X-Men: First Class Sequel Plot?

  The sequel of X-Men: First Class is moving ahead with director Matthew Vaughn back on board and a release date of July 18, 2014. The story continues the story of Professor Xavier and Magneto. Michael Fassbender has said he’s working with writer Simon Kinberg on the script. But could the next X-film be inspired by one of the greatest Chris Claremont/John Byrne era stories?

  Ain’t It Cool News reports that the studio has registered the title Days of Future Past with the MPAA.  That may not mean anything to the movie-goer just looking for a great action film. But to an X-Men comic reader – it’s close to the Holy Grail of mutant epics.

Uncanny X-Men #141 courtesy Marvel.com

  In Uncanny X-Men #141 and 142 the Days of Future Past was a powerhouse two-part story in two timelines. In a future North America rules by Sentinels (mutant hunting robots) most super heroes have been hunted down and exterminated or imprisoned. Magneto, Storm, Colossus and his wife Kate (Kitty Pryde) are in the camp. Rachel Summers (daughter of Scott/Cyclops and Jean Grey) and Franklin Richards (son of Reed and Sue of the Fantastic Four) are together and living in the prison camp too. Wolverine is with an underground resistance movement.

  The future X-Men conceive a daring plot to rewrite history and change the nightmare future. Rachel uses her psionic powers to send Kate’s consciousness into the past and into the body of Kitty Pryde who just joined the X-Men. Kitty must convince the mutants to go to Washington, D.C. to prevent the assassination of Senator Robert Kelly by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants led by Mystique. The killing of Kelly led to the country’s hatred of mutants and implementation of Sentinels. While the past X-Men race to prevent the assassination, the remaining future X-Men fight the Sentinels.

Uncanny X-Men #142 courtesy Marvel.com

  The next X-Men film will likely not follow the storyline exactly but it could be an exciting way to reboot the entire film franchise but like Spock created a new timeline in JJ Abrams Star Trek.

  We could forget X-Men: The Last Stand ever happened. Professor Xavier and Cyke would still be alive. It could be a whole new beginning for the film franchise and I love Rachel Summers.

 Thanks to Collider.

By Editor

Avengers Versus X-Men: Rogue/Ms. Marvel Rematch


X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy Marvel.com

  One of the most anticipated fight scenarios in the Avengers vs. X-Men epic has to be Rogue against Ms. Marvel. The two women have a history but Marvel is showing us the future with new art of the upcoming rematch in X-Men Legacy #269. 


X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy Marvel.com

  Back when Rogue was a bad girl under orders from Mystique she took on the Avenger in a battle that dramatically changed both their lives. Rogue permanently absorbed Ms. Marvel’s powers and for years lived with Carol Danvers inside her mind. The aftermath of this tragic battle led Rogue to ask Professor X for help and she eventually became a member of the team. Ms. Marvel was comatose for years but thanks to Professor X’s help she recovered and eventually became a high-flying hero again.


X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy Marvel.com

In recent issues of X-Men Legacy Avengers arrived at the Jean Grey School and fighting erupted. Rogue has been pushed to the limit and reminded of what her mutant power can do. Rogue’s battle with She-Hulk was just a warm-up. The bad blood of the past is sure to be in the minds of Rogue and Carol as they battle again.

X-Men Legacy #269 courtesy Marvel.com

  Christos Gage and David Baldeon chronicle this AvX rematch in X-Men Legacy #269 out June 27th.

This is probably my toughest battle to pick a winner. While I love the X-Men and Rogue, I really love Ms. Marvel. Carol Danvers is one heroine who’s overcome incredible obstacles.

By Editor

X-Men Wedding Follow Up: More Gay Mutants in Love

  Northstar’s upcoming wedding in Astonishing X-Men next month and the reintroduction of a gay Alan Scott Green Lantern inspired my story X Marks Diversity – which looked back at how the X-Men have always been groundbreaking when it comes to characters of different races, cultures, religions and sexual orientation.

X-Statix Volume 1 courtesy Marvel.com

I made a glaring omission. As I was reading today’s Axel-In-Charge column on Comic Book Resources  CBR’s Kiel Phegley reminded us that current Marvel Editor in Chief Axel Alonso was editor of the Rawhide Kid: Slap Leather. This Marvel MAX series relaunched the Wild West hero as open and flamboyantly gay drew criticism from anti and pro gay groups more than a decade ago. This led Alonso to remind us of two other gay heroes.

  “There are plenty of gay characters in Marvel Comics that fly under the radar. Take Phat and Vivisector, for instance: teammates on the [Peter] Milligan/[Mike] Allred X-Force/X-Statix series that were also lovers. I don’t remember them provoking any controversy and I don’t think Rawhide Kid paved the road for them or any other gay characters; the opportunity was always there. Whenever you create a new character, the details of their interior or private life – stuff like their sexuality – will at some time become relevant.”

  Northstar’s proposal is Marvel history now. Alonso revealed how recent events affected the storyline.

 “Our best stories reflect stuff that happens in the world outside your window. When the Twin Towers fell, we did the Spidey black cover issue [“Amazing Spider-Man #36”]. when New York State legalized gay marriage, we wondered how Northstar – an openly gay super hero who’s in a long-term monogamous relationship – would respond to that development.

 The world outside New Yorkers’ windows is one where gay marriage is recognized. But remember: For Northstar and Kyle, getting married is just the beginning of the story – the easy part. Marriage isn’t about the week’s vacation in Tahiti – it’s about the weekend trip to the K-Mart. A year from now, who knows – we could be looking at the historic divorce issue!” [Laughter]

For more of today’s column – a Friday must for me and I recommend for Marvel fans- here’s the link.

  I complete forget this mutant couple and this X-Force reboot from two gifted creators! The title was so different at the time – I always thought of it as an X-Men book by Vertigo.

By Editor

X-Men: First Class Set For 2014

Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy from X-Men: First Class courtesy Marvel.com

  The Summer of 2014 mutates! The sequel to X-Men: First Class is now scheduled for July 18, 2014 according to Box Office Mojo. While discussing Prometheus Michael Fassbender revealed he’s been talking with writer Simon Kinberg about the script which will continue revealing the early days of Magneto and Professor X. Most of the original cast including Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique are all set to return as well as director Matthew Vaughn.

  I’ve been posting about how much I hope to see Magneto’s children (Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Polaris) appear but I wonder if we might see more of Professor Xavier’s past – Gabrielle Haller, his lost love from his days in Israel, who gave him a son named David. The son became the villain Legion – known for his multiple personalities and mutant powers.

By Editor

Avengers Vs X-Men Makes Rogue Lose It

X-Men Legacy #266 courtesy Marvel

  It’s awesome yet a little scary to see Rogue cut loose and tap into a dark side of her power in X-Men Legacy #267. This AvX tie-in issue is a thrilling showdown between a squad of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and teachers at the Jean Grey School.

  Rogue and Iron Man trade memories while trading punches. The Armored Avenger taunts Rogue about their last clash. Back in the classic Avengers Annual #10 Rogue was still a bad girl and took on the entire team at Avengers mansion at the direction of Mystique. It’s cool to see Rogue use a darker aspect of her power to kick She-Hulk and Iron Man’s arrogant a—-. For a longtime fan who knows the price Rogue paid for her past crimes seeing this is bittersweet.

  I’ve been wondering when Kitty Pryde would join the fight and this issue Kitty’s quick action reveals an advantage that turns the tide in the fight. Rogue may have wanted to stay out of AvX but this battle has made her eager to take on more Avengers.

  By Editor

Astonishing X-Men Northstar’s Wedding Preview Pages

The wedding of Northstar and Kyle was a reason to celebrate for supporters of gay marraige. The first gay wedding of the Marvel Universe hit mainstream media. My stories made the front page of KOMONEWS.COM and the story was picked up on KOMO News Radio. Thanks for all the shares and comments – even the negative ones!

The announcement of Northstar’s nuptuals in Astonishing X-Men #51 by Marjorie Liu were followed by a variant cover by Marko Djurdjevic then a special “create your own wedding album” cover by Phil Noto.

By Editor


Sexiest James Bond Girls Are X-Men Too

Courtesy MI6-HQ.com

  The new James Bond girl of Skyfall has not even hit the big screen yet but she’s already in the top 10 of sexiest Bond girls. Berenice Marlohe continues the legacy of French actresses on 007 movies as a mysterious character named Severine. She was number 7.

  FHM has been ranking sexiest women in the world and MI6.com compiled the top 100 lists for Bond girls, crunched the points and have unveiled this rundown of sexiest Bond girl rankings:

  My favorite villainess Xenia Onnatop of Goldeneye Famke Janssen was 13. Janssen is also famous as Jean Grey in the X-Men movies.

  Halle Berry (Jinx from Die Another Day and Storm from the X-Men movies) was number one with 1,499 points.

A huge thanks to the number crunchers  at MI6.com who compiled this master list.


Brian Wood Takes Over Two X-Men Books

X-Men preview art by David Lopez courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  Brian Wood is taking over two X-Men titles in June. Wood kicked off 2012 with his Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega limited series. If that series is an indicator of what he has planned for X-Men and Ultimate Comics: X-Men then prepare your mind to be mutated.

  My big question for Wood when I met him at Emerald City Comicon was is his plan was to keep Storm as team of X-Men. He responded with a cool “yes, you kind of have to keep her.”

  Fans asked Wood plenty of questions on X-Position on Comic Book Resources, which featured new art from his two X series.

 When asked about Storm’s team’s mission:

“The mission statement is to really play up the fact they are a “security team” — really take that to an elevated level they aren’t really at now.  I made them mobile, global, and with a mission mandate that will see them doing less of what Victor was doing and more along the lines of something like “The Authority” or “Planetary” — investigating weird stuff that has a tendency to go epic and cause a lot of property damage.  And it involves a lot of gray area morality, Storm and the rest of them out in the field having to make decisions on the spot without the benefit of consulting with Scott first.  Well, perhaps it’s a blessing to not have to consult with Scott?”

Wood went to confirm Warpath is out, Pixie is in, and he’s created new bad guys.

Ultimate Comics: X-Men preview art by Paco Medina courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

 Over to the Ultimate-verse:

  Personally, I love Kitty Pryde/The Shroud in Ultimate Comics X-Men and Wood promised the addition the Ultimate Jean Grey aka Karen Grant.

  “Absolutely, and in a major, major way.  But not for a while.  This trajectory I’ve put Kitty and her team on needs to play out a bit, and once we’re past the “Divided We Fall” event and are into the next phase of the story, Jean’ll be back.  And she’ll be coming back to a very different America and a very different Kitty Pryde.”

For the entire Q & A plus more images here’s the link.

By Editor