Northstar’s Brief X-Men Return


Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy

Mike Carey’s final X-Men: Legacy arc begins. X-Fans already know which side of Schism Rogue chooses but this issue explores how she reaches her decision. Issue 259 arrived in stores yesterday and Carey filled it will several exciting and moving moments.

  One surprise in this issue was the appearance of Northstar as X-men gathered around Rogue in an experiment after her embrace of Magneto revealed a big new mystery. In the Regenesis books so far we haven’t seen Jean Paul listed on Cyclops or Wolverine’s team. In my earlier post I made the case for Northstar’s official return back to the X-Men now that Alpha Flight has been cancelled.

  While I’m at it – if Archie Comics is bold enough to have a gay wedding for Kevin Keller how about more screen time for Jean Paul? Gay or straight, Northstar is a powerful character, an asset for any X-team.


X-Men, Superman, Munsters?

  The director who gave us the X-Men and Superman Returns may have a new project and it’s an unusual suspect!

  Bryan Singer will direct and executive produce The Munsters reboot. Singer and NBC are reportedly finalizing the deal according to Deadline. Bryan Fuller’s reboot pitch of the 1960’s comedy was given a pilot order by the Peacock network. Fuller was the creative force behind “Pushing Daisies” on ABC. Universal Television is producing the project and calls it an imaginative reinvention and a one hour drama – not a comedy.

Mike Carey’s X-Men Legacy

It’s the end of an era for one of my favorite writers on the X-Men creative team. X-Men Legacy #259 arrives Wednesday, November 30th. This issue marks the final X-Men arc of Mike Carey after 5 and a half years.

Mike took over X-Men #108 and took riders on a thrilling ride with the most unlikely but unforgettable team in mutant history. Cyclops gave Rogue the authority to form her own field team…he didn’t agree with her choices. Rogue’s lineup eventually was Iceman, Cannonball, Mystique, Cable, Lady Mastermind, Cable and Karima Shapandar – a human transformed into an Omega Sentinel.

Carey’s first arc was Supernovas. Rogue’s team encountered brand new enemies, The Children of the Vault, a race that wanted to wipe out humanity and mutants. After years of whining about Gambit and the curse of her power, Rogue was finally written as bold, brash and fun. It was Rogue’s improvisation in battles that inspired Cyclops to make her a team leader.

X-Men #192 Courtesy

Carey created more inspired new villains for Rogue’s field team. Pandemic infected Rogue with a bizarre virus that raised her power to deadly levels. Billions of alien psyches invaded her mind as she battled the alien Hecatomb. Some of Rogue’s teammates eventually showed their true colors. Lady Mastermind and Mystique were working for Mister Sinister’s revamped Marauders in Blinded by the Light.

Endangered Species is one of Mike Carey’s most crucial contributions to X-Men history. After the events of House of M and Decimation, millions of mutants lost their powers. The mutant race was on the verge of extinction. Beast was obsessed with finding a cure. Hank reached out to some of the most brilliant scientists on earth including some of Marvel’s most notorious villians.

Messiah Complex was the epic storyline that meant new hope to save the mutant race. During the search to find and save the mutant miracle baby, Rogue had a climatic showdown with her Mystique, her foster mother.

X-Men became X-Men Legacy. Mike made Professor X and Rogue the stars of the book. When Cyclops reunited the X-Men in San Francisco and then moved them to their island base, Utopia, he recruited Rogue to be the mentor to the young mutants in training. In the Second Coming event, the mutant child from Messiah Complex returned a young woman. Cyclops chose Rogue to be the protector of Hope.

Age of X is one of Mike Carey’s pivotal arcs that will have an impact on the X-Men for a long time. Rogue became torn between her feelings for Magneto and Gambit. Age of X marked the transformation of Frenzy/Joanna Cargill, a former villain and longtime back burner character. The experience of being a hero and the wife of Cyclops in the Age of X made Frenzy want to change her ways. Joanna is now part of  Wolverine’s post-Schism team.

Mike Carey’s portrayal of Rogue is the best since Chris Claremont first brought her on the team. You could sense his love for the character in every issue. Legacy was a good choice to add to Mike’s X-Men given the legacy he is leaving behind.

Mike Carey is the author of supernatural novels starring Felix Castor. His ongoing series Unwritten is published by the Vertigo imprint of DC Comics. Carey told  Comics Newsarama he is leaving X-Men Legacy to work on new novels and screenplays.



X-Men: First Class – Movie Versus Comics


The Cast of X-Men: First Class courtesy

  X-Men: First Class revealed how Professor X and Magneto became friends then enemies. After seeing the movie some friends want to know how different the film is from the comics. I’ve selected key story points and explained the difference. I’ve provided links to the collections on Amazon if you’re shopping for an X-fan or want to learn more about the comics inspiration for the movie.

  Professor X and Magneto’s friendship: Charles and Eric originally met in Israel at a clinic for Holocaust survivors. The two reveal their mutant powers while saving Charles’s girlfriend, Gabrielle Haller, and stopping a Nazi war criminal, Baron Wolfgang von Strucker and his Hydra agent. During the battle Professor X prevents Eric from killing the Baron and they part ways.

  Professor X and Mystique: Mystique always has her own agenda and was never a childhood friend of Professor X or Magneto’s lover. Mystique’s real name is Raven Darkholme. Her greatest love is Irene Adler, a mutant code name Destiny, who could see possible futures. Mystique and Azazel are the parents of the X-Man Nightcrawler. Mystique and Wolverine enemy Sabretooth had a child named Graydon Creed. Mystique formed her own Brotherhood of Evil Mutants that appeared in Days of Future Past. Mystique adopted and raised the X-woman, Rogue. Mystique had her own solo series and she reluctantly worked on missions for Professor X.

  Professor X and Moira MacTaggert: Moira was not an American CIA agent. Charles met the Scottish science student at Oxford. Moira became a renowned geneticist and gave birth to a mutant child. Kevin MacTaggert grew up to become Proteus, one of the X-men’s greatest enemies. Moira and Banshee eventually became lovers.

  Professor X’s paralysis: Professor Xavier was actually crippled by an alien calling itself Lucifer. In the comics Charles would regain his ability to walk, have it taken away then gaining it again.

  The original X-Men team in the movie: Beast, Banshee, Havok, Mystique, Angel, and Darwin.  The original X-Men in the comics were Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, Angel (Warren Worthington) and Marvel Girl (Jean Grey.)

Lucas Till as Havok in X-Men: First Class courtesy

  Havok is the younger brother of Cyclops. Alex would later join the X-Men and lead his own team, X-FactorBanshee is an Irishman and former criminal who joined the X-men. Angel (Angel Salvadore) was a student at Xavier’s who joined Magneto’s team. She was not a dancer. Darwin is long lost X-Man Professor X believed to have died but survived due to his adaptability mutation.

  Beast is Hank McCoy. In the movie, Hank has beastly feet but in the comics his entire physical build was mutated. Hank never fell in love with Mystique. An experiment gone wrong at the Brand Corporation turned Hank into his blue furry self. Beast was a longtime member of The Avengers. Hank’s girlfriends have included television reporter Trish Tilby and secret agent Abigail Brand.

  Sebastian Shaw was the Black King of the Hellfire Club’s Inner Circle and not a Nazi war criminal. Shaw did have the power to absorb kinetic energy. Shaw and Emma Frost were lovers.

  Emma Frost was the White Queen of the Hellfire Club. Emma is a powerful telepath. who later developed a secondary mutation of being able to turn her body to diamond form. Grant Morrison wanted Emma in his X-Men stories so he developed the secondary mutation concept for Emma since the team already had two telepaths. Frost and Shaw were lovers and ruled the Hellfire Club’s Inner Circle. Emma later reformed, became a co-headmaster of a new mutant school in a book called Generation X. Emma joined the X-Men in E is For Extinction. In Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon, Cyclops and Emma declared their love for each other and became co-leaders of the X-Men.

  The Hellfire Club was based on a real high society organization of the rich and powerful known for decadent parties and political and economic influence. In the X-Men’s world the Club had a secret Inner Circle of mutants who used their power to build huge financial empires. Sebastian Shaw and Emma Frost ruled it with titles of Black King and White Queen, taken from chess. The Hellfire Club, Shaw and Frost are at their best at being evil in the classic storyline, The Dark Phoenix Saga.

  Riptide was a member of the Marauders, a unit of mutant mercenaries. He was not associated with Shaw. Riptide was responsible for multiple killings and the maiming of Nightcrawler in the classic crossover, The Mutant Massacre.

  Azazel is the father of the X-Man Nightcrawler. The red skinned killer lived in a dark dimension and fathered several demon looking mutants with teleportation powers. Azazel had his own agenda and never worked for Shaw. Nightcrawler’s origin was revealed in a storyline called The Draco.

  If you have any more questions about X-Men: First Class I’d love to hear from you.

Marvel Reveals The Multiverse Saga

Did you feel the geek quake coming out of San Diego?!
Marvel Studios returned to San Diego Comic Con unleashing major news about upcoming Marvel Comics Universe Films and Disney+ shows. Marvel officially christened the current and near future phase of films under the banner THE MULTIVERSE SAGA. The Multiverse has been a huge part of LOKI Season One, SPIDER-MAN NO WAY HOME and DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS.
Along with more big news about films we already knew were coming, new films, official titles, release dates announced and the biggest one – the first trailer for BLACK PANTHER WAKANDA FOREVER which introduces Namor the Sub-Mariner, a war between Wakanda versus Atlantis and someone popping claws and carrying on the legacy of Black Panther.

Let’s get into a recap and discuss the comic book connections to the big announcements:

Continue reading Marvel Reveals The Multiverse Saga


Marvel Studios and Director Sam Raimi cast a powerful spell with DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS. The sequel starring the Master of the Mystic Arts was a mind blowing, cheer and fear inducing epic giving fans supernatural showdowns, the most incredible journeys in other universes yet and conjured lots of questions. What will be the impact of Strange’s adventure mean for the future of the Marvel Comics Universe?

Here are the biggest questions and hopes for what’s next in MCU after the latest blockbuster.



Ever since that DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS trailer 2 hit, comic book nerds have been excited. Non-comic reading fans have been perhaps scratching heads. Here’s the scene of the amazing clip: Stephen Strange is in custody of Ultron looking guards being led to a circle of figures shrouded in shadow. A familiar voice speaks. The crow goes wild. Then latest promo name drops Illuminati. Who is this group? What could their presence in the upcoming sequel spell for Doctor Strange and the future of the Marvel Comics Universe?

Here’s the comic book version of the secret super group:

Continue reading Who Are MARVEL’S ILLUMINATI?


It’s like Christmas in May! Free Comic Book Day is the biggest holiday for comic book fans and a great time to for the curious to see what all the love is about. The first Saturday in May in Free Comic Book Day at participating comic book specialty shops across the country. You can stop by these shops and pick up free comic books! It’s the industry’s way of saying thank you to current fans, welcome new readers and the brick-and-mortar shops.

Yes, there’s a free comic book for you! Of course, there are superhero books but there’s a massive selection of books including science-fiction, popular video games and history. If you love superhero movies and shows, this is a great time to check out the books where they were born and discover new characters that you might be cheering for in the future. Books are event color-coded: Green for all ages, Blue for Teens and up, Red for 18 and up.

Before I get into some picks, let’s get into – so how do I score some of these free comics? What do I need to know?

Continue reading FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2022 Guide