X-Men Legacy #261 Exodus From the Jean Grey School?


X-Men Legacy #261 preview art courtesy

  X-Men Legacy #261 isn’t just in fine hands but phenomenal hands. Christos Gage took over last month after Mike Carey long run.  His second issue is filled with drama, humor and action. A love triangle is building into a quadrangle. An old enemy arrives.

  I’ve never been a fan of the villain Exodus. He’s a pink skinned, immortal mutant who can do anything but I think it’s very clever how Gage uses him here. Exodus wants to reunite the X-Men. Through the conflict the X-Men show why Schism happened and why they made the right choice to follow Logan.

X-Men Legacy #261 preview art courtesy

  Gage has picked up the baton from Carey when it comes to portraying Rogue as the confident teacher/leader she’s become. From her girl talk with Rachel about long distance relationships to tapping into powers for a takedown of Exodus, this is the decisive, exciting Rogue I’ve come to love.

  I really love David Baldeon’s art. His work is energetic and expessive. The fight scenes are dynamic and a great fit with Nick Bradshaw’s work on Wolverine and the X-Men. I’m reminded of Gary Frank and Dale Keown’s work on The Incredible Hulk.  


I’m definitely excited to see where this new team take Rogue, Gambit, Frenzy and company. The Exodus plot is not over and looks like this team is heading back to Utopia.

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