Mystery Woman of All-New X-Men?

All-New X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  All-New X-Men features the original five students of Professor X in the here and now.

 The cover of All-New X-Men #2 revealed this week features Storm, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde and Lockheed, furry Beast and Bobby – now at his full Omega level potential. It’s assumed that the girl with the short red hair was Rachel Summers, daughter of Scott and Jean from an alternate future.

 Writer Brian Michael Bendis revealed on his message board that this mystery woman is not Rachel.

     “The mystery woman is not Jessica Jones OR rachel summers. hmmm…”

Any thougths? Thanks for the careful eye Comics Newsarama.

By Editor

Jumping On X-Men


X-Men #34 courtesy Marvel

  A new guy at my local comic book shop asked what’s a good book as a jumping ON point for the X-Men. The clerk said asked this guy. I’m thrilled to see a potential new X-fan in an Avengers dominated age. I gave the guy a brief rundown of each current X-book and what you need to know but recommended this week’s X-Men #34. No disrespect to the other X creative teams but all the current titles are currently part of AvX or mid-arc.

  X-Men #34 starts a new arc spinning out of the last issue’s shocking conclusion. Brian Wood excellent first arc had a Torchwood (minus the sex) vibe as Storm’s “security team” tracked down monsters that turned out to be products of a twisted science and a genetic secret of mutant history.

  Subterraneans part one picks up right where were left with the small unit tracking stolen genetic material. The trail leads to a cult with a strange twist. I love the way Wood writes this team. Storm leads with confidence and authority. The Psylocke and Domino infiltration of the cult’s unusual compound is written with tension and humor.  

  I have to say I miss David Lopez. Wood/Lopez had a kind of magic that reminded me of the Chris Claremont/Paul Smith era but darker. Roland Boschi’s work is not as clean but still fits the tone of the story. This run has excellent characterization of a small team, a tightly plotted mystery and a dark tone. If you want a great X-book – not connected to crossover – then Brian Wood’s X-Men is a book you should be reading.

By Editor

By Editor

Storm Joins Wolverine and The X-Men

Wolverine and the X-Men #20 courtesy Marvel

  Storm is joining the staff of the Jean Grey School in Wolverine and the X-Men #20 and #21 according to Marvel November solitics. The teaser is for Frankenstein’s Murder Circus coming to town and looks like the staff (including Logan and Bobby) are unwittingly joining the circus.

  I love that Storm is on the faculty and this image takes me way back to the Chris Claremont/John Byrne Uncanny X-Men era when Mesmero hypnotized the X-Men into thinking they were part of his traveling circus.

By Editor

Thanks to Comics Newsarama.

More of All-New X-Men Revealed

All-New X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  Brian Michael Bendis is taking on the Children of the Atom in a brand new All-New X-Men this November. The original teenage dream (Scott, Jean, Bobby, pre-metal wing Warren and pre-furry Hank) blast from the past into the present day.

  MTV Geek has this exclusive look at the cover of All-New X-Men #2 featuring present fan favorite mutants Storm, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde and Lockhead, furry Beast and Bobby – now at his full Omega level potential. It’s assumed that the girl with the short red hair is Rachel Summers, daughter of Scott and Jean from an alternate future. Art by Stuart Immonen.

Jason Aaron confirmed Wolverine and the X-Men will continue with Kitty in both series. I hope Brian Wood will continue his X-Men book because he really knows how to write Storm.

By Editor

Wolverine and the X-Men in the Marvel NOW

Wolverine and the X-Men #15 courtesy Marvel

  I’m thrilled to share that my favorite X-book Wolverine and The X-Men will go on in the Marvel NOW! Logan set up the new Jean Grey School after the events of Schism. Jason Aaron (and rotating artists Chris Bachalo and Nick Bradshaw) have delivered a lesson in comic book fun with the faculty and students of this mutant high.

  Aaron tells Comic Book Resources the mutant kids could have some famous non-mutant guest intructors into a powerhouse Asgardian. (Aaron is writing the new Thor: God of Thunder.)

  “Yes, I would love to have more guest-speakers show up at the school. And since I’m now writing “Thor,” I definitely want to find a place for the God of Thunder to make an appearance. Just in general, I like trying to integrate the Jean Grey School into the fabric of the Marvel U as much as I can, like having   Matt Murdock drop by to offer legal advice. You’ll see a lot more touches like that in the coming months. There’s a scene in issue #15 that was particularly fun to write involving Broo and Iron Man. And in issue #19, when the hunt for a new teacher kicks into high gear, you’ll see lots of different faces making an appearance.”

Wolverine and the X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

  During Avengers vs. X-Men several staff members fought with the mutants and against the headmaster. Logan will tackle that after AvX.

“That very question is answered in issue #15, and it speaks to Logan’s entire philosophy as a newfound mutant leader,” reveals Aaron.

  Many fans asked about the possibility of a Kitty Pryde/Iceman date, Toad’s crush on Husk, the aftermath of Kid Gladiator joining the AvX battle. Aaron pointed to issue #15 for answers.

  The new flagship X-book is All-New X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis starring the original five X-Men from the past now in the present. Aaron reveals his cast will interact with the cast of the Bendis book.


Wolverine and the X-Men #14 courtesy

  “You will definitely see that these books are happening in the same new X-Men universe. You’ll see the Jean Grey School play a role in his book, and you’ll see the events of his reflected in mine. Though you’ll also be getting books that have very distinct flavors and mandates, which I think only makes for a stronger roster of X-titles.”

 Aaron also confirmed Kitty Pryde will be part of the cast of All-New X-Men and stay on in his title. Issue #19 will be a hunt for a new teacher story and #21 begins a “Frankenstein Murder Circus” arc. Both will feature the Nick Bradshaw on art after Jorge Molina.

But what about the Bamfs!? For his entire X-position Q & A here’s the link.

By Editor

All-New X-Men Cover Revealed

All New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

  The original students of Professor X arrive in the Marvel NOW! this November. Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen will take over the Children of the Atom in a brand new book that finds the original five X-Men in their future…and they don’t like it. Comics Newsarama has the first look at the cover to All-New X-Men #1.

 No word yet on which modern-day mutants will be in the book but this cover sure looks like a wraparound that might reveal the other players as the Bendis X-Men era begins.

By Editor

Professor X’s Son Seizes X-Men Legacy

X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

  Professor X had a dream of mutants and humans living and working together in harmony. It has not happened.

  Marvel revealed today that David Haller (Professor X’s son aka Legion) will take on his father’s role as leader of the mutants marching on towards making the dream a reality in a new X-Men Legacy series by Si Spurrier and Tan Eng Huat.

  As a longtime X-Men fan this is definitely not what I was expecting. Legion is a mentally unstable mutant with multiple powers for his multiple personalities – and maybe the worst hair in comic book history! David’s fractured mind has been the cause of epic stories (Age of Apocalypse, Age of X) and twisted realities.

  Si Spurrier revealed David’s plan to reshape the mutant world in his father’s vision.

“Yeah, David does feel like a natural fit for the title, doesn’t he? We’ve got the son of Professor Charles Xavier slicing, smashing and exploding his name into the history books of mutantkind. I’m kind of in love with that LEGACY tag, because in the run-up to the announcement so many of the readers speculating blindly on the Internets—we’ve all done it—have been saying “it can’t possibly be X-MEN LEGACY, that word doesn’t work as a title any more, it doesn’t make sense, it’s gotta be something else, oh God please let it be Stiltman Legacy, no, no, let it be Squirrel Girl Legacy, or Devil Dinosaur Legacy, or yadda yadda,” Spurrier tells

 Actually, I would read the [expletive] out of all those titles, so ignore me.

 Anyway, I kinda like the idea that rather than launching something new with a whole new X-adjective attached—Ebullient X-Men! Gibbous X-Men! Arousing X-Men!—we’ve made it our business to make the LEGACY tag relevant. This time it really is all about how mutantkind in general, the X-Men in particular, and the name “Xavier” specifically, will be regarded in the light of the dawning future.”

  If you’re like me you’re probably asking of all the mutants to get their own series in the Marvel NOW! relaunch why David?

 “As far as I know the idea of basing the series round David has been in the works since the plotting of Avengers Vs. X-Men. David’s story grows organically from those events. In fact I’d go so far as to say it’s the tale that really needs to be told in the aftermath period. My brief was pretty simple: take a thoroughly screwed-up young character—who’s been handled so differently by so many narrative teams down the years that it’s tricky for anyone to say for sure exactly who he is or what his voice might be—and launch him into the Marvel Universe as a definitive, dynamic, tormented, likeable character cooler than an Inuit’s arse. “Show us who he is, Si. What he can do. What he wants to do but can’t yet. Think differently.”

  It’s a pretty wonderful remit, when you think about it. Here’s a character almost everyone’s heard of but nobody feels familiar with—yet. So, who’s David? David is one of the most powerful beings alive on the planet, who has spent the majority of his life unable to trust his own brain.

 That’s a cool starting point.”

  The mutants have always been divided: Xavier vs. Magneto, Cyclops vs. Wolverine. How will Legion fit?

  “Without giving too much away, nothing’s ever that easy with David. When we join him at the start of this story he’s very much alone, confused [and] lost. In many ways the controlling idea behind everything he does is about finding himself—but of course that manifests with all the explodo insane villain-blasting fun you’d expect, as well as the soul-searching and, ah, internal struggles particular to David.

  But—yeah. This book isn’t going to work like the other X-books. It—like David—is the black sheep of the family. It’s tricky to define. It worms its way between the cracks. It’s not a team book, although we’re going to see a lot of team stuff along the way. It’s not a straight-out fight book, although a [lot] of stuff explodes all the time. It’s not a horror book, although we’re going to see a lot of horror vibes. David isn’t really one of the X-Men at all when we first meet him, but we’ll certainly be seeing a great deal of those guys throughout the tale. 

  For much of the time David doesn’t actively “belong” to any of the political or resource-structures we’re used to associating with mutantkind. He may have a “side” he prefers—he does—but it’d be stretching things to say he “belongs” to it. It’s easier to think of him as the Joker in the pack, or the Independent Candidate. The only side he belongs to it his own. None of the above, right? There may come a time when he isn’t the only one occupying that niche, but you can bet your bottom dollar he won’t be working with anyone on any terms beside his own.”

  Spurrier did not comment on if other mutants will join David’s cause and book. For more of Spurrier’s interview here’s the link.

 Here’s the question? If Legion is taking over the mutant cause does that mean Professor X, Cyclops and Emma are not around after AvX to do it?

By Editor

Marvel Teases New Teams for Fantastic Four, Captain America or Winter Soldier, More X-Men

courtesy Marvel, an MTV Geek exclusive

  Marvel is teasing more new creative teams: Rick Remender and John Romita Jr on The Winter Soldier, Matt Fraction and Mark Bagley on Fantastic Four, Simon Spurrier and Tan Eng Huat on X-Men Legacy? The Marvel NOW! universe of 20 relaunched titles is shaping up.

 MTV Geek revealed Spurrier, Huat, Legacy. Does this mean X-Men Legacy will relaunch? Spurrier wrote a great mini starring the hilarious X-Club. My thought is that since All New X-Men by Bendis will feature the original teen mutants as the flagship X-book, this relaunched Legacy will focus on the current X-Men that surive AvX.



IFanboy revealed Remender, Romita, SOLDIER tease but does this mean the duo is taking over Captain America or The Winter Soldier book? Remender is writing the Marvel NOW! kickoff book Uncanny Avengers featuring Cap but given his track record (Uncanny X-Force, Secret Avengers, Venom) I’d love to see how he writes Bucky.



Matt Fraction (Thor, Invincible Iron Man, Defenders) is succeeding Jonathan Hickman as writer of Fantastic Four. USA Today revealed the teaser Hickman, Bagley, Family and the teaser Fraction, Allred, Extended. Could this mean the FF (Future Foundation) book will continue with Mike Allred (Madman)on art. Fraction’s new Hawkeye book with David Aja debuted this week.


Let’s recap the other teasers of the week:

Kieron Gillen and Greg Land, Invincible=Iron Man

Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic, Worthy=Thor

Mark Waid and Leinil Francis Yu, Indestructible=Hulk

Brian Poesin, Gerry Duggan, Tony Moore, Chichimangas=Deadpool

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