Who Is Next To Die In Avengers Arena?

Avengers Arena #2 courtesy Marvel
Avengers Arena #2 courtesy Marvel

In Avengers Arena #1 X-Men villain Arcade and writer Dennis Hopeless showed they meant bloody business! Young heroes of the Marvel Universe (including Avengers Academy and Runaways) woke up in a Murder World with orders to kill each other in Battle Royale style games.

In this week’s Avengers Arena #2 who will face Deathlocket? Is that a freaky as I think it is? Will another young hero die? And we meet a crew of kids with a connection to Captain Britain.

By Editor

Cable & X-Force: Past, Present, Future

Cable and X-Force #3 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #3 courtesy Marvel

  I admit – I’m not a big Cable fan. Way back in New Mutants when we first met Cable I thought he was going to be this cool non-mutant warrior who wanted to help train young mutants because he lost his mutant son. New Mutants became X-Force, which led to X-Cutioner’s Song which led to lots of crossovers and mini-series and a very confusing future origin story.

  My favorite Cable moments were in Mike Carey’s X-Men run when Nathan teamed up with Rogue’s squadron and in Second Coming. Yes, my favorite Cable moment is when he “died” to save Hope. The writing of the difficult Nathan, Scott, Hope dynamic was powerful.

  You can’t keep a bad ass cyborg down for long!

  Nathan blasted into the Marvel Now in this week’s. Dennis Hopeless. There’s a huge threat and only Cable and his team can stop it – but they’ve been branded terrorists. Hopeless talked with Marvel.com about the Summers family connections – given that Cyclops has become a revolutionary

  “I play with that early on. I’d like to do stuff with Cyclops at some point, and we probably will. The plans for that are out [for now] because of what Brian [Michael Bendis is] doing with those characters over in All-New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men. He needs some space to deal with all that. I’m getting the Summers tie and the “What the hell are you doing to our family name?” with Havok. Because Cyclops is off doing this thing, and because of where Havok is, I have him sort of obsessed with the idea that, “obviously whatever Cable is doing is not what it looks like, but I have to be the one that brings it in and figures it out. I need to be the one who solves this problem, because by God the Summers name is not going to be this sullied.”

Cable and X-Force #3 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #3 courtesy Marvel

  Havok and the Uncanny Avengers appeared in the premiere issue.

  “Yeah, Rick [Remender] was very adamant when I talked to him about Uncanny Avengers being a part of the book, that they’re not cops. They’re not going to just assume that this stuff is all what it is on face value. Because number one, Wolverine’s on the team, and he just led an X-Force where they did a bunch of killing, so they’re not going to immediately think someone that they know to be a hero has turned into a villain. At the same time, Cable refuses to explain himself, and he makes it very difficult on them to accept that what he’s doing must be good, and there are story reasons for that. He’s seeing the future, and the more he explains it, the less likely it is to happen as he’s seeing it. In his mind, everything he’s doing makes perfect sense. [Laughs]”

Cable and X-Force #2 arrives next week.

By Editor


Avengers Arena #1 Review

Avengers Arena #1 courtesy Marvel
Avengers Arena #1 courtesy Marvel

The newest Marvel Now book is bloody, brutal, dark with a heavy dose of just plan vicious meanness! Avengers Arena #1 may be the riskiest move in the Marvel Now relaunch. Dennis Hopeless has twisted cruelty in mind and blood on his hands in the premiere issue that puts Marvel’s youngest heroes at the mercy of an old school X-Men villain.

Arcade is back but he isn’t just a lunatic would-be assassin throwing X-Men into elaborate death traps (that they always escape!) In this first issue Hopeless propels Arcade into the top-tier of Marvel super villains. Arcade has abducted some of Marvel’s young heroes (Avengers Academy fans be ready to be angry) and ordered them to kill each other in an exploitive, cruel and bloody game.

Avengers Arena is a superhero take on The Hunger Games and Battle Royale. Hopeless even acknowledges that in one of several clever, cruel dialogues by Arcade. Hopeless and Kev Walker set up an engrossing start to a series of deadly games. In the beginning and end of this issue these creators prove anything can happen, Arcade is now a twisted badass and this is a book with edge that demands you keep you reading.

By Editor

Who Dies In Avengers Arena?


Avengers Arena #4 courtesy Marvel

From teenage dream to nightmare! Avengers Arena debuts today. Members of Avengers Academy, Runaways and other young heroes are thrown into a Battle Royale fight to the death on an island run by X-Men villain Arcade. Writer Dennis Hopeless revealed his plans for the kids and the mastermind behind The Hunger Games style game on Marvel.com.

“Basically 16 of your favorite Marvel teen heroes–and Darkhawk, who is not a teenager–wake up on an island and are told by Arcade only one of them will come out alive. This time people will actually die in Murderworld. They can leave, but they have to kill everybody else. Issue #1 will show the kids and the readers he’s serious this time,” explains Hopeless.

The X-Men have survived Arcade’s Murderworld in the past stories. Hopeless says this time Arcade will finally live up to this reputation as an assassin.

“In a lot of ways, Arcade is a silly character. He comes from a different era where it was ok for a villain to set up elaborate traps that fail. It was important to keep that showman, likes to watch aspect, but change things up so people will respect Arcade,” he says, “”It was an interesting challenge. I love Arcade. When we first talked about the series, I thought of him, then dismissed him. Axel Alonso called me later and asked med to use him. I’m proud of how we kept his core but made him a little more scary, similar and respectable.”

The book will star a who’s who of Marvel’s youngest generation.

“I got to cherry pick, so all the characters I’m using, I like. I loved Avengers Academy and wanted to use them all, but had to cap it. Hazmat is the point of view character of issue #1 and I love writing her.”

Avengers Arena #5 courtesy Marvel

Hopeless revealed he’s created new teen characters aka victims for this series including a young female Deathlok and kids from an Academy run by Captain Britain.

The fact that Avengers Arena would be an ongoing series was a surprise.

“I’ve gotten a lot of questions about why this isn’t a limited series. It’s because we need space to explain why these kids would do this. These are heroes. We need to show what they’re going to and get them to a place where they fear or distrust each other enough,” Hopeless explains, “Once we get to a place where the game changes and we get away from the core concept, we’ll go somewhere else, but this is a long story.”

The writer takes on the fact that some fan favorites will be killed off as the story proceeds.

“I see all the reaction to this book already because I’m a crazy person and I look for it. I’m a comics fan too. I know it’s hard to think your favorite character might be pulled off the shelf. At the same time, I think death is a serious part of life, and it should not be a cheap storytelling device. It’s one of the most powerful things a person or character can go through. I’m really proud of the book. We’re telling a really good story here. Nobody who’s responding to the marketing has read it yet.”

“These are super heroes, so that’s what makes it different from Battle Royale, which is human kids adapting. Hunger Games, we’re in the head of one girl raised in a post-apocalyptic world; these are teens who all grew up in the Marvel Universe. We’re doing a point of view shift where you see the situation from the perspectives of each character. You see what each is getting from this and where they’re coming from. I think that makes it unique. It’s like if Hunger Games switched the perspective between every character, which would make it very different. It’s obviously influences by those and by stuff like The Running Man, but these characters change it and make it its own thing.”

Avengers Arena #4 courtesy Marvel

We’ll have to read the book to see why some heroes decide to turn on each other (besides obvious survival) but Hopeless explains how the matchups will work.

“Darkhawk has cosmic level powers and X-23 is very difficult to kill. We deal with the fact that power sets are varied and how some would normally wipe the floor with all the others.”

Will your favorite young hero survive Murder Island? Avengers Arena #1 is out today.

For the complete transcript here’s the Marvel.com link.

By Editor

Dr. Nemesis Will See You Cable & X-Force

Cable and X-Force #3 courtesy Marvel

Arrogant, brilliant, blunt. He’s the hero you want on your side – if you stand him!  I loved Dr. Nemesis during Matt Fraction’s Uncanny X-Men run. The Golden Age character is mutant with an evolved intellect (and massive ego!) The gun packing brainiac is now part of Cable and X-Force. Writer Dennis Hopeless told Marvel.com how he sees the Doctor:

  “I see him as a sort of pure scientist, if that makes any sense. He comes into the story for a very specific purpose, and as soon as it’s said that Cable needs this kind of brain doctor, he’s like “alright, I’m in.” At that point I think the mad science of the whole thing is what compels him to stick around. After the first arc, they’re all kind of stuck. You can either go to jail, or you can keep doing this with us. Initially I think it’s a pure scientific interest that has him jumping along with all the crazy pre-cog, criminal, saving-the-world stuff.

How will Nemesis  see brilliant mutant inventor Forge?

   “They’re different versions of the same sci-fi character. Forge is sort of the Mad Max, post-apocalyptic “I can make anything out of junkyard parts” kind of a tech guy, and Doctor Nemesis is more of the genetic tinkerer from a more utopian science fiction story. Plus, their personalities couldn’t be any more different. I think having those two characters that obviously aren’t going to get along, and are going to bicker back and forth, but whenever they put their minds together are really something powerful, that’s why I chose Doctor Nemesis. The rest of the team was set and I needed another character. I kept looking around, and I thought “Forge would hate this guy, and Cable would shake his head constantly at everything this guy says.” There’s actually a scene—I think it’s in issue #3—where he says something and Cable just walks away shaking his head like “God, why did I start that conversation?”

Cable and X-Force #3 courtesy Marvel

X-Men, X-Club and now X-Force – Will this aloof loner connect with this new team?

“I think he fits in well with this team because it’s almost not a team. It’s just a bunch of people that Cable convinced to help with something that get pulled together. I try to make it clear in issue #3 that to Cable this isn’t X-Force. He’s not putting together a super hero team. First, he’s got a brain problem, and then he has another problem. He’s trying to solve it in the best way he knows how and that is to get experts to help him do something. The outside world kind of brands them “Cable’s X-Force” because that’s how we think of any team that Cable has. Doctor Nemesis, because he isn’t a super prototypical super hero, fits well on a team where you just have to be good at something to be involved.”

For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

By Editor

Arcade Returns in Avengers Arena!

Avengers Arena #1 courtesy Marvel

   Avengers Arena may be one of the biggest surprises to come out of the Marvel NOW relaunch. Dennis Hopeless and Kev Walker will take 16 young heroes (including members of Avengers Academy, Runaways and Darkhawk) and throw them into a Battle Royale scenario. The kids are trapped on an island by a classic X-Men villain. Arcade is back and he’s created a new Murderworld for Marvel’s young heroes. This concept sounds like a mini-series or one-shot but Hopeless and Editor Bill Rosemann tells Comics Newsarama this is definitely an ongoing series.

“Dennis and Kev have thought long and hard about how and why these characters will react to the scenario and the ripple effects their actions will create. Each month — and, yes, this is an ongoing monthly series — they’ll use the creative space to dig deep into the emotions of each character. As to what our cast will look like a year from now, well…”

“Yeah, this is definitely a long game sort of story. We need the space to explore all the different ways a worst-case scenario like Murder World affects this massive cast. I’m not sure we could have done them justice in a miniseries,” adds Hopeless.


Uncanny X-Men #123 featuring Arcade courtesy Marvel.com

I love the villain at the center of this new book. Arcade may not have a great track record for assassinating his targets but he’s definitely a twisted character to enjoy. Rosemann and Hopeless discuss the plan to make Arcade a potent enemy.

“When at his best, Arcade’s creepy façade of a cheery carnival barker is a calculated play that both distracts his targets and also leads his unsuspecting foes to underestimate him. And never forget he began his career by murdering his own father before embarking on a successful run as a freelance assassin. Dennis and Kev both completely understand his potential and knew instantly how to peel off the cheese to reveal his untapped terrifying core. Previously, Arcade always left a way out of his deathtraps, giving his prey a sporting chance, but now… soon everyone will learn that to underestimate Arcade is a deadly mistake,” declares Rosemann.

“Arcade doesn’t get a lot of respect and we all kind of understand why. For the longest time, nobody ever died in Murder World. But despite all of his failures over the years, Arcade is a brilliant guy. Deranged and bizarre, but brilliant. He designed and built all of those crazy death traps,” says Hopeless.

“The scenario Arcade has cooked up in Avengers Arena is a game changer for him. It’s his way of saying, “You don’t respect my reindeer games? Fine. Respect this!”

You could call Arcade the Seneca Crane (from The Hunger Games) of Marvel. The question is who will survive to become the Katniss or Peeta?

For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

By Editor

Cable & X-Force vs. Uncanny Avengers?

Cable and X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

You just can’t keep a mutant cyborg from an alternate future down for long! Cable is back but he’s getting a rough reception in the Marvel Now. The son of Cyclops will become one of the world’s most wanted. Dennis Hopeless and Salvador Larroca launch Cable and X-Force this week. Domino, Forge, Colossus and Dr. Nemesis join Cable on his new misadventures. Hopeless and Editor Nick Lowe shared his take on the team and shared preview art on Marvel.com.

“You get dropped smack dab in the middle of a pretty horrible situation on the first page of Cable & X-Force #1. You see our X-Force team and a bunch of dead bodies. They’re surrounded by the Uncanny Avengers who have just arrived on the scene. Things do not look good,” said Lowe.

“Cable and X-Force have tried to stop something really bad from happening and it’s gone as bad as possible. Cable has one last job to pull before he can retire from being a crazy time-hopping Askani’son. It goes awfully,” says Hopeless, “Cable comes up the team and he’s the one they have to trust, even though he doesn’t say much.”

For fans of Hope Summers this is the book to watch. Lowe confirmed Cable’s adopted daughter will play a huge role in the book.

“The crux of my original pitch and the emotional core of the book is that Cable and Hope both want to be done with the craziness and live normal lives, but neither are very good at it,” said Hopeless of the mutant messiah and her father.

“Hope plays a unique role early on. She’s not strictly a member of the team, but in my mind, Cable doesn’t think of this as X-Force, just people who can help him with a problem. The news call them X-Force, which Cable finds asinine,” says Hopeless of the team name.

Cable and X-Force #2 courtesy Marvel

You can see Cable has a new look including an eye patch but the disease that’s cursed him since birth is gone.

“Cable no longer has the T/O virus. His arm is messed up and he’s never had to use his powers like this. He recruits Forge to help him with that, and we’ll explain why he’s not quite as crazy any more,” explains Hopeless.

Cable’s team will be on the run from Marvel Now’s newest supergroup.

“The supporting cast is basically the Uncanny Avengers. If this book is ‘The Fugitive,‘ they’re Tommy Lee Jones,” Nick Lowe explained.

Cable and X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

“In my mind, Havok is the reason the Uncanny Avengers get pulled into this and become obsessed with finding Cable. Things have gone bad for the Summers family. His brother is in jail and now his nephew appears to be a terrorist. Rick Remender has made it very clear to me many times that they are not jackbooted thugs. There’s an interesting dynamic between the two teams,” said Hopeless of the crossover elements.

“Early on, the Uncanny Avengers are the big problem. The situations that lead to the job are less villain-based, more ‘something awful is going to happen and we have to stop it.’ We’ll roll into who caused this situation as the series continues,” he adds.

Cable has one of the most complicated backgrounds in comics. Personally there are moments when I love him and when I wish he’s stayed dead.

“Cable is an interesting character because his past is so varied. He’s not a guy who likes to talk about his feelings, but here he’s the guy with all the answers. He’s a complicated sort of guy. He’s a person who wants to make the world a better place and be a good father to his daughter, but he’s also really good at using big guns and breaking into military bases. We’re going to play with all his incarnations.”

I love this description – it’s a good way to explain who Cable is:

Cable and X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

“Cable is Steve McQueen in the body of the T2 Terminator. He’s a super hero version of Parker. I tried to surround him with interesting characters who are really good at solving a certain kind of problem, but they don’t get along. There are some elements of the classic X-Force, but it’s wrapped around a crime story and an emotional story about a father and his daughter.” – Dennis Hopeless

Every incarnation of X-Force has had an outlaw element.

“We wanted to take the idea of X-Force as the intense paramilitary X-Men book to a new level,” said Lowe.

There will also be a new Uncanny X-Force in the Marvel Now. The X-Editor explains the difference:

“Cable & X-Force is about fugitives on the run from the Marvel Universe, criminals and murderers as far as the world can tell. Uncanny X-Force deals with the dark underbelly of the Marvel Universe and a lot of moral quagmires.”

    Warpath was the angry big rebel in the first X-Force. After AvX Colossus is free of his demons but full of hate and anger.

“Colossus ends up on the team partially because where he is as a person after AvX. Things are not great. He gets sucked into all this in a way that is very much not what he plans or what he wanted,” explains Hopeless.

“Colossus is the muscle. A veteran. A guy who doesn’t get shaken under pressure,” adds Lowe.

It will be nostalgic to see Nathan and Domino together again. She was part of his Six-Pack team of mercs before joining his first X-Force.

“Domino can get you in and out of any situation,” said Hopeless, “Their relationship is interesting. They were together at one point and since then have both been through a lot. Cable was in the future for years and had a wife who died. Domino calls him on his crap, but they’re not going to jump in bed together just because they’re in the same room.”

Cable and X-Force #3 courtesy Marvel

After a long run on Invincible Iron Man Salvador Larroca is back with the Children of the Atom. You can definitely see how his style has evolved – a mix of his X-Men era and what he developed on Iron Man which is perfect for Cable and his crew.

“We talked about what roles the characters would play and then let Salva loose on the new costumes. We knew we wanted to limit the color palette and have them look not too much like super heroes, but keep the trappings. Cable needed a big mech arm because the loss of the T/O virus ravaged his body,” explains Lowe of the new designs.

“There is a story reason for why most of the characters are wearing what they are and why they have the tech they do. Salva deserves all the credit,” adds Hopeless

Hopeless confirmed the X-Force teams will interact.

“If you’ve got Cable in one book and Bishop as a villain in the other, that’s a big deal,” said Lowe.

For the entire liveblog here’s the Marvel.com link.

By Editor

Uncanny Avengers vs. Kang & Apocalypse!

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  The Uncanny Avengers are fighting a reborn Red Skull in their first arc. Marvel revealed the team will face two more classic villains next. Writer Rick Remender and Editor Tom Brevoort gave a preview of the Ragnarok Now – second arc in which the Uncanny Avengers take on Kang and Apocalypse.

  “A lot of this story picks arc from the Dark Angel Saga from Uncanny X-Force, though it’s not a sequel. We’ve spent a lot of time incorporating Kang and also Thor into Apocalypse’s mythology. The fun of Uncanny Avengers is the A meeting the X in a big way,” explained Remender, “You don’t need to have read the Dark Angel Saga to understand this, but if you have, here’s where that picks back up. In that story, Archangel impregnated Pestilence. Whatever she gives birth to is going to be a problem for people and also involve Kang’s machinations and scheming.”

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  With a story titled Ragnarok Now – expect the God of Thunder to be critical to this next arc.

  “I wanted to come up with ways to connect Uncanny Avengers to other books in the Marvel Universe. Young Thor from Jason Aaron’s Thor: God of Thunder and his axe play a major role in Uncanny Avengers,”said Remender “This will connect with some of the stories Jason has been telling. The repercussions will be big.”

  “Continuity still matters in Marvel NOW! Things that happened to Havok in Inferno are things I think about. But we’re not slavish to continuity either.” Remender teased.

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  “Thor has a big role in Ragnarok, he’s deeply involved in the inciting incident, but that doesn’t mean every character isn’t featured as well. Everybody looks to Wolverine as the guy who has gone after the last Apocalypse and is raising one at his school. There is also plenty of stuff on the table for Havok, Rogue, Scarlet Witch and Sunfire. Every single one of our heroes has somebody involved in this story that gives them a personal context for the fight.”

  Remender is leaving Uncanny X-Force. Remender teased he will write about Logan’s actions in The Final Execution.

  “We explore the fallout of Wolverine killing Daken a lot in Uncanny Avengers. His behavior changes around issue #5. I’m working closely with Jason Aaron to coordinate with Wolverine & The X-Men. The death of Daken is the catalyst for character development. I don’t see him as a preemptive killer again. Do the claws still come out? I want to see him try to make it happen less. What he went through left some mark on his soul. He wants to live up to the path that Charles Xavier set for him.”

“The ghosts of X-Force are going to affect Wolverine as long as I’m writing the character.”

  Former X-Man Sunfire is joining the team (along with Wasp and Wonder Man.) A fan asked about Sunfire’s role as a Horseman of Apocalypse (from the Peter Milligan era.)

  “Wolverine is also a former Horseman. Sunfire would have been a perfect member of X-Force. He is damaged. Between what Apocalypse did to him, the Marauders, losing his legs…he’s been broken. It’s similar to where Archangel tried to kill Apocalypse in the first arc of Uncanny X-Force.

 “Sunfire will be presented with a similar situation. Things do not work out well for everybody.”

Uncanny Avengers #6 courtesy Marvel

  I love Marvel history. I even have the Rise of Apocalypse limited series from the 90’s. Remender will take us back to ancient Egypt in this next arc.

  “When Apocalypse first rose, it was during the reign of Rama Tut, Kang’s scientific pharaoh persona. They have history. There is more of a relationship than we’ve seen, but they share a common era of origin,” added Tom Brevoort.

   The Red Skull is more powerful than ever and a threat to the entire Marvel Universe.

  “Without telling you the end of the first story, we have not seen the end of Red Skull. He will be in Ragnarok Now,” said Remender. 

  “I’m in love with villains. This is a chance to put a shine back on three of the greatest villains in comic books period.”

  The child who would be Apocalypse (aka Evan/Genesis) is now part of the cast of Wolverine and the X-Men. Evan’s fate and potential role in the story will not be revealed yet.

  “I don’t want to say anything other than that Jason and I are in close contact. We have a conclusion in mind. We might get to it here, we might get to it in a year or two, but we know the end result.”

  Daniel Acuna will become the new regular artist starting with this second arc/issue #6. John Cassaday will continue to create covers for the series.

By Editor