Spandex Are More Than Gay Heroes

Spandex Fast and Hard by Martin Eden courtesy

  This week X-Men (and Alpha Flight) fans celebrate Northstar’s wedding to his boyfriend in Astonishing X-Men #51. Northstar and the newly outed Alan Scott/Green Lantern of Earth 2 aren’t the only gay heroes on comic book pages. Direct from England – Spandex is an all-gay team that might give you a new reason to wave those rainbow flags at Pride festivals this weekend.

  With a title like Spandex: Fast and Hard I thought this book might be campy fun but I was surprised how much I would care about these over the top heroes and heroines.

  Liberty, Prowler, Glitter, Indigo, Butch, Mr. Muscles and Diva are an all-gay superhero team based in Brighton, England that fight giant lesbians, pink ninjas, and a psychic alien while struggling with complicated love lives. 

  Take Peter David’s clever mix of adventure, inter team romance and satiric humor in X-Factor then shower it with glitter, more sex, turn up the camp and you have Spandex. These scantily clad heroes are great fun but the more I read the more I felt for them.


from Spandex by Martin Eden courtesy Titan Books.

  Chapter One Attack of the 50 Foot Lesbian introduces the team as they race into action taking on an angry giant stomping through Brighton. The titanic lesbian is a big threat but there’s an even bigger conspiracy behind her rampage. The Justice League has the Injustice League. Spandex has their own team of enemies. Martin Eden plants a particular sinister yet sexy seed that could lead to a heartbreak and betrayal in the future for one member of the team.

  Chapter Two Pink Ninjas takes the team around the world to Japan after a ninja thief’s brazen robbery of the Queen. The adventure leads to a battle with an army of pink ninjas. the addition of a new member and forces to team to face a painful past.

  Chapter Three…If You Were The Last Person On Earth was my favorite. The heroes awake to a conquered world. A psychic vampire is turning everyone into zombies (not the mindless eating kind) and sucking the color…all the colors of rainbow seems an appropriate choice of words…out of the world. This final chapter is a parable of coping with how everyday life can take an emotional toll and drain the life out of you.

Spandex! created by Martin Eden courtesy Titan Books

 Creator Martin Eden made me laugh, think and relate. I enjoyed these sexy and fun adventures with the campy but complicated heroes of Spandex. Straight or gay doesn’t matter – this is an entertaining superhero comic.

  Spandex: Fast and Hard by Martin Eden is from Here’s a link to an interview with Eden if you’d like to learn about how he created the team.

Warning: This book has nudity, sex, foul language and really revealing costumes. This book is not for the easily offended.

Note: I was approached by the publisher to see if I would take a read and offer my thoughts if sent a preview copy. I was not paid to review this book.

By Editor

Star Trek September with Redshirts, Borg, Romulans and Doctor Who

Star Trek #13 courtesy IDW Publishing

  “You make me feel like I’m living in a Star Trek dream!” The September solicitations from IDW Publishing are sure to engage Trek fans. Everyone knows the joke about the wearing red means you’ll soon be dead. Mike Johnson, Stephen Molnar and Tim Bradstreet create a special tale just for the Redshirts…and those who love them. Star Trek #13 is a new stand-alone story of life on the Enterprise told through the eyes of a redshirt.

  This Redshirt’s Tale joins the previously announced Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hive limited series by veteran Trek writer/producer Brannon Braga. A future where the Borg control the galaxy the only hope is Captain Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise. But how can Picard save the day when Locutus rules this dark future?

  Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2Chapter 5 arrives this month too. The Borg and Cybermen are united and attacking the Federation. Can the Time Lord convince Captain Picard to make the right choice? The first 4 chapters of the 8 part story are collected in a volume available this month.


Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 courtesy IDW Publishing

Star Trek Romulans Treasury Edition by John Byrne (Uncanny X-Men, Fantastic Four) features three classic Trek stories featuring the Romulan Empire.

By Editor

Updated: X Marks Diversity & Northstar’s Wedding

Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel

The wedding of Jean-Paul Beaubier and Kyle Jinadu in Astonishing X-Men#51 this week is the latest reason to celebrate our love of mutant super heroes. The X-Men represent diversity and overcoming differences. These heroes don’t just fight bad guys. They fight discrimination and intolerance.


When Stan Lee created X-Men #1 his young heroes had powers because of genetics. You might say Stan the Man came up with “Born This Way” before Lady Gaga made it a pop anthem. Professor Xavier taught his students how to use their powers for the good of all humanity. Erik Lensherr was a Jew and his horrific experiences in World War II brought him into direct conflict with Xavier’s teachings and he became the X-Men’s number one enemy: Magneto.


In the 1970’s Len Wein and Dave Cockrum helped introduce the “all new, all different” X-Men. The team’s new additions reflected the changing world. Ororo Munroe aka Storm was an African (later revealed to be African-American) woman. John Proudstar/Thunderbird was an Apache Native American. His brother James would eventually take the code name Warpath and become an X-Man. Shiro Yoshida was the first Asian X-Man called Sunfire. The Japanese hero who later lead his own team and title: Big Hero Six.


German Kurt Wager is still my favorite X-Man. Nightcrawler lived the ultimate in irony. Kurt was a compassionate, devoted Catholic. Kurt had a sweet soul but genetics gave him the appearance of a demon. My other favorite is Kitty Pryde, a Jewish girl from Chicago who joined the X-Men as a teenager. Kitty was frightened of Kurt for years and their evolving friendship was one of my favorite ongoing storylines.


Bishop & Storm from X-treme X-Men #30 courtesy Marvel


Writer Chris Claremont was the creative force behind the X-Men for nearly two decades. Claremont made Storm leader of the team. In the early 1980’s having an African-American female in charge of the team was a breakthrough moment. Storm would fall in love with Forge, a Native American mutant and Vietnam veteran. Storm would later become leader of X-Treme X-Men, the Queen of Wakanda (she married the Black Panther) and became an Avenger. Storm is currently leads the security team in X-Men.


Claremont explored the issue of apartheid with the creation of Genosha. On this island nation off the African coast mutants were enslaved and considered natural resources not equal citizens. The X-Men were involved in liberating the mutants of the nation over several storylines.


Claremont was creator of the future generation of X-Men. The New Mutants continued the legacy of creating diversity. Danielle Moonstar was a Cheyenne Native American and became team leader. Karma was a devout Catholic from Vietnam. Karma is now a lesbian and part of the Astonishing X-Men team. Sunspot was Brazilian. An attack and racial remark on the soccer field is what first triggered Roberto DaCosta’s mutant power. Danielle and Roberto are part of a team living in San Fransisco.


The New Mutants graphic novel cover courtesy


John Byrne was a co-plotter and artist on the early Claremont era. Byrne created the Canadian team Alpha Flight including Northstar. Byrne said he intended to have Jean Paul come out back in the 1980’s but it was against editorial policy at the time and the comics code authority. In 1992 Northstar came out in Alpha Flight #106 under writer Scott Lobdell.


The 1990’s saw a new explosion of diverse characters. Lobdell and Fabian Nicieza were the primary writers of the X-Men in this decade. Lobdell co-created Generation X which included Skin, a Hispanic American who escaped from gang life in Los Angeles to join the team. M (Monet St. Croix) is Algerian, Muslim and is now a popular member of X-Factor. The X-Men welcomed Bishop, an African-American X-Man from the future. Dr. Cecilia Reyes is a doctor of Puerto Rican background. She reluctantly joined the team but focused on her career as a surgeon instead of being a superhero. Neal Shaara is a Hindi from India who joined the X-treme team. Jubilee is an Asian-American “mall rat” who joined the X-Men and Generation X. Wolverine’s former sidekick is now a vampire. This is yet another example of how X-writers explore differences while telling a compelling action story as Jubilee fights to control her vampire hunger and hold on to her humanity.


Generation Hope #10 courtesy


The 21st century saw the creation of more mutant heroes from diverse backgrounds. Dust is a devout Muslim girl who always wears her burka. Wolverine rescued Sooraya from Afghanistan. Oya of Generation Hope is from Kenya and her religious beliefs make her think of she and all mutants a monsters. Oya is currently in Wolverine and the X-Men as the new Jean Grey School. Frenzy is an African-American ex-villain who recently joined X-Men Legacy in her search for redemption.


X-Factor’s Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy

Peter David pushes boundaries in X-Factor. After years of hinting that they were attracted to each other Shatterstar (a warrior from another dimension) and Mexican mutant Rictor fell in love. It’s not all perfect for this mutant couple because they often fight because of Shatterstar’s flirting. X-Factor has been nominated by GLAAD for Outstanding Comic Book Series. Other GLBT characters in the X-family include Anole, Bling and Graymalkin.


The X-Men writers and editors have always reflected our world. Characters and storylines have been a way to directly or indirectly explore the issues of race, religion and sexual orientation. X-Men will always be a best-selling title because we can see ourselves, the conflict and the hope that we’ll learn from our differences, survive and thrive.


By Editor


I know there’s probably a favorite mutant I may have left out of this story. Please add a comment or email me who you think deserves to be added.

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for 6/20/12


Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel

Astonishing X-Men #51 The wedding of Northstar and Kyle Jinadu will make comic book history this week. The first openly gay X-Man is getting hitched but he’s also a target. Who is the mystery woman behind the recent attack by a new team of Marauders? Northstar’s nightmare of the X-Men out to kill him is coming true. Could the wedding be just a dream too?

Avengers vs X-Men #6 Five of the most powerful X-Men are now possessed by the Phoenix Force. Earth is being radically changed. The Scarlet Witch enters the war but on whose side? 

Nightwing #10 Dick Grayson is recovering from the shocking revelation from Night of the Owls when he checks out a double murder in Old Gotham. The evidence points the finger right back at….him? DC introduces a new threat to Batman’s battered ally. Who is Paragon and his Republic of Tomorrow?

Saga #4  An against all odds love story amid a galactic war. Two soldiers from enemy races fell in love, had a child and are now running for their lives. This issue introduces a distant planet where darkest fantasies can come true. Will this the runaway family’s safe haven or hell?

True Blood #2 A new comic book will help satisfy your craving for Sookie, Bill, Eric and all the other sexy scary characters from Bon Temps. Alan Ball, Ann Nocenti (Daredevil, Longshot) and Michael McMillan create a perfect companion to the HBO series.

Alpha Flight On The Run

Alpha Flight Volume 1 courtesy Marvel

  Northstar gets hitched in Astonishing X-Men this week but before Jean-Paul rejoined the X-Men he was part of Canada’s premier super team. Now you can relive Alpha Flight’s short-lived comeback.

  Guardian, Vindicator, Shaman and Marrina are resurrected from the dead to join Northstar, Aurora, Sasquatch and Snowbird. The reunited champions are branded traitors and fight a conspiracy within their own government in the aftermath of Fear Itself.

  For Northstar and Kyle fans – this collection is a great way to see their back story. Kyle becomes collateral damage as the team fights the manipulations of the Unity party. A theme that continues as the couple have relocated to New York City and the X-Men.

Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente’s Alpha Flight Complete Series is collected and available in comic book shops and here’s the Amazon link. Ben Oliver and Dale Eaglesham provide the art with Phil Jiminez on covers.

  Alpha Flight’s loss is the X-Men’s gain. From the previews for Astonishing X-Men #51 is appears Jean-Paul’s teammates will be there for the wedding in New York City. I’m big fan of John and Heather Hudson (Guardian and Vindicator) and hope Marvel could find a storyline for them.

By Editor

AVX: Daredevil Against Psylocke!

AvX: Vs. #4 courtesy

  The Man Without Fear against the X-Men’s psychic ninja! Daredevil and Psylocke’s fight goes into overtime in AvX: Vs #4. revealed the cover and Brandon Peterson’s interior art.

AvX: Vs. #4 courtesy

  Rick Remender writes the latest “all fights” issue. If you’ve read his Uncanny X-Force you know Remender really knows how to write Betsy Braddock. The character really evolved during The Dark Angel Saga. Betsy has a darker, harder edge. If Psylocke can gut her one-time lover expect Matt to feel the pain. I’m excited to see how this billy club to psychic knife fight will play out.


AvX: Vs. #4 courtesy

  Seeing Brandon Peterson’s work takes me back to the 90’s when he was teamed with Fabian Nicieza on the X-Men book. Peterson drew Psylocke and her “twin” Revanche.

AvX: Vs. #4 courtesy

  AvX: Vs #4 features not one but two fights. The other match picks up from Remender’s Secret Avengers AvX tie-in story with Thor against the Phoenix Force with art by Kaare Andrews.

By Editor

Prometheus Inspires Avengers Casting Dream

Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

  After seeing Prometheus a second time I went back to a casting dream for a possible Avengers sequel. Seeing Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace together a second time made be think how perfect they would be as the Vision and the Scarlet Witch. This is just the musing of a geek – I have no knowledge and assume Fassbender would not want to play another android.

Avengers Origins: Vision from Cover by Marko Djurdjevic

  If you have the Vision then you must have Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne and Ultron – who created the Vision.

Prometheus still of Noomi Rapace courtesy 20th Century Fox

  I posted before how both actresses who played The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo could play Wanda on-screen in an X-Men: First Class (Rooney Mara)sequel or Avengers (Rapace) sequel.


Avengers Vs X-Men #6 variant courtesy Marvel

  Again – I have no power or knowledge and will probably enjoy what Marvel decides but it’s fun to dream and play casting director!

By Editor

They Won’t Stop Beating On Colossus

AvX Vs #3 courtesy Marvel

  The tragedy of Colossus: Let’s start with Joss Whedon bringing him back from the dead. He gets Kitty Pryde back. He finally has sex with Kitt then loses Kitty when she’s trapped in a speeding bullet through space. He loses Nightcrawler. Deals with the never-ending limbo/dead/limbo/back/no soul drama of his sister Magik. He becomes the Juggernaut and Kitty dumps him.

  I love Colossus because the mighty mutant of steel is the emo whipping boy of several Marvel writers but he can take it. The poor guy is coping with the emotional abuse of losing Kitty, having a psycho demonic sister and fighting a demon of his own.

  In Avengers vs X-Men writers have poured on the physical abuse. Colossus took a beating from the Red Hulk in AvX and AvX Versus plus that fight with Spidey. 

  In this week’s AvX Vs #3 Peter goes fists to fists with the Rulk then the Thing on the moon! Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness clobber us with a brutal steel vs rock showdown. The art is powerhouse and Peter’s inner dialogue is powerful. The former innocent Russian farm boy is long gone. A cold steel warrior with a devil inside is fighting an inner battle that he’s losing with every physical victory.










  In Avengers vs X-Men #5 the Phoenix Five (Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Colossus and Magik) were born as the entity seized them as hosts. If there’s one thing I hope from this is the Phoenix burns the Cyttorak out of Peter and Limbo out of Illyana. Since the entity represents death and rebirth, I hope Colossus and Magik can be cleansed and reborn.

By Editor