Uncanny X-Men #1 promo art courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #1 promo art courtesy Marvel

Marvel dropped even more news about the fate of mutants after Secret Wars.

After teasing a conflict between Inhumans and X-Men after the big event, Marvel revealed the Terrigen Bomb that triggered the creation of new Inhumans is killing and sterilizing mutants.

Beast will join Uncanny Inhumans, Storm will lead Extraordinary X-Men to save mutants from the new genetic threat. Magneto is leading a very different version of Uncanny X-Menincluding Mystique, Sabretooth, Psylocke and Fantomex.

New Uncanny X-Men writer Cullen Bunn revealed more about the status of mutants and his team’s mission:

“Well, I think the “official” status quo is that the X-Men are no more. Something terrible has happened in the eight month gap between Secret Wars and Uncanny X-Men. We know it has something to do with the T-Mists and their impact on the mutant population, but there’s more to it than that. The world at large believes the X-Men are no more. We, of course, as readers are in on the secret. The X-Men are still alive and kicking, but they’ve changed in the wake of this hostile environment they’re facing. There will be more than a few mysteries remaining to be solved and that will happen along the way. In the meantime, there are still threats to mutantkind that must be addressed.” Bunn told

Bunn expanded on why he chose this roster and how this proactive team fits into the new reality the mutants are facing:

“In times of crisis, different people react in different ways. Some might try to escape. Others might attempt to batten down the hatches and ride out the storm in a safe haven. The members of this group of X-Men, though, are unwilling to sit still. They believe that the enemies of mutants will use this time of trouble as a time of opportunity. Magneto’s group will take a more active role. They are not offering a safe haven. They are not striking from the shadows. Instead, they are making a statement—a warning—to those who might harm mutants.

When we first started talking about this team, we landed on the idea that more terrible threats require a more terrible team of X-Men, and I think the stories we have planned represent that philosophy pretty well. Of course, you don’t have a team like this without a few conspiracies within the ranks. Some of the members—maybe all of the members—have differing agendas. How those plots and plans surface will be part of the fun.”

Bunn teased in the first arc Magneto’s team will face a group of villains “who haven’t got a lot of play recently” and that he “loved this first batch of villains.”

The new X-Men books start in October.

By Editor

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