Deadpool Says “Call Me Maybe” To Uncanny Avengers

Uncanny Avengers #1 Deadpool variant cover courtesy Marvel

  Are you ready to party like it’s Marvel NOW?

  We’ve have met. And Wade is crazy. Deadpool says “Call Me Maybe” in this variant for Uncanny Avengers #1. It’s part of the incentive for retailers to host Marvel NOW! launch parties for the first book of the relaunch on October 10, 2012. Mark Brooks crafted this hilarious cover with Wade Wilson giving the reasons why he could be an Avenger. 

  Marvel gave stores the chance to be Stand With the X-Men or Stand With the Avengers on the night of the Avengers vs. X-Men #1 launch parties earlier this year.

 Along with the Deadpool variant participating retailers receive party kits with buttons, posters, flyers, and more.

 Thanks Comics Newsarama.

For here’s the link on the new Deadpool Marvel Now! team.

Uncanny Avengers is by Rick Remender and John Cassaday.

By Editor

Spider-Man, Beast, Kitty Pryde, Iron Man Vs. Zombies, Brood!

A+X #2 courtesy Marvel

  In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men a team of top creators will bring heroes together in a new series. Marvel shared this cover to A+X #2 by Kaare Andrews featuring two team-ups between four of Marvel’s top brainiacs.

  Spider-Man and Beast will fight zombies in a story by Kaare Andrews. Iron Man, Kitty Pryde and Lockheed take on the Brood in a story by Peter David.

  Sometimes it’s hard to remember that Kitty is a computer science expert. I wonder if ladies man Tony will hit on her? Kitty can  handle herself but good thing she has Lockheed!

It’s been a long time (1970’s) since Marvel published this kind of concept book. The Thing co-starred with a guest star each week in Marvel Two-In-One. Spidey starred in a Marvel Team-Up with different guests  and stories each month.

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Top 5 Comic Book Picks for 8/15/12

Avengers vs. X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

Avengers Vs. X-Men #10 Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are cornered. Is Hope’s last hope joining forces with the Scarlet Witch? Is the mutant messiah/chaos magic alliance more dangerous than the Phoenix Force?

Before Watchmen: Rorschach #1 The back story of the vicious vigilante. Brian Azzarello takes on the dark past and reveals what made Rorschach the ruthless anti-hero he became.

Captain Marvel #2 Carol Danvers soars as the new Captain (#1 was a sold out smash!) but her past is coming back to challenge her. What is the Banshee Squadron?

Fatale #7 Cults, sex, drugs and killings in 1970’s Los Angeles. Demonic secrets stalk the heroine Josephine into her new life as the second arc of horror/crime comic continues.

The Walking Dead #101 The last issue was one of the shocking and brutal moments of the series. How do the survivors go on when the heart of group has been sadistically ripped out of them?

 By Editor

Hugh Jackman on The Wolverine

Wolverine #2 courtesy Marvel

 Hugh Jackman is shooting The Wolverine in Australia now and says the new film stands alone and will not directly tie to the Logan’s previous solo movie.

 “We’ve deliberately not called it Wolverine 2 because we want it to be placed and feel like a standalone picture,” Jackman tells Total Film (via Coventry Telegraph). “With an all-new cast and setting it in Japan, it’s going to give us a whole new visual aesthetic.”

 The Wolverine is based on the story by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller, set in Japan and Logan battles the Silver Samurai.

  Thanks Spinoff Online.

 Op/Ed: Now that we know the X-Men: First Class sequel will be based on Days of Future Past it would make sense to have Jackman play a much older Logan in the sequel’s nightmare future scenes. This would be a great swan song for Jackman as the cinematic Wolverine.

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Red Skull Radness on Uncanny Avengers #2

Uncanny Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

  Rick Remender and John Cassaday assemble a new team in the aftermath of Avengers Vs. X-Men. Captain America and Wolverine gather an elite team from Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom in Uncanny Avengers – the first book of the Marvel NOW! relaunch.

  Marvel revealed the Uncanny Avengers #2 cover by Cassady and more information about the classic villain. The Red Skull has been reborn as the most powerful man on Earth, anti-mutant sentiment is at a boiling point and he has a new army to enforce his evil agenda. Captain America, Thor, Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, Rogue and Havok must take down the Skull and his S-Men.

 I love the Jim Steranko vibe I’m getting from this cover!

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Raising Hellions in New Mutants

New Mutants #47 courtesy Marvel

  A blast from the past in this week’s New Mutants #47 in Fear the Fututre Part 1. Andy Lanning and Dan Abnett ignite an old rivalry by raising the Hellions!

  Back when Emma Frost was still the White Queen of the Hellfire Club she had her own students that often clashed with Professor Xavier’s New Mutants. The original Hellions debuted in New Mutants #16 – volume one of the series. In Uncanny X-Men #281 the Hellions were brutally slain by Trevor Fitzroy and his Sentinels. This massacre led Frost to see their error of her ruthless ways and began her path to redemption and partnership with the X-Men. Empath was the only known survivor. Warpath was an original member of the Hellions because he blamed Professor X for the death of his brother, the original Thunderbird. James Proudstar eventually came to terms with his anger and later joined the X-Men and Wolverine’s X-Force.

Some of the dead Hellions were revised by Selene in the Necrosha epic. No word on

New Mutants #16 courtesy Marvel

You can see the old school Hellions on the cover of New Mutants #48 New Mutants #48.

New Mutants #48 courtesy

  The Hellions are back (looking all techno zombie resurrected like they did in the Necrosha event!) For more of the Abnett and Lanning interview here’s the link.

Here’s an earlier post talking about the possibility of a New Mutants movie, my hope some of the characters appear in the next X-Men: First Class film and The Hunger Games star who’d be perfect for one of the kids.

By Editor

Fantastic Fraction: The Four and the “Other” Four?

Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel

  After writing X-Men, Invincible Iron Man and The Mighty Thor, Matt Fraction is taking on Marvel’s First Family and their extended family. This November get ready for Fraction and Mark Bagley’s Fantastic Four #1 and Fraction and Mike Allred’s FF #1.

  The Marvel NOW! relaunch sees Reed, Susan, Ben and Johnny taking the kids on a cosmic vacation in Fantastic Four while a select team of heroes stands in for them back on Earth in FF. Fraction tells why he’s chosen the Richards bunch.

  “The family unit of it all; adventure dad, adventure mom, that whole thing, when you’re a kid, is great. And The Thing. Greatest comics character of all time, or super greatest?  Now I’m struck that in 102 issues, Stan and Jack pretty much built a universe. That’s a tall order, creatively, an impossibly high bar. 

  I want to tackle that kind of challenge, to take on a book whose mandate, whose creative soul, means to invent wildly and with reckless abandon.”

FF #1 courtesy Marvel

  Fraction follows an epic run by Jonathan Hickman. What is the tone of the new title?

 “The Incredibles.” That “The Incredibles” was kind of the perfect modern Fantastic Four story and wasn’t a Fantastic Four story is, like, a provocation of creative war, y’know? Again, talk about impossibly high bars, but there you go. Can there be a Fantastic Four that’s wildly new, wildly inventive, and that appeals to everybody that might encounter it, regardless of their age or how many comics they’ve read? Let’s find out.”

For more of Fraction’s interview here’s the link.

My Geek Wish: Reed Richards vs. Dr. Nemesis in a mental clash of the scientific titans! I loved how Fraction wrote the X-Club on his Uncanny X-Men run. It would be great fun to see Reed put the arrogant genius in his place!

By Editor

Captain America Brings Back The Illuminati


New Avengers #29 courtesy Marvel

  Captain America (under the guidance of writer Brian Michael Bendis) attempts to reconvene the Illuminati in order to stop the Phoenix Force in New Avengers #29. A secret group  (Tony Stark, Namor, Doctor Strange, Reed Richards, Professor X and Black Bolt. Black Panther declined) went on covert missions. Bendis revealed the secret history of his this covert team had saved Earth in critical points of Marvel history. The group eventually disbanded.

  Cap hopes this Illuminati reunion might lead to the end of Avengers vs. X-Men. What I love about this tie-in issue is how it goes right into the minds and weary hearts of the heroes caught up in this epic battle. Bendis really captures what I expected Professor Xavier to be feeling. This a father figure anguishing over what his children are doing and what he must do to stop them. Bendis creates great moments for Professor X and Reed Richards who questions Cap’s desire to stop the “good work” of the Phoenix Five.

  The heart of the story is Cap and his relationship with Namor. Will the Phoenix possessed ally show up and poses a great moment: can a lifelong friendship hope to defeat the cosmic power of the entity?

  Artist Mike Deodato paints a somber portraits of beleaguered heroes. His shadowy art is perfect for the covert proceedings and the dark places these characters must go.

This issue takes me back to the first story featuring the secret group of heroes. Here’s a link to New Avengers: The Illuminati if you’d like to check it out.

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