Nathan Fillion on Joss Whedon & Shakespeare

"Much Ado About Nothing" SIFF Opening Night
“Much Ado About Nothing” SIFF Opening Night

Nathan Fillion (Castle, Firefly, Serenity) stars in Joss Whedon’s retelling of Much Ado About Nothing. Fillion joined the director and other “Whedonverse” alum (Amy Acker, Alexis Denisof, Clark Gregg) for Opening Night of the Seattle International Film Festival.

Fillion explains the appeal of  Whedon’s modern take on William Shakespeare’s classic romantic war of words and wits:

The new film was shot in just twelve days at Whedon’s home as part of his break after The Avengers. Fillion has worked for Whedon on Firefly, Serenity, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Doctor Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog.   The star explains how being a member Continue reading Nathan Fillion on Joss Whedon & Shakespeare

Nathan Fillion, Amy Acker, Alexis Denisoff on MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING

photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy
photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy

Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillion, Alexis Denisof, Amy Acker and Clark Gregg helped kick off the Seattle International Film Festival. Whedon followed up Marvel’s The Avengers with his modern take on Shakespeare‘s Much Ado About Nothing.

photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy
photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy

While I work on my interviews with Fillion, Acker and Gregg (yes, I asked about Agents of SHIELD!) here’s Continue reading Nathan Fillion, Amy Acker, Alexis Denisoff on MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING

Geek Guide to SIFF

SIFF   You may scratch your heads with a film based on a Shakespeare being recommended by comic book geeks for geeks but this is Shakespeare by JOSS WHEDON!

The director/writer of Marvel’s The Avengers decided to shoot a film of Much Ado About Nothing in his backyard and invite a few actors you have may heard of like Nathan Fillion, Amy Acker, Alexis Denisof and Clark Gregg!

Yes, the stars of beloved shows and films like Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and The Avengers star in the Opening Night of the Seattle International Film Festival! Whedon, Denisof, Gregg, Acker and more stars from the film are coming to the Emerald City to appear at the Opening Night Gala on May 16th.

Here are some other geek-friendly Continue reading Geek Guide to SIFF

Avengers Firefly Mashup


Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel

  I bow to the Joss Whedon superfan who lovingly created this mashup of the director’s most beloved projects. The fan recreated the opening credits of Firefly with characters/stars of Marvel’s The Avengers.

By Editor with thanks to Huffington Post and this creative, passionate fan. This just fuels my wish for Nathan Fillion and Summer Glau as Hank and Janet Pym.

Richard Castle’s Derrick Storm Is Back


  Private Detective and Secret Agent Derrick Storm may be dead on the ABC series Castle but the creation of writer Richard Castle (played by Nathan Fillion) lives on in Marvel comics. Richard Castle’s Deadly Storm was an original graphic novel and adaptation of the first Derrick Storm adventure by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Brian Michael Bendis.

DeConnick and Bendis bring Derrick back this October with Richard Castle’s Storm Season an original graphic novel. I asked DeConnick about this project at Emerald City Comicon last March and she told me she was just working on it before coming down to the booth.

  Comic Book Resources posted a new interview with DeConnick about reteaming with Bendis and what Castle fans can expect from the new story.

  “I learn so much from Brian professionally, it’s a real privilege for me. Also, he gets really, really uncomfortable when people say nice things about him — like toe-fist uncomfortable — so as his dear friend, I feel obliged to go on at some length not only about his talent and generosity, but also about what an incredible father and family man he is and how his lovely bald head is shaped just so that it reflects the light and shines like the work of a intern who just found the lens flare button in Photoshop.

Also, I wish he would he would wear a bike helmet. That part is real.

  As for how it feels to return to do “Storm Season” — it’s awesome. I am super-proud of this book and this team and incredibly grateful to both Brian and to Andrew Marlowe [creator and show runner of “Castle“] for the opportunity.

  This new project is reader friendly for Castle television fans or anyone to jump in.

“Entirely. If you read “Deadly Storm,” I expect you’ll have more fun as you’ll catch a few Easter Eggs and you’ll have more context for a few of the references, but if you didn’t read “Deadly Storm” — even if for some insane reason you don’t watch “Castle” (Why? Why would you not watch “Castle?” You know it stars Nathan Fillion, don’t you?) you won’t be at sea. No prior knowledge is required.”

 Emanuela Lupacchino (X-Factor) is the artist on this new graphic novel.

  Back to costumed heroics – DeConnick’s new Captain Marvel series debuts in June.

  By Editor

A Fan’s Avengers Sequel Dreams

Avengers Origins: Ant-Man & The Wasp courtesy

  Marvel’s The Avengers exceeded all expectations! The ending left us with the promise of cosmic level villain and storyline. More on that ending here – careful there be spoilers!

  I would love to see Earth’s Mightiest Heroes take on Ultron because that would also mean the introduction of Henry Pym and Janet Van Dyne (aka Ant-Man & the Wasp!) (I can’t be root for Firefly reunion with Nathan Fillion and Summer Glau in those roles)

  Ultron is a criminally insane sentient robot obsessed with the eradication of humanity. Dr. Henry Pym used his own brain patterns in experiments to create a sentient artificial intelligence. The robot gained Pym’s intelligence and his mental instability but without any human conscience.

Avengers #22 courtesy

  Ultron created the Vision to infiltrate and destroy the Avengers but he betrayed his maker and became an Avenger (and husband of the Scarlet Witch.) Janet was Henry’s girlfriend and eventually became known as the Wasp. Ultron created a robot bride Jocasta modeled after Jan. Jocasta turned on her maker too.

Maybe that’s too many new Avengers and too many robots but what a villain! This cover is from the excellent Kurt Busiek and George Perez Avengers era.

 That’s just a geek dream. After Joss Whedon’s direction and Marvel Films production of The Avengers I’d even be excited about Egghead as the villain in the sequel!

By Editor

What do you hope to see in a sequel? Leave a comment or join us on Facebook.

Fan Expo Vancouver Sketch Duel Round 1

Sketch Duel Round 1 at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

  3 artists. 1 hour. A room packed with fans – 3 lucky ones would leave with a sketch. We all left with great stories in a unique non-panel panel experience. This was one of my favorite part of Fan Expo Vancouver this past weekend.

  Mike Choi, Stephen Sadowski and Georges Jeanty were pitted in this friendly competition. While they created art, fans asked questions, laughed at the name-dropping (I’m talking to you Mr. “Joss Whedon called me up “Jeanty) and the wisecracks (Mr. “Well Nathan Fillion called me” Mike Choi with the quick wit comebacks.)


Sketch Duel Round 1 at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

When asked about their favorite heroes: Stephen Sadowski revealed Nightwing. Sadowski is usually sporting a Nighwing logo t-shirt at most cons and he was showing his Nightwing pride here. He reflected that seeing Burt Ward at Fan Expo reminded him of why he loved Robin. Dick Grayson didn’t have powers. He just wanted to be a hero. He said his favorite work was on JSA with Geoff Johns.

  Georges Jeanty named the Thing as his favorite hero and references the classic Marvel Two-in-One series in which Ben Grimm was paired up with a different hero each issue.- Jeanty also named Tigra and couldn’t believe he saw a fangirl dressed as the Avenger at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle. I remember seeing her too – great body paint work!

  What were the weirdest fan requests? Sadowski said there’s a guy who goes around collecting sketches of superheroes eating pie. After many close encounters, Sadowski said he finally gave in and did the hero/pie sketch. I asked from the audience “who was the hero eating the pie?”

 “Wildcat,” he responded. I can see that, he’s a boxer, needs the carbs.

  Jeanty revealed his biggest fan request was a commission of Buffy kissing Willow. He produced a rated G version of the Slayer kissing the witch on the cheek – much to the disappointment of the guy who expecting a racier kiss.

Mike Choi's Round 1 Sketch at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

  The results – Choi produced a beautiful Emma Frost sketch. The White Queen in the audience didn’t win.


Georges Jeanty Sketch Round 1 at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

 Jeanty revealed an adorable but empowering Buffy, the Vampire Slayer sporting a Supergirl uniform.


Stephen Sadowski Sketch Round 1 at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

Stephen Sadowski showed that Aquaman is awesome – and a fangirl dressed as Mystique walked away with! By Editor

Sketch Duel Round 1 at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by