Superwoman #1 courtesy DC Comics
Superwoman #1 courtesy DC Comics

After recovering from Superwoman #1 I realized something: this was the first genuine shock I read in a comic book in a long time. that I didn’t see coming. No leaks. No spoilers. No pre-release hype. Did I miss a press release?
I just read a stunning comic book and felt a genuine surprising gut punch I didn’t see coming. It was wonderful.

(In fact, before you keep reading stop and go get Superwoman #1 from your local comic book shop and come back.)

We live in an age when publishers spill the “shocker” in hopes you will go get the issue to see how it happened. We live in an age of spoilers and leaks hitting social media sites before a reader can even get to the shop. We always believe in giving SPOILER ALERTS even if an issue, movie or episode in out before we continue our discussion just in case.

With Superwoman #1 Phil Jimenez packs more action, emotion, twists and thrills in 20 pages than you often find a a double-sized mega issue. The fan-favorite creator pulls double duty as writer and artist in a premiere issue loaded with doubles.

From DC previews, we knew Lois Lane was the newly empowered Superwoman. We knew there’s a price for Lois’s powers. We knew Lois would turn to Lana Lang to keep her secret and help her cope with her new super powers and the physical cost to her body. We knew Lois would face the threat of Ultra-Woman. Nothing prepares fans for the twists and tragic turns Jimenez weaved in a powerful first issue.

Before we break down the events and what it could mean for the DC Universe here’s a SPOILER ALERT!

If you have not read Superwoman #1 stop reading now.



Here it comes.

Superwoman courtesy DC Comics

There are two Lois Lanes now thanks to the events of Convergence.

Lois Lane from the pre-Flashpoint universe crossed over into the Rebirth world and is married to Superman and raising their son Jon – as seen in the current Superman book.

There’s also The New 52 Lois Lane who never married The New 52 Superman but was part of his life and death.

When The New 52 Superman died in a super nova explosion in The Final Days of Superman, New 52 Lois was exposed to that energy. In DC Comics Rebirth, this New 52 Lois is super-powered as soaring to save those in need as Superwoman. Lois turns to Lana Lang for help in adjusting to her new role and adapt to her new powers. Jimenez beautifully conveys the history between these rivals for Clark Kent and builds new ground, creating a rapport between these strong women who stood by the Man of Steel at his best and his final worst moments.

The action turns to Metropolis where Lex Luthor (now sporting his own “S” on his chest and red cape as the presumed new Superman in Action Comics) unveils his new “gift” to the world. In the aftermath of Luthor’s battle with Doomsday, he unveils a battle cruiser but things go very wrong in his demonstration as thousands watch. Luthor’s super suit and cruiser are sabotaged. Enter Superwoman to save the day.

But Jimenez shares a surprise: two Superwomen!

A super powered Lana Lang joins the effort to stop the weapon gone wrong and save innocent lives.

Lois is super strong, flies and has heat vision – all the powers and looks you think of when you think of Superman. Lana is a being of pure energy (like Superman Red) who can channel those energies. Lana was exposed to the energy from The New 52 Superman’s final blast too and she is a Superwoman.

The shocks don’t stop.

After saving the day, Lois and Lana enter the battle cruiser to find dead crew members and a horrific zombie looking female Bizarro who kills Lois. As Lois is taking the villain’s assault, she is glowing red when a smile appears on her face and she says, “Clark? Oh God, I understand now. It all makes sen…”

Lana (and I) are stunned watching a died husk that was once Lois Lane.

Is The New 52 Lois really dead?

Given the final moments, is she in the afterlife with Clark?

Does this mean the pre-Flashpoint Lois can come out of hiding?

After months of hype, is Lana the real Superwoman after all?

Are more people potentially beneficiaries or victims of the energy released by the death of Superman?

What does the death of Lois mean to the other Super books including Superman where he’s raising Jon Kent?

Phil Jimenez may have just given us the most emotional, thrilling and surprising new book of DC Rebirth. The publisher allowed readers to do what we used do way back in the day before the internet and social media – enjoy a powerhouse comic book with big emotional twists.

By Editor

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