In The Dark Knight Trilogy Ra’s Al Ghul told Bruce Wayne to become a symbol to fight injustice. In this week’s Detective Comics #16 the Joker has become an inspirational symbol to Gotham City’s unhinged and mentally unstable. The Joker never appear in this excellent issue (or does he?) but his sinister influence chokes this issue like Joker gas creeping into you.
In this Death of the Family tie-in Batman fights to stop bands of Joker fans and wannabes. John Layman and Jason Fabok craft a chilling tale of madness and manipulation among ordinary people pushed over the edge and ruthless new criminals seizing their claims in Gotham City. Layman shows us the ramifications of the Joker’s comeback.
Batman races across Gotham trying to stop the violence and track down the mysterious League of Smiles. The real madman behind the outbreak may not be the Joker but a new holy terror. Another new villain is taking advantage of the Joker’s rampage. While Oswald Cobblepot has been recruited by the Joker the Emperor Penguin makes his move on the crime lords of Gotham City. The back story showing the new villain’s rise to power is chilling and fun.
John Layman, Jason Fabok and Andy Clarke deliver a fun read that ties loosely into Death of the Family while setting the stage for new enemies and showdowns in Gotham City’s Underworld.
By Editor