courtesy Warner Brothers/Fox
courtesy Warner Brothers/Fox

A double dose of Jim Gordon and a double shocker as an army of villains is unleashed in the Gotham Season Two finale.

Coming after last week’s episode that introduced new villains to the cast, Transference saw a battle for the fate of Arkham Asylum and several showdowns.

Did young Bruce Wayne finally see justice for his parents? What will Professor Hugo Strange’s menagerie of monsters mean for next season?

Before we talk about the shockers and what could happen next here’s a SPOILER ALERT!

If you have not seen this week’s Gotham finale stop reading now.



Here it comes:

The Court of Owls turned out to be behind Strange’s experiments which led to the creation of Clayface who took the identity of Jim Gordon and the resurrection of Fish Mooney. Strange reported back to the mysterious “Madame” wearing the Owl mask who ordered the Professor to destroy Indian Hill and all his test subjects after confirming Gordon, Wayne and Fox didn’t know about “who really runs Wayne Enterprises.”

Gordon was trapped and interrogated by Strange who used chemicals to make Jim reveal issues with his father and Leslie, while his imposter was wreaking havoc among the Gotham police. Mooney was a Strange breakthrough as the first test subject to be brought back from the dead with her memories intact and armed with mental powers of persuasion. Fish turned Strange’s staff against him, the Professor started the bomb countdown before getting zapped by Firefly and Mister Freeze’s rays but survived and was in police custody.

Gordon escaped and led the race to stop Strange’s bomb that would destroy Arkham Asylum and evidence of his experiments. After a showdown with Edward Nygma, Gordon, Bruce and Lucius Fox made Nygma stopped the bomb that would have destroyed Arkham and spread radiation across Gotham.

Gordon left to find Leslie.

Bruce was now on a mission to uncover “the secret council” behind the conspiracy and murders against his parents, company and him.

Fish took off in the bus with Strange’s monstrous mutants. Penguin and Butch ambushed it thinking Strange was inside. A homeless woman opened up the crashed bus turning them loose on Gotham City. One of those mutants sure looks like he could turn out to be Killer Croc and one more twisted character missing since earlier this season.

The big reveal in the final moments is a Bruce Wayne doppelganger among the freaks on the loose. Who is this long-haired Bruce double? With the Court of Owls involved, this evil twin could be Thomas Wayne Jr. Bruce’s brother (never confirmed) from comics who was a big part of the most recent Batman run by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo who unleashed the Owls to the Bat-mythology.

One more big tease: the return of Jerome, the maniac who inspired the Joker? You could hear Jerome’s laugh among the chaos of Strange’s bus of mutants now running wild in the streets of Gotham?

By Editor

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