Best of 2013 Comic Book Moments

Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Favorite Feel Good Moment:


Nightcrawler is alive…sort of.


The signs were there in Wolverine and X-Men and then finally saw our beloved dead hero lost in a strange afterlife in the final panels of X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2.


To hell with death not lasting comics our Fuzzy Elf is coming back thanks to Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness. Aaron’s been leaving hints that grew bigger and bigger (from Bamfs to full blown Azazel) and the quest for Kurt Wagner is taking the Amazing X-Men to Heaven and Hell to bring back my all-time favorite mutant.


Batman #17 courtesy DC Comics

Favorite “Oh My God No!” Moment:


The Joker’s horrific dinner party in Batman #17! Death of the Family is a sinister masterpiece of madness and suspense by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. The return of the Joker and his plan to destroy the Batman reaches a frightening climax with Bruce Wayne and his allies captured in a mock dinner party in the Batcave.



Fans has been fearing the worst after the Joker’s assault on Alfred in the first chapter. In this issue we see there might be a fate worse than death! Poor Alfred is a brainwashed zombie about to serve a bandaged up Dick, Barbara, Jason and Damian – their own severed faces?


I won’t give away the ending but the Joker had two more deadly traps for the Bat family. Batman #17 is one of the most suspenseful, shocking and strange issues of the year and possibly the most terrifying story with the Joker ever created.


By Editor


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