Nightcrawler #12 courtesy Marvel
Nightcrawler #12 courtesy Marvel

One amazing journey ends for a fan-favorite hero, a legendary writer and artist who captured the spirit of the greatest X-Men era.

Nightcrawler #12 by Chris Claremont and Todd Nauck arrives this week. This is the final issue after an uncanny year and adventure.

Kurt Wagner represents the heart and soul of the X-Men and what it means to be a mutant. This solo series followed Kurt’s comeback in Jason Aaron’s Amazing X-Men.

Nightcrawler came home to the X-Men to find his fellow Children of the Atom dramatically changed: Continue reading NIGHTCRAWLER Finale

From Junior to AMAZING X-MAN

Amazing X-Men #13 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #13 courtesy Marvel

A junior X-Man jumps up the front burner in Amazing X-Men #13 this week.

“Anole’s deepest fears are unleashed on the streets of New York City”  in this tale by James Tynion IV (Batman Eternal).

Nightcrawler and Northstar attempt to save Victor. This marks a reunion between Anole and his mentor Northstar – two of the openly gay Marvel characters.

Anole was part of Northstar’s Alpha Squadron. Jean-Luc and Victor made a connection because of the orientation. Victor and Kurt share a connection because of their appearances due to their mutation. Continue reading From Junior to AMAZING X-MAN


Nightcrawler #3 courtesy Marvel
Nightcrawler #3 courtesy Marvel

Nightcrawler (my personal favorite X-Man) is not just back in the land of the living – he’s fun again. Jason Aaron’s Wolverine and the X-Men run built up Amazing X-Men and the return of Kurt Wagner.


Now writer Chris Claremont and artist Todd Nauck are bringing us Kurt’s new adventures in a solo series starring the Fuzzy Elf. Nightcrawler #3 is out this week as Kurt races across the globe trying to rescue loved ones from his past. The legendary writer takes great supporting characters from Kurt’s pages like Amanda Sefton  and Margali Zdardos to spin a fast paced and fun new thriller. Continue reading NIGHTCRAWLER VILLAINS For Your Consideration



Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel

Amazing X-Men #8 is the beginning of a new arc by a new creative team that will take some fans into the past.


This week Craig Kyle and Chris Yost kicked off World War Wendigo. When the leader of Alpha Flight goes missing, Logan goes to Canada to help Heather Hudson find James. The suspenseful issue ends with not one but an outbreak of the man-eating monsters. Can X-Men and Alpha Flight stop the beasts?


Amazing X-Men #8 is the first of a five part arc by Kyle, Yost and Ed McGuinness that feels new but nostalgic and reminds me of one the first times a comic book actually scared me! Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN INSPIRES UNCANNY Flashback

AMAZING X-MEN #8 Preview

Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel

A new creative team takes over Amazing X-Men and bring a prodigal son home this week.


Chris Yost and Craig Kyle (New Mutants/New X-Men, X-Force) return to writing the Children of the Atom with Amazing X-Men #8.


This marks a second major homecoming in the series. After the Quest for Nightcrawler brought the Fuzzy Elf back now Colossus returns. Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN #8 Preview

Top Comics for May 14, 2014

Constantine #14 courtesy DC Comics
Constantine #14 courtesy DC Comics

Constantine #14 In honor of the news that John Constantine will star in a new NBC series this Fall,  I’m making the supernatural hero’s latest issue a pick for new fans intrigued by the trailer. John may be quitting his role as leader of Justice League Dark as he fights a demon that could cost him what’s left of his humanity.


Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1 Shang Chi  goes into solo action when his lost love is killed while working for MI-6. The new Avengers becomes the next target in a story of martial arts, revenge and global espionage in a new limited series by Mike Benson. Continue reading Top Comics for May 14, 2014


Nightcrawler #2 by Jamie McKelvie courtesy Marvel
Nightcrawler #2 by Jamie McKelvie courtesy Marvel

Nightcrawler made an incredible sacrifice to return from the dead in Amazing X-Men. Now Kurt’s loved ones are targets of a new threat.  Nightcrawler is on a race to save them all in his new solo series. Nightcrawler #2 by legendary X-Men writer Chris Claremont and artist Todd Nauck arrives Wednesday.


In the first issue X-fans saw the return of the swashbuckling, romantic Fuzzy Elf as he reunited with magical girlfriend Amanda Sefton. The date was interrupted by an armored invader – the first of many ready to strike Kurt’s friends. Continue reading NIGHTCRAWLER On The Run