Summer Annuals for Superman, Batman, Flash and Animal Man!

Brand new annuals starring some of your favorite DC icons will heat up your Summer. DC Comics revealed the covers for Animal Man, Batman, Detective Comics, The Flash and Superman Annuals arriving this July.

Animal Man Annual #2 courtesy DC Comics

ANIMAL MAN ANNUAL #2 by Jeff Lemire and Travel Foreman JULY 31st

“Still reeling from the shocking death of his son, Buddy Baker is taking his grief out on the world around him. But in this special story, learn how the bonds of family can be stronger than the forces of evil—even when that evil is a horde of massive, slavering spiders!”

Batman Annual #2 courtesy DC Comics

BATMAN ANNUAL #2 by Scott Snyder and Aaron Lopresti with a cover by Jock

“A special ZERO YEAR tie-in! Bruce Wayne’s first year as the Dark Knight has just barely begun…and already dangerous elements are coalescing, leading Bruce toward his final destiny.”

Detective Comics Annual #2 courtesy DC Comics

DETECTIVE COMICS ANNUAL #2 by John Layman with art by Scot Eaton and Jaime Mendoza with a cover by Andy Clarke.

“It’s a terrible, dangerous time to be a cop in Gotham City. At a time when police are being targeted for assassination, Gotham’s Finest also face a threat from within, as a shape-changing identity thief has infiltrated the GCPD and threatens to destroy it from within. Will he unravel the mystery behind this secretive killer before he loses any more of the few allies he has left on the force?”


The Flash Annual #2 courtesy DC Comics

THE FLASH ANNUAL #2 Written by Brian Buccellato and Sami Basri, Backup story by Nicole Dubuc and Cully Hamner. Cover by Francis Manapul

“Find out how The Flash and Green Lantern first met when a case they teamed up together to solve years ago rears its head again in the present! It involves a foe neither of them can defeat on their own, and they might not have much luck together either! The outcome of this will affect The Flash for years to come… Plus, a backup story by Nicole Dubuc (the Young Justice cartoon)!


Superman Annual #2 courtesy DC Comics

SUPERMAN ANNUAL #2 by Scott Lobdell and Frank Hannah with art by Pascale Alixe, cover by Andy Kubert.

“What repercussions lurk beneath the surface from Brainiac’s first attack—and how does it all set the stage for the battle of Metropolis? Plus, how can the Man of Steel fight something he can’t physically stop!”

These Annuals arrives July 31st.

By Editor

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