Cable & X-Force Preview

Cable and X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

Nathan Summers is back running the team he founded back in the 1990’s. New Mutants evolved into the the first volume of X-Force. In recent years the X-Force concept evolved and the team was run by Wolverine as a covert ops unit doing the dirty work the X-Men couldn’t. This Cable and X-Force launches in the Marvel Now. Writer Dennis Hopeless recruits Colossus, Domino, Dr. Nemesis and Forge for this new team of mutants that have been branded as terrorists.

Hopeless told  Comics Newsarama about his plans for the team and the roster.  I was really interested in the inclusion of Colossus who has literally been to several versions of hell and back thanks to Magik, his bonding with Cyttorak and possession by the Phoenix Force. Apparently things will get even worse for Peter.

“Colossus is coming out of a pretty dark period when our book kicks off. Peter has a lot of regrets. He’s an introspective guy and his recent past will definitely weigh on him. All of that will affect his decision-making for sure.

Unfortunately, we won’t be giving the guy much of a break in which to reflect. He’ll be busy running for his life.”

This new book marks a reunion between Nathan and Domino. Hopeless says don’t expect the former lovers to have the same dynamic.

“Domino has developed into a different kind of character lately. She’s matured some I think and like you said, she now at least tries to be a hero first.

Both Domino and Cable have grown into different people than when they were together. Cable may not look it, but he’s a lifetime beyond the man Domino knew. He raised a daughter, got married and grew old with his wife. Fans shouldn’t expect these two to pick right back up where they left off and fall into bed together. That wouldn’t make any sense.

But they are going to have to work together. They’ll have to figure out what all that history means in the here and now. It’s a complex relationship that’s very fun to write.”

I was thrilled to see that Dr. Nemesis will be part of the team. The genius egomaniac has a new look Hopeless said was redesigned by acclaimed artist Salvador Larroca.

Hopeless says he will address Forge and his most recent appearance in which he was the bad guy in the Ghost Boxes storyline.

Sam Humphries and Ron Garney will launch a brand new Uncanny X-Force. Hopeless says “there will definitely be some interaction between the two X-Force books. Just not right off the bat. These are very different books.”

For more of his interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

By Editor


Avengers Arena & Villain’s Comeback

Avengers Arena #1 courtesy Marvel

One of the X-Men’s most colorful enemies is coming back with a vengeance!

Marvel  invites you to Avengers Arena #1 by Dennis Hopeless and Kev Walker this week. Sixteen young heroes are trapped in a game devised by the only and only Arcade! Marvel’s best and brightest young heroes will be in the fight of their lives on Murder World island.

The X-Men have escaped Arcade’s deadly traps before but some of these kids may not be so lucky.

  “Arcade has spent a lot of years building “Murder Worlds” that yield very few actual murders. He’s decided it’s time to get back a little self-respect. It’s time for a new kind of Murder World. AVENGERS ARENA is about the unlucky kids he’s chosen to help him try it out,” says Hopeless.

“I don’t want to give too much away, but I can promise a lot of murder in this new Murder World.”

Editor Bill Rosemann reveals the contestants: “Fans of AVENGERS ACADEMY will hopefully be excited by the next chapter in the lives of Hazmat, Mettle, Reptil, Juston and his Sentinel and X-23. Speaking of schools, who are the Braddock Academy? After his last appearances in War of Kings and NOVA, Darkhawk soars again! Staying with sci-fi, just wait until you see what Dennis and Kev have planned for Annihilation’s Cammi, baddest girl in all the galaxy. And last but certainly not least, direct from the pages of the dearly missed RUNAWAYS, we have Chase and Nico!”

“It’s sort of ridiculous how huge our cast is at the start. But if you’re going to kill a lot of characters you gotta have a lot of characters,” Hopeless adds.

  I love all the kid characters but you had me with ARCADE! Avengers Arena #1 lets the games being this week.

By Editor

Domino & Daredevil’s X-Cellent Adventure!

X-Men #39 courtesy Marvel

The most un-X-Men-like X-Men book I’ve read in a while is this week’s X-Men #39. Domino needed a vacation from her team so she decided to infiltrate an underground casino for criminals. The lucky lady crossed paths with Daredevil and in this issue the duo track down the weapons dealer in an action and humor packed conclusion.

Domino has always been a sidekick – she’s a feisty, sexy chick with guns and luck but not a ton of depth. Neena is lucky that Marvel decided to have Seth Peck write her with a dynamic, funny personality that makes her pop off the page. Neena and Matt’s chemistry sparks in this two-parter. I want to see her guest star in Daredevil now.

Peck deserves accolades for this caper and for how he made me feel about the villain of this two-parter. This secret of Armitage was a big surprise.

All of the art is top-notch! David Lopez’s cover is an in your face pop classic. Paul Azaceta and Matthew Southworth’s bold lines and dark colors really compliment Domino and Daredevil’s underworld adventure.

If this two-parter was an Seth Peck’s audition for Marvel then imagine me giving him a standing ovation! Domino pops and she deserves her own title or team-up book starring Neena! Any hero would be lucky to share an adventure with her!

Marvel – bet on Domino, Peck, Azaceta and Southworth you’ll win big!

By Editor

STAR WARS Old School, New Comic

Star Wars #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics

  The Force is strong with Brian Wood. The acclaimed writer (The Massive, Northlanders, X-Men, Ultimate Comics X-Men, Conan) will take on a new comic book series set during the original trilogy for Dark Horse Comics. Check out the cover to Star Wars #1 by Alex Ross!

  Being a huge Star Wars and Brian Wood fan I wanted to share some of his exclusive interview with The Nerdist about writing in the galaxy far, far away.

  “The biggest challenge is actually writing it under the shadow of reader expectation. And doing right by Randy Stradley, my editor, who has written a fair share of Star Wars himself, and that can be intimidating. When I started the job, I had this idea that Star Wars fans would be really hardcore and nitpicky and, to be frank, ready to challenge my work. Then I went to Star WarsCelebration, this convention, and I had one of the most positive experiences of my professional life. Everyone was super nice, very receptive to what I’m doing, and I felt like I belonged in a way that comic book conventions don’t. I came home from that show determined to write 10x on this title.

  And I’m more of a fan of Star Wars than I was aware. Thirty-five years of exposure to it, I guess, creates an impression as well as a huge about of information stored in my brain that is only just now proving its worth.”

For the entire interview and a first look inside here’s the link on the always enjoyable Nerdist.

Watch out for the collection of Wood’s X-Men run with artist David Lopez – one of my favorite storylines of the year and the BEST portrayal of Storm since Claremont – yes I just said that!

By Editor

Phoenix & Mystique’s Comic Book and Movie Futures


Uncanny X-Men #466 courtesy Marvel

  Is Rachel Summers ready for a big comeback? X-Men: Days of Future Past is based on the classic story that introduced the daughter of Scott Summers and Jean Grey from a future timeline so it’s possible the character could appear in director the Bryan Singer directed sequel.

  In comics Professor X is dead. Emma Frost is on the run. Rachel is the most powerful telepath at the Jean Grey School. Wolverine and the X-Men writer Jason Aaron teased Rachel’s future is his book:

“…she’s the top telepath at the Jean Grey School. That’s already a pretty huge role. Assuming she survives the current Murder Circus craziness, I’d expect to see Rachel getting back to what she was doing in issue #19: namely doing whatever she can to track down the Hellfire Club. For those that want to see more of Rachel unleashed, believe me, it’s coming,” Aaron told a fan on X-Position on Comic Book Resources.


X-Men #190 courtesy Marvel

Another movie/comic connection to ponder:

Jennifer Lawrence will reprise her role Mystique in X-Men: Days of Future Past. In the Claremont storyline the shapeshifter leads the Brotherhood of Mutants in an attack on a Senator. The X-Men must prevent the assassination to prevent a future in which Sentinels rule.

  Mystique has been a key player in Rick Remender’s final Uncanny X-Force arc The Final Execution. Raven will be a huge villain in All-New X-Men and Wolverine and the X-Men.

  “I can’t say too much about what she’s up to without spoiling one of our big arcs for next year. But she’s obviously still working with Sabretooth’s crew, along with Lord Deathstrike and the new Silver Samurai, who are all currently being contracted by the Hellfire Club to track down some of the new mutants popping up around the globe. As for what happens when they find those mutants… well, I expect we’ll have an answer soon enough,” Aaron said.

By Editor

Uncanny X-Force Is “The Uncanniest”


Uncanny X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

  Uncanny X-Force relaunches in 2013 with a new creative team and new roster. Psylocke takes command and recruits Storm, Spiral, Puck of Alpha Flight and a new character named Cluster. Sam Humphries and Ron Garney take over after an acclaimed run by Rick Remender. Humphries and Editor Nick Lowe talked about the future of the team, shared new art from Garney and variant covers from Kris Anka on Humphries revealed his plans after Remender’s The Final Execution finale.

  “I am on pins and needles for Rick Remender’s final issue of Uncanny X-Force. It’s so good. So many big things happen. I’ve been privy to it for awhile now and kept my mouth shut. I’ve been a fan of Rick’s run long before Marvel knew who I was, let alone was stupid enough to offer me a gig. The last couple issues are the equivalent of walking off the stage and dropping the microphone.”

Uncanny X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

  Wolverine has been the leader of both recent incarnations of the team. Humphries will tell how the title will pass from Logan to Psylocke.

  “Something develops between Wolverine and Betsy that kicks off the whole formation of the team. He’s moved on to a new era in his life. That’s a story other people are telling. Despite that, there’s something about X-Force and what it represents that Wolverine will always respond to; not just the killing, but being an outside and on the fringes.”

 “It’s difficult to talk about Psylocke without spoiling Rick’s last issue. Even though this is a new era for X-Force, we’re not ignoring what has come before. Where Betsy is in her life is one of the strongest threads we pick up from Rick. She’s not satisfied with her life. Her and Storm have a lot to bond over. She’s a survivor on a lot of levels. I’m fascinated by all the changes she’s gone through in Rick’s run, to explore those and put her front and center. It’s her time to shine.”

  Over the years the X-Force concept has evolved to fit the changing Marvel Universe. 

  “Taking the last idea and morping into something new is the X-Force tradition, from the 90’s to Pete Milligan and Mike Allred to Craig Kyle and Chris Yost to Rick. I’m excited to present stories from the mutant end of the Marvel Universe you can’t find anywhere else. This is a new line-up, a bunch of characters in a complex web with a complex history really together for the first time exploring the dark shadows of the Marvel Universe that don’t get touched on in Uncanny Avengers or All-New X-Men.”

  “In a world where Rogue and Sunfire are Avengers, where Wolverine is running a prep school, there still has to be a dark side to this bright world.”

Uncanny X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

  One of the biggest shocks from the teaser poster is Storm’s new “old” look. Ororo is sporting her Mohawk again. She hasn’t worked a mohawk since the Chris Claremont/Paul Smith/John Romita Jr era. Humphries explains why he went retro with Ororo.

  “I will take full credit for the return of Storm’s mohawk. I have more knowledge of the X-Men than I do of the United States. I am an old school fan. It’s a dream to not only be on an X-Men book, but one where I can touch on stuff we haven’t seen in awhile. The first time Storm had a mohawk, it was about the transformation she had been going through, coming down from the goddess pedestal. The mohawk is a symptom of the transformations in Storm’s life. She’s now going through an even bigger transformation. She was a goddess and a queen who got unceremoniously dumped, in my opinion. The future that she banked on is no longer there. Her family in the X-Men has changed. None of her friends are the same. She has to redefine herself and get back to the core of who she is.”

  The new roster is full of tough women…and Puck?

 “Puck has been a lot of fun to write. My biggest surprise,”  

  “Puck will be a breakout character,” added Editor Nick Lowe, “What Fantomex was to Rick’s Uncanny X-Force, Puck will be here. This isn’t a little guy who bounces around like a bowling ball, he’s a force to be reckoned with. This is a heroic take on Puck.”

  Spiral was created by Ann Nocenti in the Longshot limited series then joined the Brotherhood (and most recently Sisterhood) of Evil Mutants. Spiral and Betsy share a long twisted history as both victims of Mojo. So why is Spiral working with X-Men?

 “The hero of anybody who has played Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Spiral is front and center in Uncanny X-Force. She’s a deadly fighter from a crazy sci fi world. She’s trapped on Earth and needs to come up with a way to survive life on the fringe. She can’t be an Avenger, she can’t got to the Jean Grey School, she can’t join up with Cyclops; she doesn’t belong anywhere. She needs to decide where she’s going to be, which puts her on a collision with Storm and Betsy, and longtime fans know Spiral and Betsy have a long unpleasant history. The two of them spending more than 10 seconds together without drawing blood is a challenge. She’s been a villain, a great villain, but you’re going to see anew side of her. She’s a victim of Mojo, like so many others. We’ll see a little bit more of a grey area in Spiral.”

   The first enemy this new X-Force will face is former X-Man Bishop.

  “How and why Bishop comes back will have a huge impact on the team. It’s a situation they can’t walk away from. Bishop is such a great character who has had so many roles. I’m excited to take him on after he’s been gone for two years our time, stranded in the future. He went to great lengths to try to murder a little girl because he believed it was the right thing to do. Having failed to do that and coming to terms with the fact that maybe he was wrong is going to change a man. We’re going to see a Bishop who at his core is the same person, but who has been through a lot since we’ve last seen him.”


Uncanny X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

  As for Cluster – she looks like a female Fantomex?

  “We have a lot of surprises and tricks up our sleeves. We haven’t even talked about Lady Fantomex or our other villains,” said Lowe. 

 “I wish I could say more about Cluster other than that she’s dressed like Fantomex,” Humphries added. 

  Ever since Messiah Complex the new X-Force has done the dirty work, wetwork and covert missions the other X-Men shouldn’t know about.

  “How these characters feel about killing and black ops and their place in the Marvel Universe will be affected by the end of Rick’s run and where we begin here.”

 “This is the book where we go to the dark places in the Marvel Universe. Sam calls it Mission Impossible or James Bond if it were directed by David Lynch,”  said Lowe.

Uncanny X-Force #2 courtesy Marvel

  “Of all the books that have Uncanny in the title, this one will be the Uncanny-est of them all. If the X-Men are feared by mankind, Uncanny X-Force deals with the stuff that’s feared by the X-Men.”

  Earlier teasers made it seem like Psyocke would lead the team but Humphries says that role may change.

  “In my mind, Psylocke is as strong in the Marvel Universe as Wolverine or Rogue or Storm. Who’s calling the shots? That’s an open character. We’ve got at least one other character on the team with leadership potential in Storm. They’re friends, they’re both working through things and changing. We’ll see.” 

“Gender, race and nationality are all things we thought about when making this team. It’s a team of outsiders. But then again, it wasn’t any sort of affirmative action. It’s about the team dynamic and previous relationships.”

Uncanny X-Force #3 courtesy Marvel

  In 2013 the Marvel Now will have two X-Force teams. Will this team interact with Cable and X-Force by Dennis Hopeless?

  “As far as my team is concerned, they are the ONLY X-Force team. If these two teams ever intersect, it’s gonna be heavy! Dennis Hopeless smells!” said Humphries, “Right off the bat, you’ve got Cable leading one team and Bishop fighting the other. Those two cannot be on the same planet in the same year without trying to beat the crap out of each other. Let’s just say those two have unfinished business.”

For the entire liveblog here’s the link.

By Editor

By Editor

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for 12/5/12

All-New X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Men #3 The original five X-Men have been brought from the past into there present day. How will Cyclops react to his younger past self?

Avengers #1 Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are “going large” under new creative team Jonathan Hickman (Fantastic Four, FF, SHIELD, Manhattan Projects) and Jerome Opena (Uncanny X-Force) Who will answer the call when Captain America expands the team roster to take on threats around the globe and into space.

Hawkeye #5 Caught on tape! A hero’s shocking act. Can the Avenging Archer recover “the tape” before the revelation changes his status with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes? Will Kate Bishop’s masquerade among a who’s who of Marvel villains backfire on her?

Hellboy in Hell #1 Hellboy is dead and facing familiar faces in Hell in a brand new story written and drawn by Mike Mignola!

Kevin Keller #1 “Oh My!” Kevin and Jughead go on a quest to find Star Trek legend George Takei for a school assignment but the famous actor has a big surprise planned for the Riverdale High gang!

By Editor

Cyclops vs. Cyclops

All-New X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel

  The original five students of Professor X are here in the Marvel Now in All-New X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen. Professor X and Jean are dead. Mutants are hated more than ever. In this week’s All-New X-Men #3 the young heroes from the past rush into action to save a new mutant. The modern-day Cyclops and his team (Magneto, Emma Frost, Magik) have been rescuing and recruiting new Children of the Atom for his revolution. Will Cyclops meet Cyclops this week?

All-New X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

  Beast hopes the idealistic young Scott Summers and the original X-Men could be the key to preventing what could be the end of the mutant race. Comic Book Resources had the exclusive first look at the covers for All-New X-Men #3 and #4 by Stuart Immonen featuring Cyclops against Cyclops. Will past and present Scott go to war with each other?

  In case you missed it here’s my op/ed on the transformation of Scott from hero to zealot to hopes for his redemption.

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