Brian Wood on Kitty Pryde in X-MEN


X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Kitty Pryde has come a long way from being the teenager scared of Wolverine, unsure of her powers and crushing on Russian hunk. Kitty is now central to the X-Men starring in multiple books. I want to share part of Brian Wood’s interview about Kitty’s role on the new, all-female X-Men series:


“Traditionally, Kitty’s the brains of the outfit, and has a tendency to be the smartest one in whatever room she happens to walk into. Her role in this team is the strategist, the fixer, the problem-solver and the deliverer-of-wise-cracks. I like writing her as hyper-capable—well, they all are, really, but each in their own way. Kitty’s way is to be clever as hell, able to read people really well, and [she] is most likely to be the one Continue reading Brian Wood on Kitty Pryde in X-MEN

X-Men Gay Wedding Anniversary

Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel
Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel

Happy One Year Anniversary to Northstar and Kyle Jinadu! It was one year ago the X-Man married Kyle Jinadu in Astonishing X-Men #51. The marriage was heavily promoted, protested and celebrated. Openly gay X-Man Northstar married Kyle Jinadu with the X-Men and Alpha Flight watching in New York’s Central Park. The big event inspired some gay X-men fans to tie the knot…in a comic book store on the day of the wedding issue’s arrival! The wedding of Jean-Paul and Kyle was huge for mainsteam comics but continued the tradition of diversity in the X-Men history.


Jean-Paul and Kyle are still together, still trying to cope with the pressures and dangers of being a super couple targeted by villains. Northstar’s wedding was a major milestone in comic books. Back in the 1980’s John Byrne (Jean-Paul’s creator along with the rest of the Canadian supergroup Alpha Flight) wasn’t allowed Continue reading X-Men Gay Wedding Anniversary


courtesy @BryanSinger @Twitter
courtesy @BryanSinger @Twitter

Magneto’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants strikes? Director Bryan Singer shared a new set photo via Twitter from X-Men Days of Future Past. The new photo shows what looks like a political rally with a White House memo referring to an incident in Paris.

“Today we face the gravest threat in our history…

What the world saw in Paris was not an isolated incident.”

The film is based on the classic story involving future and past X-Men trying to stop the assassination of a Senator which leads to a dark future in which mutants are hunted to near extinction.

By Editor

And the X-Men Next Maggott Award Goes To…

Uncanny X-Men #375
Uncanny X-Men #375

Creating new mutants is hard. For every Gambit…there’s a Maggott.

Yes, there was (briefly) an X-Man named Maggott. Strange but true – and one of the oddest creations in mutant history may have a successor as the world’s strangest mutant with the oddest power!

Back to Maggott in case you missed his story:

Japheth was a South African mutant with abilities based in his digestive system. Maggott had two slugs (Eany and Meany) inside him that once released outside the body could “eat” any solid matter and transfer the energy back to Japheth. Maggott also possessed psychometric powers. This cover of his first appearance was Maggott at his full power – he was actually very frail looking and he had a heartbreaking origin. Japheth really didn’t last long with the X-Men and was later killed in the Weapon X program.

Since the rebirth of the mutant gene and emergence of new mutants in the aftermath of AvX – Jason Aaron and Nick Lowe have been creating some “interesting” new children of the atom – in I would call in the tradition of the deceased Maggott – RIP.

And the winner of the next Maggott goes to… Continue reading And the X-Men Next Maggott Award Goes To…


What If? AvX courtesy Marvel
What If? AvX courtesy Marvel

The biggest Marvel story of 2012 is the inspiration for the return of What If? Avengers vs. X-Men was a game-changing event for the Marvel Universe but what if other heroes became the Phoenix Five?

Jimmy Palmiotti and Jorge Molina create a four part story starring Earth’s Mightiest Heroes fighting the Children of the Atom…with a new twist!

Iron Man tried to kill the Phoenix before it could possess Hope but the entity split into five hosts: Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Magik and Namor – with devastating results.

Jimmy Palmiotti tells why the original epic is a perfect inspiration for What If?:

“The set up and Continue reading WHAT IF? AVENGERS VS. X-MEN Preview!

X-Men Battle of the Atom Preview

All-New X-Men #16 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #16 courtesy Marvel

X-Men: Battle of the Atom kicks off in September with a special issue by Brian Michael Bendis and Frank Cho then run through the core X-titles (All-New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine and the X-Men and Brian Wood’s X-Men) then wrap in a final bookend by Jason Aaron and a “mystery artist.”

Future X-Men including Kate Bishop, Deadpool, Continue reading X-Men Battle of the Atom Preview

Dark Iceman in Astonishing X-Men?

Astonishing X-Men #63 courtesy Marvel
Astonishing X-Men #63 courtesy Marvel

Don’t call Bobby Drake the class clown of the X-Men anymore!

Bobby is more powerful than ever, dating Kitty Pryde and playing an important role for Wolverine in the Jean Grey School.

But is Bobby slipping to the dark side? Just look at Phil Noto’s cover for this week’s Astonishing X-Men #63 courtesy Marvel.

Bobby has always been an omega level mutant but he recently learned to push the boundaries of his ice powers.

And let’s talk about Bobby’s love life. While Iceman and Kitty Pryde shared a kiss and date in Jason Aaron’s Wolverine and the X-Men Bobby received attention from Warbird in Marjorie Liu’s Astonishing X-Men. (And how cool is it that Iceman is in multiple booksbut Bobby will never beat Logan’s record!)

This cover Continue reading Dark Iceman in Astonishing X-Men?

Hellfire Saga Begins in Wolverine and the X-Men

Wolverine & the X-Men #31 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine & the X-Men #31 courtesy Marvel

Summer is almost here but school is in session! This week in Wolverine and the X-Men #31 Jason Aaron starts a brand new arc. Artist Nick Bradshaw returns to for The Hellfire Saga. Writer Jason Aaron and X-Editor Nick Lowe explain how the story ties into the recent past and launches into the X-Men’s 50th Anniversary:

“It feels good to get here. It’s been building for quite awhile, since Schism, even before issue #1 of Wolverine & The X-Men. The character arcs of kids like Idie and Quentin Quire, plus oddball characters like Toad and Husk, they all come to a head here,” Jason Aaron tells

From the Hellfire Club to invading Brood to a space casino to the Savage Land, Aaron has created some outrageous scenarios for Logan and the kids to survive but get ready to be astonished again as the writer claims Continue reading Hellfire Saga Begins in Wolverine and the X-Men