Civil War II: X-Men courtesy Marvel
Civil War II: X-Men courtesy Marvel

X-Men vs. Inhumans – it’s on as just one of the battles in Civil War II.

The seeds of war were sown as soon as the All-New, All-Different Marvel Now emerged. In the aftermath of Secret Wars, we learned the Terrigen Cloud that was creating new Inhumans was attacking mutant DNA. Storm is leading her Extraordinary X-Men to rescue and take mutants to X-Haven while Magneto’s Uncanny X-Men are taking on a corporation profiting from the genetic crisis.

Cyclops is presumed dead after attacking the Inhumans. Beast is actually working with Medusa in Uncanny Inhumans.

As Civil War II erupts among the Avengers, the cold war between mutants and Inhumans explodes. Marvel confirmed Civil War II: X-Men, a four issue limited series by writer Cullen Bunn and artist Andrea Broccardo. Continue reading X-MEN VS X-MEN And INHUMANS In CIVIL WAR II


Uncanny X-Men #1 promo art courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #1 promo art courtesy Marvel

Marvel dropped even more news about the fate of mutants after Secret Wars.

After teasing a conflict between Inhumans and X-Men after the big event, Marvel revealed the Terrigen Bomb that triggered the creation of new Inhumans is killing and sterilizing mutants.

Beast will join Uncanny Inhumans, Storm will lead Extraordinary X-Men to save mutants from the new genetic threat. Magneto is leading a very different version of Uncanny X-Menincluding Mystique, Sabretooth, Psylocke and Fantomex.

New Uncanny X-Men writer Cullen Bunn revealed more about the status of mutants and his team’s mission: Continue reading X-MEN NO MORE?


Uncanny X-Men #1 promo art courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #1 promo art courtesy Marvel

Magneto’s Uncanny X-Men by Cullen Bunn is a real rogue’s gallery….literally.

The Master of Magnetism is leading Mystique, Sabretooth, Fantomex and Psylocke as more threatening X-Men are needed for bigger threats…to borrow from the Marvel promo team!

Bunn has a track record of villains as leading men (Magneto, Sinestro, Deadpool) but how did he assemble this new team: Continue reading MAGNETO’S X-MEN & MYSTERY MEMBER

CULLEN BUNN’S Villain Hit List

Namor: The First Mutant #1 courtesy Marvel
Namor: The First Mutant #1 courtesy Marvel

Magneto, Sinestro, Lobo.

Cullen Bunn is writing acclaimed series starring iconic villains along with anti-hero Deadpool.

Which other unusual suspects does Bunn want to take on next?

“I’ve often said that Namor is one of the most fun characters to write. There’s pure joy in channeling that level of self-confidence. But writing Sinestro, Magneto and Namor might be too much narcissism for me to handle. There are many villainous characters I’d love to see in their own book. Continue reading CULLEN BUNN’S Villain Hit List


courtesy DC Comics
courtesy DC Comics

Will the real LOBO stand up, aim and fire?


Cullen Bunn (Deadpool, Magneto, Sinestro) is adding another villain/anti-hero to his impressive resume.


DC Comics is launching a new Lobo ongoing series by Bunn and artist Reilly Brown according to Comic Book Resources.


Lobo (a Keith Giffen creation) was an intergalactic bounty hunter created in 1983 but became hugely popular in the 1990’s as The Last Czarnian (by Alan Grant and Simon Bisley) then fell into guest star/back burner status. Continue reading LOBO & LOBO By CULLEN BUNN


Magneto #11 courtesy Marvel
Magneto #11 courtesy Marvel

Magneto vs. Red Skull!


And that’s just in the build up to Avengers and X-Men: AXIS as Marvel’s heroes united against the might of the Red Onslaught (Red Skull with the telepathic powers of Charles Xavier.)


Red Skull is a Nazi war criminal and he stole Xavier’s brain right out of his skull to declare his own genocidal campaign against mutants.


If that’s not reason enough for the Master of Magnetism to go to war…what about the Red Skull’s actions against his daughter (Scarlet Witch) and former lover (Rogue.) Continue reading MARCH TO AXIS: CULLEN BUNN On MAGNETO Vs. RED SKULL



Marvel AXIS by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel
Marvel AXIS by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel

Avengers & X-Men: AXIS pits Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom against the Red Skull. The Marvel event begins this Fall by Rick Remender and crosses over into other titles.


One of the most anticipated battles will happen in the pages of the Magneto solo book in the March to AXIS. Magneto’s parents were killed by the Nazis so that’s reason enough for Erik to hate the Red Skull but there’s an even more powerful reason: the Red Skull stole the brain of Charles Xavier. Writer Cullen Bunn told Comic Book Resources how he’s getting in Magneto’s head for the big fight. Continue reading MARVEL AXIS: MAGNETO Vs. RED SKULL


Deadpool vs. Carnage #1 courtesy Marvel
Deadpool vs. Carnage #1 courtesy Marvel

Two of Marvel’s most insane characters start a battle of the ages this week.



The Merc With a Mouth takes on the Spider-Man killer Carnage in Deadpool vs. Carnage by writer Cullen Bunn and artist Salva Espin (the creative team behind Deadpool Kills Deadpool.)


“In this series, Carnage is embarking on a wild, random killing spree. Continue reading DEADPOOL VS. CARNAGE Begins