Emerald City Comicon: Piloting Captain Marvel & the New Uniform

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy

  Marvel is promoting Carol Danvers to Captain Marvel this July. Kelly Sue DeConnick and artist Dexter Soy will pilot Ms. Marvel into a new series.

  I love Carol Danvers, in part, because of her history.  I talked with DeConnick at Emerald City Comicon this weekend in Seattle and asked about her approach for the new title.

  “This is going to be her moving forward but we’re not forgetting her past at all in fact we’re really focused on her history as a pilot. My pitch was Carol Danvers as Chuck Yeagher. It’s about her as a flyer,” DeConnick told me.

  Carol Danvers has been sporting the one piece bathing suit and thigh boots with long flowing hair for a while. I asked about the upcoming makeover and change in uniform designed by Jamie McKelvie.

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy

  “I don’t have any vendetta against the old uniform. It was gorgeous.”

  “As we had the opportunity to redesign and I was getting into the head of this character. I was working on a funeral scene and just the notion of her and just the notion of her going to a funeral in a swimsuit and thigh boots was a little odd. So we kept thinking of it as this is her uniform. She has a military background.”

  “This is a pilot. This is a flight suit. This is her uniform.”

Kelly Sue DeConnick had made Captain Marvel logo buttons for lucky fans at her table.

For Castle fans (the ABC show starring Nathan Fillion) I asked about a follow-up to Castle: Deadly Storm.

“Yeah I’m working on it. I’m writing pages on it right now,” and that the project will come out in October.

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