Becky Cloonan is the guest artist on this week’s Batman#12
“If I could go back in time and tell myself ten years ago that I would be drawing Batman … well I don’t know if I would because I might mess up continuity, so here I am,” Cloonan told THE SOURCE. “I admit that I had some stage fright going in to this book, but Scott Snyder wrote an awesome script about a character that I could instantly identify with, and was on top of that, fun to draw. Harper is my kind of girl- I even had a similar haircut when I was 20, although I was admittedly not as cool.”
“Scott had me drawing her in such cool environments too, from living in her crappy slum apartment to working on The Grid – even stealing cupcakes at Wayne Manor (what did I tell you? She’s my kind of girl!). Every scene had me thinking of how Harper would react in each new environment.”
“A lot of time was spent thinking about her facial expressions and hand gestures, how she does her hair and what her posture is like, building on what Scott had told me about her and using Greg Capullo’s amazing designs to help inform my sense of who this character is. I had a great time drawing this book, and I can’t say how happy I am to have the opportunity to help bring Harper to life. Also, BATMAN!!”
Batman #0 is in September the Greg Capullo returns for Batman #13 – the return of the Joker.
If you’re a fan of Becky Cloonan then support and celebrate other creative women in comics – here’s a preview of GeekGirlCon.
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