Uncanny Avengers Welcomes Salvador Larroca

Cable and X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

Red Skull. Kang. Apocalypse Twins. Onslaught. The new unity team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom faces a unholy army of villains. Captain America and Wolverine’s Unity Team may get some reinforcements in Uncanny Avengers #12 from Cable and X-Force!

One of the big reasons I’m sharing this story is because celebrated artist Salvador Larroca (X-Men, Invincible Iron Man and currently Cable and X-Force) is joining the September issue focusing on Kang the Conqueror. Larroca is one of my all-time favorite artists who been innovative. Here’s just one cover from his X-Treme X-Men run with Chris Claremont.

Bishop & Storm from X-treme X-Men #30 courtesy Marvel

Writer Rick Remender shares with how the issue will play to Larroca’s artistic strengths.

“The issue that he’s working on right now has a lot of heart and a lot of crazy sci-fi stuff dealing with Kang, and Salvador is amazing at cooking up incredibly unique visions of technology in the future. I can’t wait to see his Kang and his home. In juxtaposition to that we have some very textured and dirty moments in this issue in the Red Skull’s camps where we needed somebody who could convey the raw emotion that Salvador has such a grasp on.”

A new villain enters the drama – Ahab – how will he be connected to Kang and the Apocalypse Twins:

Uncanny Avengers #12 courtesy Marvel

“We’re going to be getting a closer look at what Kang put the twins through. While the main story continues to move forward we’ll be taking a few looks into the distant future, and the not-too-distant future, to see what Kang did to ensure the Twins see humanity as the enemy. This will include the Twins time growing up in Ahab’s concentration camps,” Remender says,”Kang wants to ensure the twins see humanity’s vicious contempt for the mutants. In order to help accomplish this he dropped them off at a young age to spend a number of years in Ahab’s camps. Kang’s motives for this will be revealed, so don’t miss this issue.”

For more of the interview here’s Uncanny Avengers #9 arrives June 19th. Watch for Larroca’s issue in September.

By Editor

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