TRUE BLOOD Star Wants FIGHT CLUB of Superhero Movies

Batman/Superman #1 courtesy DC Comics
Batman/Superman #1 courtesy DC Comics

True Blood star Joe Manganiello is rumored be among the front-runners to play the Dark Knight opposite Henry Cavill in a Superman/Batman movie.


The on-screen team-up looks like it will be a clash of titans before an alliance of heroes with inspiration from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns.


A battle between the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight is just fine with Manganiello if he gets the role.


“I want to do something that’s a real deconstruction of the genre,” Manganiello told MTV News. “There’s so many superhero projects out there that it’s almost like they’re becoming normal, so I want to do one that just flips it on its head and makes it crazy. I want to make the ‘Fight Club’ of superhero movies.”


Manganiello was up for Superman before and played bully Flash Thompson in Spider-Man. I recommend reading more of the MTV story including the author’s reasons why Manganiello is perfect for a Venom movie.


By Editor

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