DC Comics Reveals FOREVER EVIL Villains Month!

Joker/Batman courtesy DC Comics

The bad guys win…at least for one month!

After the “Trinity War,” crossover in the Justice League the DC Universe is taken over by villains this September!

Count Vertigo/Green Arrow courtesy DC Comics

Villain’s Month will spotlight 52 of the DC Universe’s biggest rogues in their own one-shots.

“September has always been a big month for us and we look for an opportunity every year in September to do something big that really redefines the line and invites anyone who hasn’t been following comics to step right in,” DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Jim Lee explained to BUZZFEED.

“We launched the New 52 with all-new continuity and new costumes, Zero Month was all about origins of our heroes, and now the villains are taking over. One of the strengths of the DC Universe has been the strength of the rogues gallery. Often times they’re as famous – if not more infamous – than our heroes.”

Deadshot/Justice League of America courtesy DC Comics

Each Villain’s Month cover will feature a 3D motion image on the front and back.
“We’re also commemorating this event by doing something really unheard of, I think, as far as a major publisher – we’re actually adding a special cover on every single villain’s book. It’s called a 3D motion cover and it’s essentially artwork that’s been separated onto different layers, so when you hold the cover, which is a premium stock cover, and you slightly rotate the comic book left or right or up and down, the images move a bit,” Lee continued.
“It’s an incredible 3D effect that shows depth of field on the covers,” added DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Dan DiDio. “It’s the full cover stock, so it’s not anything that’s been glued on. More importantly, it’s actually pliable and soft to the touch – it’s a brand new technology and we’re going to be the first ones debuting in this fashion.”
September is also the launch date for FOREVER EVIL, the seven-part mini-series by Geoff Johns and David Finch that sets into motion this first New 52 universe-wide crossover event.
FOREVER EVIL is a chance for David and I to work on all the greatest villains in comic books,” Johns said to USA TODAY. “It’s literally everybody. I don’t even know if there’s anybody not in it. We’re really exploring what darkness means and the different kinds of darkness that are within these villains.”

While we see classic rogues on the covers, DC has been teasing brand new villains. Didio confirmed new bad guys will join the ranks of Forever Evil this September.

“You’re going to see some new villains that haven’t been introduced in the New 52 here – but you won’t be seeing anybody for the first time. There’s a new villain that’s being introduced in the Green Lantern series that’s being written by Robert Venditti, so the character of Relic will just be seen in June for the first time, and yet he’s going to be showcased in one of the Villain Month titles. You’re also going to be seeing characters like First Born. He’s a new villain that was introduced in the Wonder Woman books. There’s also H’El, who is a character that’s been appearing in a number of Superman’s titles.”

For the complete interviews visit these BUZZFEED and USA TODAY links.

Watch for more Villains Month covers coming soon!

By Editor

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