Top 5 Comic Books for September 4, 2013

Forever Evil #1 courtesy DC Comics
Forever Evil #1 courtesy DC Comics

September is Superhero Showdown Month!

In this corner…DC Comics brings on the bad guys with Villains Month and Forever Evil!

And in this corner…Marvel Comics unleashes X-Men from past, present and future in X-Men Battle of the Atom!

The main event is event vs. event! Who will win? Time will tell but here are the top 5 picks of the week:


Forever Evil #1 The Justice League is dead. Evil takes over with DC Comics Villains Month! Geoff Johns and David Finch launch this brand new series starring the bad guys you love to hate. When the real power behind the Secret Society and Trinity War is revealed will Lex Luthor be the only hope for the DC Universe? Lex Luthor, Hero?


Batman #23.3 Joker Of all the Villains Month stand-alone stories this has to be THE ONE to beat! The New 52 origins of the Clown Prince of Crime and his strange connection to a gorilla (not Grodd, he’s taking over Flash #23.1 also this week.)


Infinity #2 The Avengers are fighting a losing war against ancient aliens in space when Thanos and his Black Order invade Earth. You’ve seen what happens when Thanos demands a “tribute!” Will the Black Bolt and the Inhumans pay?


X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1 courtesy Marvel

Star Wars #1 Based on the original script by George Lucas, Dark Horse presents a comic book starring Anakin Starkiller, General Luke Skywalker and a big green alien named Han Solo. The original vision and rough draft for The Star Wars comes to life in this new comic.


X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1 X-Men from the future arrive at the Jean Grey School with a mission: send back the original X-Men to their own time by any means necessary! Brian Michael Bendis and Frank Cho kick off the mutant war in this X-Men 50th Anniversary event. (All-New X-Men #16 is Part Two of the story out this week, too!)


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