Astonishing X-Men’s Northstar: After the Gay Wedding

Astonishing X-Men #51 preview courtesy Marvel on Comics Newsarama

  When a hero gets married it can lead to a dead end…creatively. Marvel even wiped out Peter Parker’s marraige to Mary Jane. Northstar gets hitched in Astonishing X-Men #51. After the headlines and hype over a gay wedding in a comic book what happens next for Jean-Paul and Kyle?

  Writer Marjorie Liu tells Comics Newsarama how Northstar’s married life will fit into the series and the difference of telling a story with a married versus single hero.

  “This is just the beginning. By getting married a whole new direction has opened up, story-wise, for them both. Marriage isn’t the end-point of a relationship. It’s just a stepping stone, one aspect of a long-term evolution between two people who have, for whatever reason, decided to take a leap of faith and say, “Well, hey, this is a person who I want to *try* with for the rest of my life.” Which is not a guarantee of perfection — far from it.

  Certainly, the stresses haven’t changed. Kyle is still a human man who has to watch his husband leave at a moment’s notice to save the world, and who can’t be at his side, or help protect him. In some ways he’s a liability — in danger, because of his husband’s “profession” as super hero. For Northstar, he has to deal with the fact that he’s part of a team, a family, that will always understand what he’s going through in ways that Kyle never will — and that can be very lonely when he goes home.”

 Northstar was Marvel’s first openly gay hero. Marjorie Liu was asked about the importance of Jean-Paul to Marvel and to fans.

 “Northstar is certainly important as a representative of the gay community within the Marvel Universe. But his value as a character is also grounded on something more than just his sexual orientation (as would be the case in real life). He’s vain, arrogant, but also a man who risks his life without a thought in order to help others. You can count on his loyalty — and his quick temper — and he’s been portrayed, again and again, as someone who lives life to the absolute fullest, without regrets or second-guesses. He loves, and acts on that love; he gets angry, and then acts on that anger. Northstar is no fake.”

As a long-time fan of X-Men and Alpha Flight – I’m thrilled to see Aurora and rest of Jean-Paul’s Canadian team in the big wedding issue.

For the entire story and more preview art here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

By Editor

X-Men Gay Wedding Week


Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel

  Mainstream media hype hit. Protests came and went. All because a man proposed to the guy he loved. The man is an X-Man. The wedding is the week in Astonishing X-Men #51.

  Northstar and Kyle Jinadu tie the knot in New York City just days before many American cities are celebrating gay pride. To the non-comic book reading world this may seem radical but the X-Men have always broken barriers with socially relevant stories and characters.

  Marvel’s first openly gay hero, Jean-Paul Beaubier proposed to his boyfriend Kyle Jinadu in issue #50. Creative team Marjorie Liu, Mike Perkins and Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso talked about the landmark issue on

  “The Marvel Universe has always reflected the world outside your window, so we strive to make sure our characters, relationships and stories are grounded in that reality,” said Axel Alonso, Marvel Editor in Chief. “We’ve been working on this story for over a year to ensure Northstar and Kyle’s wedding reflects Marvel’s ‘world outside your window’ tradition.”

Astonishing X-Men #51 variant courtesy Marvel

  “The story of Northstar and Kyle is universal, and at the core of everything I write: a powerful love between two people who have to fight for it against all odds,” said writer Marjorie Liu. “This is the quintessential Marvel story, one that blends the modern world with the fantasy of super heroes in order to tell an exciting story that begins with a wedding—and continues in ways you can’t imagine.”

 “As a long-time fan of the X-Men, it’s not only a true honor to be part of such a historically significant story but also a complete joy,” said artists Mike Perkins.

  Northstar was born in Quebec and a member of the Canadian team Alpha Flight when he premiered in Uncanny X-Men #120. John Byrne wrote and drew the Alpha Flight original series and hinted as Jean-Paul’s sexual orientation. It wasn’t until 1992 when Northstar came out in an Alpha Flight #106 by writer Scott Lobdell. Northstar was recruited by Professor X to join the X-Men. Cyclops asked Jean-Paul to join the team when they moved to San Francisco. Kyle manages Northstar’s winter sports event company. The couple have been together since 2009 and recently moved to New York City after Wolverine invited Northstar to be part of his new school for mutants.

 As a longtime X-Men fan it’s amazing to see how the story of mutants has evolved with the political and cultural times. When Northstar was first introduced in the 1980’s it was against editorial policy to have a character be gay. Northstar’s coming out in 1992 was controversial. Now we’re about see the wedding of a gay hero. Maybe Northstar will appear in a future X-Men movie?


Astonishing X-Men #51 variant courtesy Marvel

Astonishing X-Men #51 arrives with two variant covers. Marko Djurdjevic created an intimate cover as Jean-Paul and Kyle embrace. What I think is more symbolic: the Create Your Own Wedding Album cover by Phil Noto. It’s important that Jean-Paul and Kyle’s ceremony in featured on the same page as Storm and the Black Panther, Reed and Susan Richards and other famous Marvel couples on their special day.

  Northstar and Kyle’s relationship is just one element of Marjorie Liu’s early run on the book. The mystery woman behind the new Marauders, Warbird’s potentially lethal attraction to Iceman, the return of Karma and Cecelia Reyes are all intriguing reasons to enjoy the book.

 Mutants are the evolution of the human race in the comic books. This week’s wedding is a sign how humanity is evolving to greater equality. The fight for equality is far from over. A comic book wedding may or may not change someone’s view on marriage equality. Seeing an openly gay superhero get married with the support of one of the world’s most popular teams may give someone hope that it does get better.

By Editor

Storm and Brian Wood Take Command of X-Men


X-Men #30 courtesy Marvel

  Brian Wood took over X-Men #30 with a new mission and mystery for Storm’s team. This issue felt so good because it took me back to the Chris Claremont and Paul Smith era. As much as I love the mutants and creative teams all the X-books can seem too big with too many characters tied to way to many plot threads.

  Cyclops has made Storm leader of a security task force to defend mutants. Ororo leads a small team where everyone has a purpose, every mutant’s power fits into making them an effective unit and everyone gets screen time. Wood definitely demonstrates this team is under Storm’s authority.

  Blank Generation begins with the discovery of what might be a new mutant race, a murder, two monsters and Storm defiantly keeping secrets from Scott. Wood sets a strong tone and pace. The art reminds me of Paul Smith but more nuanced. David Lopez draws the X-Women feminine yet strong without the typical cheese. This book reminded me of when there was just one book – and it felt nostalgic and exciting but with a dark tone.

By Editor

Avengers vs. X-Men: Black Widow or Magik


AvX Vs #3 courtesy Marvel

  AvX: Vs. #3 gives you more of the battle you didn’t see in Avengers vs. X-Men. Two Russian femme fatales face off! Black Widow is Marvel’s deadliest super spy. Magik is a mutant sorceress who can access the power of a dimension of demons. Christopher Yost, Terry and Rachel Dodson give you more of the battle of the Russian born heroines.

  Let me say first that I loved Marvel’s The Avengers. I commend Joss Whedon for making the Black Widow work. Natasha is known for her Widow’s Bite. We kind of saw in the movie but it was never blatantly referenced. Black Widow is armed with bracelets that fire energy blasts – her bite. She kind of blasted one of the Chitauri in the big battle. In this AvX Vs. #3 preview art we see Natasha use her blasters.

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  I was reminded of that my by friend and fan Mitch and when I saw this awesome interior preview art (courtesy of Comic Book Resources in a recent Axel-In-Charge column) of AvX Vs #3 by Terry Dodson. In this issue of the ‘all fights’ series the Russian superspy takes on the Russian mutant sorceress.

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  Natasha vs Illyana doesn’t seem like a fair fight. Magik is the queen of a demon dimension. These preview pages don’t look good for Natasha but never underestimate the fighting and survival skills of the Widow.Ultimately I want the X-Men to win but I’m picking Natasha to win this one.

  This issue also features Magik’s big brother, Colossus, against Ben Grimm of the Fantastic Four in a tale by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness.

By Editor

Avengers Vs X-Men: Civil War in the Phoenix Five

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 courtesy

  Lovers Cyclops and Emma Frost go to war in a new preview of the Avengers vs. X-Men #11 cover by Jim Cheung courtesy













In the finale of AvX Act One in Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Colossus and Magik became hosts of the Phoenix Force instead of Hope Summers due to Iron Man’s actions in Avengers vs. X-Men #5

  Captain America takes a cosmic hit on this cover too but what would drive Scott and Emma to attack each other?

  I had suspected that an X-Woman might be sacrificed in this storyline. Will Emma revert to her villainous ways? Don’t forget this image of Emma! Has the Phoenix Force inflamed the slow burning attraction between Emma and Namor? Will Emma think that Scott is wrong and must stop him to save the mutant race? I still suspect the sliver of the Void (once trapped in Emma and now buried in Cyclops’ mind) may be a factor in Scott’s zealous actions.

By Editor

For my previously published theories click here.

Avengers vs X-Men #6 Preview: Welcome Planet Utopia By Phoenix

  Marvel is teasing the next chapter of the AvX epic with new art and more from Avengers vs. X-Men #6! Avengers vs. X-Men #5  just hit comic shops so in case you haven’t read the finale of Act One….














  Introducing the Phoenix Five: Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Colossus and Magik are the hosts of the Phoenix Force. According to the mission is “to remake the Marvel Universe in their image.”

Avengers vs X-Men #6 courtesy Marvel

  Jonathan Hickman and Olivier Coipel give us Pax Utopia through the eyes of the Phoenix Five in Avengers vs. X-Men #6 out in two weeks.

So what does this mean? Here are some burning questions:

  Did the Phoenix burn the Cyttorak power out of Colossus?

  Does this No More Avengers mean this new world is similar to House of M?

  Will the other X-Men side with (if they even exist anymore) Wolverine and the Avengers?

Avengers vs X-Men #6 courtesy Marvel

 Given the Phoenix/Jean history with Emma Frost – will the White Queen survive?

  What about the Generation Hope kids? Were the Five Lights destined to host the Phoenix or will these kids play a role?

  There’s a good reason we saw Professor X and Legion? Time for Charles to get back in the game and possibly reclaim leadership of the mutant race.

  Scarlet Witch has been on the sidelines – Will the mutant who can warp reality and command chaos magic take on the Phoenix Force?


  By Editor


SPOILER ALERT Avengers vs X-Men Unexpected Game Changer!

  Marvel teased that the final chapter of the AvX first act would be a game changer. After reading Avengers vs. X-Men #5 I was left stunned and surprised.














  Iron Man made have showed off why he’s a genius badass but he made a serious miscalculation. The Phoenix Force was meant to bond with Hope but it’s now bonded with five of the most powerful X-Men: Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Colossus and Magik. The Avengers now have to deal with five cosmic powered mutants who were already pretty ticked off at them – guess we know why Marvel has been teasing No More Avengers.

Avengers vs X-Men #6 courtesy Marvel

“The mutants are now the Earth’s mightiest heroes, capable of doing all this cosmic-scale, epic (stuff). And the Avengers are scrambling to keep up and keep things in perspective,” writer Matt Fraction told USA Today. “They’re wildly evolving the world overnight. They’re doing the work of a Phoenix, only instead of one there’s five and each one has their own personality and thoughts, and things are great at first. But they’re the X-Men. They’re going to stop getting along at some point, and batten down the hatches.”

“There’s a specific reason it resonates that it would be these five,” Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso added. “It has to do with what our master plan for these characters has been for some time.”

Avengers vs X-Men #6 interior art courtesy Marvel

Thanks to Comic Book Resources for the quotes and preview images – you can read and see even more there.

I feel like you really have to read Uncanny X-Men #13 this week too. I have to wonder if the Five Lights (the mutants of Generation Hope) were intended to be the Phoenix Five instead of the adult members of Cyke’s Extinction Team. Maybe Kieron Gillen’s use of the extinction team moniker was appropriate because Cyclops and company certainly have the power to destroy and reshape the human race.

  As I read this week’s AvX issues I could help think back to Greg Pak’s Warsong and Endsong epics. I hated them – hear me out – because the stories were so gut wrenching the watch because I loved these characters – which is the sign of great writing. I sense we’re going to that kind of storytelling with act two. 

  John Romita Jr deserves huge accolades for his final chapter in the epic. The smaller cast in the moon battle allow the artist to show his best work of the story so far. The determination of a scorched Wolverine, the fear in Hope’s eyes, Tony Stark’s sense of awe as he tries to kill a God like force are standout moments.

  The act one twist takes us into new territory (maybe darker shades of House of M?) The writers have shown us anything can happen next.

By Editor

Greg Pak’s Dazzling New X-Treme X-Men

X-Treme X-Men #2 courtesy

  The X-Men’s rock n roller shines in a brand new ongoing X-Treme X-Men debuting this July 25th by Greg Pak. The new book spins out of Pak’s Astonishing X-Men run and features a team of X-Men from various timelines. The versatile writer tells why this new mutant book will shine among a crowd of X-titles.

“Dazzler, baby! We’re taking our universe’s Dazzler, the Alison Blaire you know and love, and throwing her into a series of mind-blowing, life-and-death, cross-dimensional, alternate universe adventures that will eventually result in a massive threat to our own reality.

  Dazzler’s a phenomenal lead character for a book like this; she’s funny and wry and irreverent, but she’s also a massively powerful mutant warrior and a leader-in-the-making who’s about to be tested to the extreme. So she’s completely down to earth and accessible, which makes her the perfect kind of character to undertake a huge hero’s journey like this. She’s long been due for a story that brings her to the forefront of the mutantverse like this, and I’m thrilled to be along for the ride.”


X-Treme X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Pak has assembled (sorry Avengers) a team of mutant heroes from various dimensions and goes into the pros and cons of taking on alternate versions of established favorites.

  “Dazzler’s team consists of surprising alternate versions of Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Emma Frost. Working with alternate versions of characters is a blast because you have the opportunity to really crystallize some of the things that really work about the character while trying some shocking new ideas that you’d never be able to do with our universe’s version. The extra bonus here is that although these characters are from alternate realities, they’re all absolutely in continuity—and we’ll eventually see their impact on our universe.

  For his entire interview here’s the link. 

 I’m thrilled to see Dazzler back on the front burner. Anyone remember when she faced off against an obsessive fan named…The Juggernaut? That was a great Claremont issue.