Robert Downey Jr on Iron Man 3

Iron Man from

  Robert Downey Jr is expressing his hopes for the next solo adventure of the Iron Avenger while promoting Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

  “I think that we have an opportunity with the third Iron Man to make the best of the three, and maybe one of the better superhero movies that’s ever been made. But I think we have to remember what made the first one good. It was very character-driven. It was very odd. It was kind of outrageous. And so I think we have to have the courage to trust that the audience is really kind of cool, and smart” Downey told the Omelette.

  Thanks to Dark Horizons for the story translation.

  No word on the villain of the next film. I personally hope we might see the Mandarin. This Chinese master of magic, alien technology and martial arts is a classic character that I think could be given a modern spin. The Mandarin is known for his ten power rings. You may recall the terrorist from the first Iron Man film belonged to a mysterious group called the Ten Rings.

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