Geekcasting: Hunger Games Actor For X-Men: First Sequel UPDATED

The New Mutants graphic novel cover courtesy

Updated! I promise I had this draft long before I saw this recent story teasing a possible New Mutants movie. Here’s the Collider link so you can read it for yourself. Basically when pressed Fox’s Tom Rothman is smartly coy in his response. You can be the judge.

Original story:

  It’s time Fox show some love for the New Mutants era for the sequel to X-Men: First Class. Cannonball aka Sam Guthrie would be a perfect addition to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.

 The film series has mixed and matches X-Men from various eras. First Class included everyone from original X-Man Beast and Angel Salvadore from the Grant Morrison New X-Men run. Time for the

  Jack Quade played the Tribute ironically named Marvel in The Hunger Games and now that I’ve seen more photos of him I keep picturing him as the poor miner kid from Kentucky who blasts his way into the Xavier school.

  The New Mutants graphic novel by Chris Claremont would be a great source of inspiration for the sequel script. X-Men books and films have always demonstrated diversity. Having Danielle Moonstar (Mirage) or Xian Coy Manh (Karma) in the next film would continue that tradition. Dani is a Native American had the power to create illusions of her enemies’ fears or wishes and co-lead the team with Sam. Karma is of Vietnamese descent and has the power to possess minds. In recent years Xian or Shan came out as a lesbian.

 Sam and his sister Paige (aka Husk) are currently teaching at the Jean Grey School under headmaster Wolverine. Dani and Karma are on a New Mutants team based in San Francisco.

By Editor

This Geek’s Updated Opinion: Of course I’ll go see any X-Men related movie but with the X-Men: First Class franchise firmly set in the past would it make sense to have another X franchise set in the present? No disrespect to the New Mutants fans, creators or characters but I don’t think they can hold up on their own as a film franchise. I would be curious how Fox would pull it off. Professor X founded the New Mutants but Magneto served as their instructor and eventually the Cable turned the team into X-Force.  As I stated above I would love to see Sam, Dani or Karma in an X-Men: First Class sequel or rebooted present day X-Men film.

Action, Insight and the X-Men’s Hannibal Lecter

Uncanny X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  Kieron Gillen is on a wicked roll with Uncanny X-Men #11. UNIT was established in the previous issues as a powerful new threat to the mutants. I call him the X-Men’s version of Ultron. Gillen calls him a cross of “C3PO and Hannibal Lecter” and that’s perfect description given the eerie moment in the latest issue.

  UNIT may be caged under Utopia but he’s still a real menace. There’s a scene between Hope and the alien/machine that reminds me of Hannibal and Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs when his finger touched hers.

  The issue moves before and between the events of AvX #1 and #2. While this issue is packed with action, Gillen takes us inside the minds of these X-Men. Colossus and Red Hulk’s battle underwater continues and it’s a brutal beating on both sides. Peter has an epic war inside his mind and soul. This fight begins as a trying to defeat an Avengers but turns into a battle for what’s left of Peter’s humanity. There’s even an “oh —-” moment when the Red Hulk looks scared. The journey of the Colossal Juggernaut continues to be one of the most intriguing element of Gillen’s X-run.

Uncanny X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  I really enjoyed getting inside the mind of the arrogant and awesome Namor. I’ve loved the Atlantean being part of the X-Men world but we learn why he’s chosen to stand with the mutants and insight into the Cyclops

 I think Gillen possesses a real grasp of each X-Man’s “voice.” This power packed issue really adds a vital new element to the AvX conflict.

Astonishing X-Men Showdown Before the Wedding

Astonishing X-Men #49 courtesy Marvel

  Northstar’s past is coming back with a vengeance. A new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is back on the attack. Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins kicked off their Astonishing X-Men run with a frightening future sequence involving Northstar on the run from his new teammates.

  Issue 48 revealed Northstar and boyfriend Kyle’s home life in New York City and Gambit getting cozy with Dr. Cecelia Reyes (another blast from the past) when Wolverine, Iceman and Warbird show up. 

 Issue 49 is out and I’m eager for a major fight with this new villain team (which appears to be a mix of Matt Fraction’s Sisterhood and the Marauders from the Messiah Complex epic.) There must be a ton of quick action because a wedding is scheduled for next month’s issue.

Astonishing X-Men Flashback

Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy Marvel

  This takes me back! John Cassaday provides a variant for Astonishing X-Men #50 out this June. This is an homage to his astonishing X-Men #1. This upcoming landmark issue by Marjorie Liu will feature an X-Men wedding but this cover celebrates the Joss Whedon/John Cassady era.     Marvel provided this peek to Comic Book Resources. I wanted to share because it brings back memories of that excellent run: Colossus back from the dead, Colossus and Kitty finally hooking up, Emma Frost’s Hellfire Club, Breakworld, Armor and Danger.

Avengers vs X-Men Round 2

Avengers vs. X-Men #2 courtesy

  Avengers vs X-Men #2 kept the action going and starting shredding friendships. Cyclops took the first shot and in round 2 fired his second attack via a new spin on the fastball special! Captain America unleashes his army of Avengers (including Wolverine) to take Utopia.

  The issue is action packed with lots of fights and I want to see more. At first the idea of AvX Vs (the book of all fighting) seemed like marketing but now I can’t wait. I see how it makes story sense. The fights erupt but the main story must move forward so if you want to see more of the battles (Namor, Thing, Luke Cage is one I particular can’t wait to see) you can cheer on your favorite in Vs.

  While it’s amazing to see these clashes it’s hard to watch because of the friendships and relationships being battered – that’s a compliment to the writers and particular Jason Aaron, scripter of round 2. Cyclops and Captain America’s verbal exchange as they pound each other is perfect as they try to convince the other to stand down. 

  A surprise player enters the battleground while one key character’s simple drawing is an omen of the destruction and despair ahead. Wolverine is a man torn between friends and once again forced to do what no other hero can but with a potentially frightening outcome Logan didn’t expect.

  AVX is living up to the hype.

Last Run on X-Men

X-Men #28 courtesy

  Victor Gischler is wrapping up his X-Men with guest stars galore and a blast from Marvel events past. (Adjectiveless) X-Men relaunched with a new one under Gischler as he threw armies of vampires, robots and aliens at the mutants. He significantly transformed Jubilee and revamped Marvel’s vampire underworld.

  The novelist and departing X-writer talked with about how the series and cast have grown.

  “I think the book has fulfilled its mission to be the X-book that engages more with the Marvel Universe, but it’s also helped expand Marvel Universe vampire lore and given Jubilee a new lease on life—undead life. There are a good number of X-books, but there are also a lot of X-Men and one of the things that’s been nice about the changing team is to give characters some face time we might not otherwise see too much of. I know a number of readers have also expressed their pleasure in seeing Storm in a leadership role again, and it was this book that really got that going.”


X-Men #29 courtesy

For the entire interview and more images here’s the link.

 From the preview art, expect the FF, Skrulls, and Pixie back on the front burner in this final arc. The cover of X-Men #29 is a splash page summary of Gischler’s run featuring nearly all the characters he’s used in his stories.

Brian Wood takes over the title next with Storm still on board at team leader. I will be sorry to see Warpath leave – I hope he will find a home on one of the other X-books.

 By Editor

Avengers Vs. X-Men War Journals Episode 2

AVX promo art courtesy Marvel

  AvX #1 and the launch parties are history. War is declared with Cyclops blasting Cap off Utopia. MTV Geek is following the series giving fans the ultimate access inside the famed Marvel Summits and with the writers and editors of the epic showdown. I especially love how the series gives a voice to the passionate fans (I really love the Mystique and She-Hulk in this video!)

As learned in the panels at Emerald City Comicon (when the Marvel asked the crowd which side they were on) the Avengers may have more fans in sheer numbers it’s the X-Men fans that are more impassioned and truly believe their side is right. Cyke Is Right!

Take a look at the latest episode courtesy MTV Geek.

X-Men First Class Sequel Shoot Date

The Cast of X-Men: First Class courtesy

  Two big studios. Two big franchises. One hot star. There appears to be a compromise that keeps fans of the X-Men and The Hunger Games happy!

  The X-Men First Class sequel will start shooting in January. That means Lionsgate can shoot Catching Fire in August/September without a conflict for Jennifer Lawrence according to The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision. The in-demand actress plays Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games sequel, Catching Fire, and Raven/Mystique in X-Men: First Class.

  The next step for Catching Fire is lining up a director. The Hunger Games director and co-writer Gary Ross does not have a deal for the sequel.

For the entire story’s the Heat Vision link.

by Editor