The Fearless Climax

Fear Itself The Fearless #2 courtesy Marvel

  Fear Itself: The Fearless comes to an exciting, emotional climax. Valkyrie defied the Avengers on a mission for Odin. The warrior’s race against Sin to find the mystical hammers left by the Serpent in Fear Itself has been gripping and fun. Valkyrie faces an emotional sacrifice in her final showdown with Sin issue 12 out now.

  Even if you loved, loathed or didn’t read Fear Itself – I highly recommend this thrilling tour of the Marvel universe packed with exciting battles, bloody fights, and shocking betrayals. We learn of Valkyrie’s haunted past and hope for love in the afterlife. She invades Atlantis, Utopia and every corner of the Marvel world with the Avengers on her trail.

  Valkyrie is definitely the star of this series but it’s packed with awesome moments: Wolverine vs. Crossbones, Doctor Strange and the Avengers vs. an army right of out Inferno plus the Valkyrie Storm fight is worth the dang series!

Fear Itself The Fearless #9 courtesy Marvel

Cullen Bunn, Matt Fraction and Chris Yost created this exciting quest for one of my favorite heroines. Mark Bagley and Paul Pelletier tag team on art with Art Adams on covers. This will likely be collected in a trade – get it!

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