MARVEL Editors On WOLVERINE’S Death Sentence

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Marvel declared Wolverine has 3 Months To Die in a new arc by writer Paul Cornell and artist Ryan Stegman. With his mutant healing factor gone, Logan is killable but could Marvel really do it?


Editor-In-Chief and X-Men Group Editor Mike Marts discuss why the fan-favorite X-Man’s days are numbered.


“Like most big story ideas, this one has been floating around the House of Ideas for quite a while now. It’s difficult to pinpoint who actually first proposed it; most likely it’s the result of several different people’s ideas and opinions. But the timing seemed right to tackle such an aggressive storyline. Much like ORIGIN over a decade ago, this story is too good not to attempt. We’d be remiss in our duties as storytellers not to deliver the best possible, most exciting story to our readers,” Marts tells


Wolverine #9 Marvel

“At the core of the story you have a character who’s essentially an immortal warrior now stripped of that very special ingredient which has kept him immortal all these years. But the exact details of why a character like Logan might die will become more apparent over the next several months in the pages of WOLVERINE.” says Marts on if Logan should die.
“And I think that deep down, Logan knows he might deserve to die for some of the stuff he’s done. He’s tried to atone, but has he?” says Alonso.


For the entire interview here’s link.


Can Logan be saved? Here are two more covers from the upcoming arc.


Wolverine #8 courtesy Marvel


Wolverine #8 courtesy Marvel


3 Months to Die begins in Wolverine this June.


By Editor

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