ALL-NEW X-MEN Villains Return

All-New X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

Mutants in love. Romance among the X-Men never ends with happily ever after. Wolverine/Laura and Angel/Young Warren share a romance novel cover and reunion in All-New X-Men #12.

Writer Dennis Hopeless gave fans of the two lovers a big moment and delivered a love letter to fans of old school villains not seen in years.

The Apocalypse Wars arc focused on Evan and young Hank McCoy back in time with the original En Sabah Nur.

The new arc picks up the romance of Laura and Warren which isn’t going smooth. Rich Warren wants to woo Laura but she wants to cut loose.

Thanks to young Cyclops playing with Beast’s “threat tracker” Laura gets a ton of dangerous solo missions in which she unleash the claws.

Two villains turn up, Angel shares a secret and Hopeless gives us a hell of a cliffhanger. We mean a literal hell…you could even say infernal. Continue reading ALL-NEW X-MEN Villains Return

X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Underground Mutant Fight Clubs

New Mutants #29 courtesy Marvel
New Mutants #29 courtesy Marvel

Will the Children of the Atom become gladiators fighting for their lives in X-Men: Apocalypse?

Underground arenas where mutants fight for their lives have appeared in the comics and may be part of the next film.

Director Bryan Singer revealed a new photo via Instagram with these

#eastberlin #1982 #fightclub #benhardy #angel #xmen #xmenapocalypse.

Producers revealed Ben Hardy will be playing Warren Worthington aka Angel aka Archangel and will be one of the Horsemen of Apocalypse. Continue reading X-MEN: APOCALYPSE Underground Mutant Fight Clubs


All-New X-Men #29 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #29 courtesy Marvel

A new version of an original X-Man in X-Men: Apocalypse?

Ben Hardy (EastEnders) will play Warren Worthington aka Angel in the sequel according to Jeff Sneider of The Wrap via Screen Rant.

Ben Foster played Worthington in X-Men: The Last Stand. This Angel was the son of the biotech billionaire whose company developed a mutant cure. But the board is clear (to borrow inspiration from Xavier and Magneto’s chess games) since X-Men: Days of Future Past reset the timeline for a fresh start.

In comics Warren was one of the original X-Men who would later be transformed by Apocalypse into Archangel – one of his Horsemen. In battle, Warren had his wings cut but En Sabah Nur gave him metal wings which he could shoot knives and a blue skin as the Angel of Death. Continue reading ANGEL In X-MEN: APOCALYPSE

AMY ACKER Joins AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. As Coulson’s Cellist

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Amy Acker (Angel, Person of Interest) joins the Marvel Universe as a woman from Agent Phil Coulson’s past.


You may recall Coulson telling Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) about a cellist from Portland, Oregon in Iron Man and The Avengers.


Acker will play Audrey, the cellist and love of Coulson’s life on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Audrey believes Coulson is dead but when a “super powered threat from her past re-emerges” Coulson must act to protect her. Continue reading AMY ACKER Joins AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. As Coulson’s Cellist

Why Joss Why? Avengers Death Explained – SPOILER WARNING

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel

  If you haven’t seen Marvel’s The Avengers yet you may not want to keep reading this post.














 Joss Whedon always kills the ones we love and we love him for it. Death has meaning, impact and drama in Buffy, Serenity, Angel, and The Avengers. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes needed someone to avenge. Agent Phil Coulson had to die. But Whedon tells io9 it wasn’t completely on him this time.

  In our first meeting Kevin Feige said, this is what we’re gonna do and I said, “Oh but you have to go out there and tell everybody that it was your idea because this is going to get me so much s—. Because they are all going to be like, “Oh he did it again!” It was stipulated from the beginning, and I completely agree that it was the right thing to do, and so did Clark. Who said in the early days, when I was busy apologizing for it, “In a movie like this, with what’s going on if there isn’t some toll, it’s just irresponsible story telling.”

This Geek’s Take: It never occured to me that Agent Coulson would die because I was so caught up in the movie. Phil, you will be missed. I’m glad Coulson will live on in the Marvel comic universe.


The Dark Angel Saga Ends

Uncanny X-Force #18 cover courtesy

  As I write this I have my bagged copy of Uncanny X-Force #18, the conclusion to the Dark Angel Saga. I’m about to rip and read what could be the final fate of Warren Worthington. The Regenesis previews give you an idea of what might happen to the covert mutant squad but with Rick Remender’s writing, the thrill is in how we get there.

  In case you missed it, here’s my post on The Seeds of the Dark Angel Saga. I think all of these storylines are foundation pieces for this violent epic that be enjoyed all on their own. Warren’s journey from golden boy to villain’s pawn to ultimate evil will be long remembered in X-history.