photo by ComicsBlend
photo by ComicsBlend

X-Men: Days of Future Past is here and generating rave reviews. In honor of the film based on the classic Chris Claremont story and uniting members of the original and First Class casts here’s a salute to some truly astonishing X-fans.


This cosplaying duo took inspiration from X-Men: First Class for their appearance at Emerald City Comicon this year.


Here are more of the uncanny cosplayers who display their devotion the Children of the Atom! Continue reading X-MEN COSPLAY SALUTE


Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com
Emerald City Comicon photo by ComicsBlend.com

Pacific Northwest cosplayers help make Emerald City Comicon such a geek-tacular experience.


The Seattle celebration always marks a reunion with new friends you see online and in person (often in costume) at the con. As big at ECCC is growing you can still run into your favorite cosplayers, collectors and fellow fans.


I met Ryan and Lauren a few years ago at the Jet City Comic Book Show (also produced by the team behind ECCC) dressed as my favorite Marvel couple: Kitty Pryde and Colossus. Continue reading X-MEN COSPLAYERS of EMERALD CITY COMICON


X-Men: Days of Future Past courtesy Fox
X-Men: Days of Future Past courtesy Fox

The new trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past is here via YouTube.


Director Bryan Singer unites the cast of X-Men: First Class with the original X trilogy in a film based on the classic story by Chris Claremont.


In 2023 Professor X (Patrick Stewart) Magneto (Ian McKellen) and surviving X-Men (Halle Berry, Daniel Cudmore, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore, Anna Paquin) send Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) back to the 1970’s to change history.


Logan confronts young Charles (James McAvoy) and Magneto (Michael Fassbender) to unite and prevent a war that will decimate the mutant race but the one person who may not veer from her path is Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence.)


Watch and enjoy: Continue reading X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST New Trailer

Nicholas Hoult De-Beasted in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy in X-Men: Days of Future Past courtesy Fox via Twitter
Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy in X-Men: Days of Future Past courtesy Fox via Twitter

Nicholas Hoult returns as Hank McCoy in X-Men: Days of Future Past. In X-Men: First Class Hank’s mutation was accelerated by his own creation (using Mystique’s DNA) transforming him into the furry blue Beast.


In this picture from Director Bryan Singer via Twitter – McCoy is back in human form and sporting 1973 style. Continue reading Nicholas Hoult De-Beasted in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

ALL-NEW X-MEN #17 Review

All-New X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

It’s Back to the Future in this week’s exciting new chapter of Battle of the Atom!

Here’s the score:

Beast brought the original five X-Men to present to convince Cyclops to end his mutant revolution. Horrified by their future – the kids refused to go back.

X-Men from the future arrived at the Jean Grey School declaring the kids must go back to prevent a terrible future for mutants.

Young Jean and Scott took off. The modern X-Men agreed with the future team (which includes an adult Jean and Professor X’s son.)

A suspicious Magik (along with young Beast and Iceman) has transported to that future to find a very different group of X-Men.

You could call Chapter Six a slight detour as we meet more future mutants and discover a terrifying moment in future history.

Continue reading ALL-NEW X-MEN #17 Review

Future Greatest X-MEN Stories


All New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
All New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Battle of the Atom is underway! X-Men from the future, past and present collide in fight to save future of the mutant race as part of the 50th Anniversary. Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron and Brian Wood are the “Professor X’s” of the current X-books and co-writers working together on this crossover.


As part of the 50th Anniversary we looked back at the top 10 greatest X-Men stories but I wanted to look ahead. These next recent stories by the Battle of the Atom writers are strong contenders to join that impressive pantheon Continue reading Future Greatest X-MEN Stories