Batgirl Goes To Zero Year

courtesy DC Comics
courtesy DC Comics

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are exploring Bruce Wayne’s early days as a crimefighter in Batman: Zero Year.


Members of the Batman family will go to Zero Year. DC Comics Editor Bob Harras share a first look at the teen who will become Batgirl.


“This fall, Barbara Gordon will be getting her own Zero Year makeover. Around fifteen or sixteen-years-old at the time of her tie-in issue, Barbara Gordon is forced to protect her brother and homestead in anticipation of the upcoming storm. It’s here that she’ll not only be forced to evaluate what “home” really means to her, but where she’ll realize for the first time that she has the potential to be a hero in her own right. Guest-written by Marguerite Bennett and featuring art by Fernando Pasarin and Jonathan Glapion, Batgirl’s Zero Year tie-in issue flies into stores later this year. Above, check out cover artist Alex Garner’s awesome design for Babs’ Zero Year look.”


If you’re not reading Gail Simone’s Batgirl right now…run to the comic book store to see why she’s a wanted by the Gotham Police!

By Editor

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