Captain America: Civil War courtesy Marvel via Twitter
Captain America: Civil War courtesy Marvel via Twitter

DC vs Marvel at the box office, one of the X-Men’s greatest enemies strikes, a Star Wars legend revealed, two huge video game inspired fantasies and two of the naughtiest comic book films yet.

Here are our 16 most anticipated movies with comic book/sci-fi twist coming in 2016:


Steven Spielberg directs this children’s tale of a young girl and a big friendly giant fighting to stop an army of evil, hungry giants. July 1.


When Mystique met Peter Quill? No, but Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt star in a sci-fi romance from the director of The Intimidation Game. Pratt plays a man who awakens from his ship’s sleep chamber too early and awakens another from hibernation rather than live and die alone. December 21. Continue reading MOST ANTICIPATED MOVIES OF 2016


Uncanny X-Men #377 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #377 courtesy Marvel

Fox gave fans Marvel-ous moments and big reveals at Comic-Con.

The cast of X-Men: Apocalypse including Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, Fantastic Four, Deadpool including Ryan Reynolds and even Channing Tatum, the future Gambit joined Stan Lee for the “ultimate superhero selfie.”

Fans learned new details about X-Men: Apocalypse including the identities of the titular villain’s Four Horsemen – and the truth may shock some longtime X-fans. Continue reading X-MEN: APOCALYPSE FOUR HORSEMEN REVEALED

Storm Takes Command of Brian Wood’s X-MEN

X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Storm, Brian Wood, Olivier Coipel – it’s a creative marriage made in geek heaven!


X-Men #1 by Wood & Coipel launched this week with Ororo in command of an all-female team. Wood’s smashing take on the mutant windrider on the previous volume of X-Men last year was a hit with fans. I even declared Wood’s writing of Storm was the best since the Chris Claremont golden years.


The iconic X-woman recently split from Black Panther, joined the Jean Grey School, and is now sporting her Mohawk again. Wood tells how he found a voice for Storm that resonated with fans.


“This is one of those honest answers that don’t always come  across so well in interviews, but I don’t know. [Laughs] I remember when  I started writing X-MEN [in 2012], I said in an interview something about how I  was looking forward to figuring Storm out, to discovering my version of her  voice. In the end I went with my gut, and wrote her as a flawed but determined  leader, one not afraid to make controversial moves if the end goal is a noble  one. And it worked; the reaction to my Storm was beyond overwhelming.


I often write from the gut Continue reading Storm Takes Command of Brian Wood’s X-MEN