New Comics Picks for May 17, 2019

X-Men ResurrXion rolls on with a new Gen X! The Batman/Flash crossover finale! Luke Cage’s road to revenge! The comeback of Turok, Magnus and more Gold Key icons. It’s all in this new comics picks of the week:

Generation X courtesy Marvel

Generation X #1 The Xavier Institute is open but not every mutant is a super powered super hero type. Continue reading New Comics Picks for May 17, 2019

X-MEN Writer On PSYLOCKE & Race

X-Men #25 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #25 courtesy Marvel

Psylocke has one of the most unusual evolutions in X-Men history. What newer fans may not know is the Asian psi-ninja warrior is not what she seems.

This week director Bryan Singer revealed Olivia Munn will play Betsy Braddock in X-Men: Apocalypse. Fans questioned which version of Psylocke will appear in the sequel: the British (caucasian) telepath or the Japanese psychic ninja?

In 90’s Betsy’s mind was merged with the body of a dead assassin for The Hand.

The casting brings up questions of Psylocke’s racial evolution. Continue reading X-MEN Writer On PSYLOCKE & Race

X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Mutants For Your Consideration

X-Men #4 by courtesy Marvel
X-Men #4 by courtesy Marvel

A new mutant joins the X-Men film franchise in X-Men: Apocalypse.

Bryan Singer revealed Jubilee will join the cast after previously revealing new actors will play younger versions of Jean Grey, Storm, Scott Summers and Nightcrawler.

Professor X, Magneto, Mystique and Beast (James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult) return for the sequel set in the 1980’s. Hugh Jackman returns as Wolverine.

It’s a good bet Gambit (Channing Tatum) and Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) may appear since those characters are headlining spinoffs before and after Apocalypse. Days of Future Past introduced Blink, Sunspot and Warpath.

We shared our villainous picks to join the sequel.

Inspired by the Jubilation Lee announcement here’s our picks for more heroic mutants to join the sequel: Continue reading X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Mutants For Your Consideration


X-Men #14 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #14 courtesy Marvel

Director Bryan Singer revealed a new mutant joining the X-Men film franchise.

Lana Candor will play Jubilation Lee in X-Men: Apocalypse, Singer shared via Instagram.

In comics Jubilation Lee (Jubilee) was a “mall rat” and orphan with the power to create fireworks. The X-Men met her while they still based in the Australian Outback and would teleport to adventures around the globe.

Lee became a sidekick of Wolverine and one of the team but she later left to join the kids of Generation X. Continue reading JUBILEE in X-MEN APOCALYPSE


X-Men #13 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #13 courtesy Marvel

The end is coming for James Howlett as the Death of Wolverine approaches.
Marvel already teased a new hero will rise to become the new Captain America  but can anyone take Logan’s place?


There’s no official word from Marvel on if a new hero will take the code-name and carry on Logan’s legacy but we’ve been looking at heroes and villains who could become The Next Wolverine.


This next suggestion came from a Facebook follower: Jubilee. You may be surprised but this character has radically changed from the bratty mall rat who used to be Wolvie’s sidekick. Continue reading THE NEXT WOLVERINE Part 4

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Costume Designs Reveal Jubilee

X-Men: Days of Future Past Jubilee design by Phillip Boutte Jr courtesy Concept Art World
X-Men: Days of Future Past Jubilee design by Phillip Boutte Jr courtesy Concept Art World

X-Men: Days of Future Past costume illustrator Phillip Boutte Jr reveals his early costume designs for the sequel with Concept Art World. You can see different early takes on new additions Blink, Warpath and Bishop along with designs for Professor X, Magneto and Storm.


The one reveal that might make some fans sigh is Jubilee – who didn’t appear in the film.


As you’ll see most of his designs remained the same but others were very different. In fact, the early Blink look was closer to her comic book roots in Generation X.

Continue reading X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Costume Designs Reveal Jubilee

X-MEN Comics of Future Now

X-Men #14 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #14 courtesy Marvel

This is an astonishing week for all X-Men fans as X-Men: Days of Future Past arrives in cinemas. The latest big screen adventure stars the casts of the original trilogy and X-Men: First Class. Based on the classic Chris Claremont story, an X-Man goes back in time to prevent an assassination that leads to a war between giant robots called Sentinels and the human race.


It’s uncanny how there are also 4 big new X-books out this week from Marvel. If you’re a regular reader or want to know what’s up with your favorites in the comics here’s what’s coming out this new comic book Wednesday starring the Children of the Atom: Continue reading X-MEN Comics of Future Now

X-MEN #10 Review

X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

“We need to resurrect the dead.”


An ominous quote from a thrilling and strange new arc of X-Men by Brian Wood and Kris Anka.


Ghosts picks up with Storm’s team racing against the new Lady Deathstrike, her Sisterhood and an ancient evil reborn. Wood is like a master strategist as Storm, Monet and Psylocke go head to head with the Sisterhood, Continue reading X-MEN #10 Review