take orders from Cyclops’ brother? Scarlet Witch is on the new team seeking redemption. The villain is a reborn Red Skull.

 The AvX war will be over? The healing begins? How is the new book tied to the end of AvX?

  “I know what they’re doing. And fortunately, as Jason was writing the final issue I got to chat him up a bit. We coordinate very well. I think we’ve done a great job in the X-Office of tying the books together subtly in ways that link but feel natural. That’s something that I benefit from having with Jason. We [talked about] how he’s ending things in the issue itself and I gave him my first script and we changed a few things to kind of meld them together. Tom’s obviously the editor of both so I’m hip to what’s going on. We’re all in communication about these things to make sure that it’s cohesive,” Remember tells Marvel.com.

 How does this new team/book show fans the post AvX world?

  “There’s something that Cyclops said to [Captain America] on Utopia that’s ringing in his head. He didn’t do enough to help. And Steve is taking that to heart. Coming out of AvX with the landscape shifted and changed as much as it is, there are events that lead Steve to recognizing that he needs to do more and there are five new things that lead to the creation of the team. The team itself really isn’t even created until halfway through the first year. It’s still chaos. I didn’t want it to just be like “And now everybody shakes hands and hugs!” There’s still a really good arc of these things kind of coalescing and cooking into a soufflé of A and X. So without being able to discuss the specific events, I’ll just say that it comes from a place of healing and it comes from a guy who has firsthand experience with the horrors of prejudice and hatred and sees that this is his potentially final opportunity to stand and do something about it and help.

 Now, that’s just where Steve’s at. I have gone to great lengths to make sure every character involved has a very specific reason for being there, a very specific reason for being put on the team, and chosen, and they all have very unique perspectives on the team’s necessity, where they’re at as people and why they think that this is a good thing to do. Wolverine’s motives come half from AvX and the other half from the end of the “Final Execution” arc in UNCANNY X-FORCE. So those two things, without giving them away, [change] him in a way that I’m really excited to be writing. I think that we’re helping to really develop and progress Wolverine as a character in these books.

X-Factor #71 courtesy Marvel.com

  A move that may have fans stratching their heads: why does Cap chose Havok?

  “I think that the bottom line is that he sees the value in people seeing Captain America and Havok descend down to save the day when things go gnarly. There needs to be a face in the Avengers that could be the Captain America for [mutants]. And going through his list, Havok is the very best choice for that. You’ve got somebody who’s trained by Xavier, he’s a beloved X-Man, he’s well-educated, he’s formerly a government agent—with X-Factorbeing what it was in the nineties he was part of a government-sanctioned unit—so he’s got a shiny veneer that you can present to the public and hopefully help people see mutants as something different. There’s other reasons as well—two, three huge ones coming out of AvX—that will lead to that decision, but that’s how Havok becomes the guy that Cap sees as “You’re going to lead this squad, you’ve got a ton of experience leading, and this is your time to stand up and be the big public face of the Avengers.” And of course Alex, having had such a chaotic past for the last, you know, forever, this is going to be a very difficult situation, and not one that he’s necessarily going to just grab the reins on.”


X-Factor #243 courtesy Marvel

  Why did Remember choose Havok?

   “I always saw him as the black sheep of the Summers family. He was always one of my favorite characters reading the X-Men growing up. He’s conflicted, and I love the idea that the older brother—who is the star football player, basically—Cyclops is the beloved son, leader of the X-Men and the first guy who they turn to and he’s basically the star pupil in terms of the Xavier School. I like the idea that his younger brother has not hostility toward him necessarily, but he’s always walked a very different path. And I like him as a character because he’s a little rock and roll. I mean, going back to that [HAVOK & WOLVERINE: MELTDOWN limited series]—which was one of the things that really solidified him as a favorite of mine—where he’s James Dean. He’s sunglasses and a pint of scotch and a convertible on the weekends and I think I’d like that rock and roll attitude that he’s got. He’s got a dry, sarcastic wit. He’s somebody who’s never been in the forefront in a big, huge public way of anything, not like his brother has, and he’s okay with that. I’ve never seen Alex as somebody who’s seeking that out. That’s all the more reason that it’s exciting to take him and put him in the most chaotic point in mutant history and the most chaotic point in the Marvel Universe, to have Captain America come tap him and say “You’re going to lead the Avengers,” that, to me, is drama. There’s just so much meat there for character that—it all just seemed perfect, I couldn’t think of anybody who I more wanted to put in that situation beyond just having an affinity for the character from youth.” 

  Remender confirmed Havok, Scarlet Witch and Rogue will be solely be in the new book. That means Havok is leaving X-Factor and Rogue is out of X-Men Legacy. For his entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

By Editor


Romancing Kitty Pryde

Wolverine and the X-Men #14 courtesy Marvel

  Fans of Kitty Pryde and Colossus are teased again in this week’s Wolverine and the X-Men #14. This AvX tie-is a slice of life with humor, drama and hope at the Jean Grey School in a world where the Phoenix Five rule and Avengers are hunted.

  Kitty and Peter split after the events of Fear Itself and Schism. This issue sees a Phoenix fueled Colossus trying to woo his way back into Kitty’s heart. The man who could have everything just wants the love of his life back. Fans like me just want our favorite mutant couple back together but Jason Aaron is making a convincing argument for Kitty and Bobby.

  Kitty’s date with Colossus gets hot but not in the way you hope. By the end I’m excited to see Kitty grow as co-headmaster of the school and develop a romance with Iceman. Bobby comes to a grim realization after an encounter with the Phoenix powered Cyclops.

  It’s amazing how many characters Jason Aaron juggles while giving them all moments that carry the stories forward. From a lovesick Toad’s “date” with Husk to Doop’s defense of the school there are surprising moments of that make you laugh and connect with the odd cast.

  Marvel NOW! is coming. Brian Michael Bendis is taking over the X-Men franchise with All-New X-Men but this issue shows why Jason Aaron should keep crafting this title that delivers heart, humor and thrills. The staff and students of the Jean Grey School deserve to stay. If the editors do cancel it the Bullpen deserves a Bamf infestation!

 By Editor



  Sometimes I feel like Avengers vs. X-Men should be title Operation Hate the X-Men.

X-Factor Reveals Magneto/Polaris Connection

X-Factor #243 courtesy Marvel

  Longtime X-Factor fans should prepare to be rewarded for their devotion. Peter David promises bring to dangling plot threads and long running storylines together in Breaking Points.

  One of the most tortured couples in Marvel Comics history is Havok and Polaris. The couple recently returned from Shi’ar space and Wolverine placed them with X-Factor Investigations in the book they starred in back in 1990’s also under Peter David’s watch.

  Alex Summers will be starring in Rick Remender’s Uncanny Avengers. The younger brother of Cyclops will lead the hybrid team of X-Men and Avengers that will be the first book of the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Will Lorna be joining him? Will there even be an X-Factor title?

  Breaking Points appears to be Peter David’s opportunity to wrap up his storylines but is it the end? Lorna’s relationship with Alex and her connection to Magneto will be explored in the storyline. David tells Marvel.com why fans are so obsessed with the Lorna and Magneto and makes a vow.

 “Probably because there have been aspects of Lorna’s background that have been left dangling for literally decades. It’s not just Magneto himself; it’s the entire story behind the demise of her mother and father, and whether Magneto had anything to do with it. All of this will be answered.”

 For more of his interview and plans for other members of X-Factor here’s the Marvel.com link. I’m loving the David Yardin cover for X-Factor #243 featuring Marvel’s tortured mutant lovers.

By Editor


Top 10 New Comics for 7/25/12

So many good comics this week I’m compelled to double down and make a top 10 week!

Batman Incorporated #3 courtesy DC Comics

Amazing Spider-Man #690 Love the new movie then grab this summer’s thriller in the comic shops. More than one Lizard is on the loose while Spidey tries to save the city from the mad Morbius. Reptiles, a vampire plus Madame Web, the Kingpin and Hobgoblin weave into the storyline as Marvel counts down to the miles 700th issue of Spidey!

Batman Inc #3 The Dark Knight is on the trail of the assassin after his son plus the New 52 return of Matches Malone! Never heard of this Gotham City mobster? He may be the key to solving the case. UPDATE: This book has been postponed due to the events in Colorado.

Manhattan Projects #5 This brilliant alternate history book challenges graphic storytelling and will challenge your mind. The mad scientists behind the think government tank look at the new future they created. Are we a better or worse word because of their breakthroughs?

Secret Avengers #29 courtesy Marvel.com

Secret Avengers #29 Hawkeye’s covert team may be blowing up and falling apart! A traitor, bitter rivalry and hidden romance threaten the squad. Hawkeye better get it together because the new Masters of Evil and an army of evil androids are ready to wipe them out!

Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett Is Dead #4 The mastermind behind Fett’s murder unleashes mercenaries to wipe out Boba’s child, ex-wife and family. But you can’t keep the galaxy’s most badass bounty hunter down. Revenge is going to be a blast in!

Star Wars: Darth Maul: Death Sentence #1 The red menace is back from dead with a new partner in crime. The horned Sith has a price on his head and he better hope the Jedi find him before the “others” hunting him do!

True Blood #3 Eric and Sookie on the trail of…Godric? An ancient vampire with chilling ties to Eric’s maker is deadly in Dallas. If the HBO series leaves you hungry for more…take a bite of this series!

Winter Soldier #8 Bucky vs. Black Widow! Have Marvel’s hottest couple turned against each other? Sexy, gritty, spy games heat up with old enemies coming out of cold targeting the Winter Soldier.


X-Treme X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel.com

Wolverine and the X-Men #14 Kitty Pryde on a date with Colossus? Are my favorite X-couple finally back together? Mutant romance goes cosmic as the Phoenix fueled Colossus woos Kitty. Plus the aftermath of last issue’s fateful clash between Gladiator and the Phoenix Five – what will this mean for the Shi’ar heir and Warbird?

X-Treme X-Men #1 Captain (Wolverine with a stache!) Howlett, Kid Nightcrawler, Emmeline Frost and Dazzler? Greg Pak sends a mutated team of teams across the multiverse but will everyone come back from the mission?

By Editor




Switching Sides: Rogue vs. Ms. Marvel

X-Men Legacy #270 courtesy Marvel

  Carol Danvers is sporting a new look as the new Captain Marvel. The premiere issue of the new series by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Dexter Soy sold out in the first week!

  This week’s X-Men Legacy #270 clears up unfinished business between Carol and Rogue in this Avengers vs. X-Men tie-in. The powerhouse women share a tragic connection. The rivalry flared up again last issue but writer Christos Gage gave us twist. This was far more than an old grudge match. Marvel teases one woman will switch sides in the AvX before the issue is over.

By Editor


Marvel NOW! What?


Marvel NOW! image by Joe Quesada courtesy Marvel

  Marvel NOW! shows the bold direction the publisher is taking post AvX. We know some creative teams and new titles but there are ton of questions still out there. Here are my top burning questions:

Emma Frost? The original Jean Grey is returning. Scott and Emma’s shaky relationship is getting rocked by the Phoenix Force possessing both of them. AvX 11 shows them attacking each other. I hope Emma survives to form her own Avenging X-Men.

Matt Fraction Here’s hoping his Defenders keeping going on their strange trip and I’d like see Fraction’s take on the Fantastic Four.

Jason Aaron and the kids? Wolverine and the X-Men is my favorite post Regenesis title. What will happen to Broo, Kid Gladiator, Kitty Pryde, Idie and all the kids and staff that call the Jean Grey School home? Jason Aaron even made me love Quentin Quire!

Kieron Gillen? His Thor run was brief. He managed to reinvigorate Mister Sinister and created what I think is the best new Marvel villain – UNIT. I’d love to see him take on the Avenging X-Men idea of mine or head back to Asgard.

Professor X? The leader recently united with Cyclops on Pax Utopia and questioned his Phoenix fueled agenda. All New X-Men by Bendis stars the original five X-Men transported to a future they don’t like. How will Professor X react to seeing his original students?

Brian Wood The X-Men “security team” led by Storm is perfection. It’s a cool hybrid of the Chris Claremont/Paul Smith era X-Men blended with Torchwood. Storm reigns under Wood and Lopez.

Winter Soldier? Ed Brubaker is leaving Marvel after an incredible run with Captain America and Bucky. I think Cap’s solo title will become more upbeat, larger than life adventures like Daredevil’s recent revival leaving Winter Soldier to continue his role as the spy on covert missions across the Marvel underground.

Young Avengers? I would love to see an ongoing by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung. The Children’s Crusade was epic, thrilling and moving but was is Heinberg’s final story starring the teens? Given the huge cast Jonathan Hickman is planning his new Avengers may some of the teens will graduate to the big league.

By Editor

Kitty Pryde and Colossus Back Together?


Wolverine and the X-Men #14 courtesy Marvel

  Kitty Pryde and Colossus are my all time favorite comic book couple. Death. Trapped in a space bullet for eternity. Demonic possession. Writers have ripped apart and reunited Kitty and Peter so many times. The two lovers split most recently due to the events of Fear Itself and Schism. Kitty took off the co-found the Jean Grey School with Logan in Wolverine and the X-Men. Colossus is now one of the Phoenix Five in Uncanny X-Men and AvX.

Jason Aaron raised our hopes when Kitty was pregnant. Fans like me were hoping against hope it was Pete’s baby but once again hopes were dashed when it turned out Kitty was impregnated with Brood. Thank you Dr. McCoy for saving her!

In the upcoming Wolverine and the X-Men #14 looks like Kitty agrees to a date with Peter and he’s using his Phoenix Force to woo her…but will they reconcile? Will either of them be around after AvX?

Wolverine and the X-Men #14 courtesy Marvel

  To see more of this preview here’s the Comic Book Resources link.

This year a real life Kitty and Colossus questioned Marvel writers at Emerald City Comicon – take a look.

By Editor