X-Treme X-Men: Doing It for Dazzler

Uncanny X-Men #130 courtesy Marvel

  Looking at the shelves a fellow comic book reader (with excellent taste and insight) and I were talking about Greg Pak’s new X-Treme X-Men. Almost in unison we say “I’m giving this book a shot for Dazzler.”

  How a character that should have failed (the Disco singer was created at the end of the Disco era) still be so beloved? Ali debuted in 1980 in Uncanny X-Men #130. Marvel worked with Casablanca Records (home of KISS and Donna Summer) to develop the character and even proposed a movie for the character. Dazzler soon rollerskated her way into her own series. It didn’t last.

Alison Blaire survived and became part of the Chris Claremont/Marc Silvestri Uncanny X-Men era. Matt Fraction moved Ali out to San Francisco when the mutants relocated out west. Pixie was a fan but Ali soon fell to back burner status.

 Greg Pak is sending Ali (along with alternate versions of Emma Frost, Wolverine and Nightcrawler) across the dimensions on a mission to kill…Professor X.

Dazzler is a creation from a bygone era that has been dangling on the edge of comic book banishment for years. Greg Pak tells Comics Newsarama why he saw potential in Ali and put her on his new team.

X-treme X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  “I bought that first Dazzler issue way back in the day and always though the character was a hoot. But I never had the chance to write her before, so I hadn’t really thought deeply about her until her name came up while I was in the early stages of developing X-Treme with the X-Editors. But as soon as I started mulling it over, I realized she was just perfect. First, she’s hugely powerful — her ability to manifest solid light blasts make her a pretty good Cyclops analogue, power-wise, which is a nice thing for a team leader.

But more importantly, she’s a great, grounded character with a fun self-deprecating vibe who would be a great POV character to run through a bunch of alternative realities with. Finally, she’s a straight-up hero. And embracing her sometimes goofy past while seriously delving into her character gives us great contrast, increased believablity, and a really strong hero’s journey.

Pak gave Ali a new boyfriend named Johnny Ito in X-Treme X-Men #1 and the a change in her sound. Why did this former disco diva go country?

“She’s getting real. And she’s having fun. Dazzler’s a pop star and an icon, which means she’s constantly reinventing herself,” Pak explains, “Keep your eyes open, too — she’ll go through a variety of costumes throughout the series. And she’ll sing a song in just about every issue. [Laughs.]”

In case you’re just joining the series here’s my review of X-Treme X-Men #1. The rest of Dazzler’s team is Emmeline Frost from Ghost Boxes story by Warren Ellis and James Howlett and Kid Nightcrawler are from Pak’s Astonishing X-Men Exalted arc. And how could I forget: the severed head of Professor X in a bottle!

Here’s a link to Dazzler Essentials Volume 1 by legendary X-Men writer Chris Claremont. Ali went up against gangsters, Gods and even Galactus!

By Editor

For more of Pak’s interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

 I did it for Dazzler but Pak’s writing is keeping on the X-Treme team!

Avengers Vs. X-Men The End Teaser (Dark Phoenix Returns?)

courtesy Marvel

  I admit I exclaimed “OH —-!” when I saw this teaser image for Avengers vs. X-Men #12 from Marvel. It’s a haunting blast from the past as what appears to be Jean Grey as Dark Phoenix strikes a pose amid cosmic flames with the ominous title “The End.” 

If you’re old school like me you can’t help but picture Jean Grey pleading with Scott to kill her on the moon before the Dark Phoenix takes over again in the classic conclusion to The Dark Phoenix Saga by Chris Claremont and John Byrne.

  But I’m feeling hope too. Not that Hope. I think of Grant Morrison and Marc Silvestri’s Here Comes Tomorrow modern masterpiece when Jean set Cyclops on the right path to prevent a nightmare future and she went to off to a higher plane. Is Jean back to make things right?

  AvX has been so much more than team vs. team. Heroes on both sides have been in conflict over which side to choose. While I love the action and fights I’ve really been engrossed with the inner conflicts.

  Is this a resurrected Jean Grey or Hope as the Dark Phoenix? How does the final chapter of AvX lead to the original X-Men being brought into the present day?

Avengers vs X-Men #12 by Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert arrives in October

By Editor

All-New X-Men Reveals Emma Frost, Cyclops, Magneto, Magik!

All-New X-Men courtesy Marvel

  Marvel revealed a third variant by Stuart Immonen for the upcoming All-New X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis. The third cover image revealed at Fan Expo Canada shows Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto, Magik and a young man in glasses (no idea here). 

  All-New X-Men will see the original five X-Men from the past suddenly in our present day. A second cover revealed Storm, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, Beast, Iceman and a mystery woman Bendis say is not Rachel Summers.

All-New X-Men courtesy Marvel

  This new cover makes us assume Scott, Emma, Erik and Illyana will survive Avengers vs. X-Men and be part of the new Marvel NOW! X-Men relaunch. AvX#11 has teases a death: there can be only one. Scott and Emma are currently the only host of the Phoenix Force.

  I still hold on to my theory that if you have an Uncanny Avengers…there can be a team of Avenging X-Men. I hope this cover means Emma (good or evil) will live on in the Marvel Now!

 All-New X-Men debuts with 2 issues this November.

Thanks to Comics Newsarama for the images.

By Editor

Astonishing X-Men’s Explosive Issue

Astonishing X-Men #53 courtesy Marvel

  Wolverine goes boom. The new villain proves she’s one stone cold —–. Beast references Frank Herbert’s Dune. I love you Marjorie Liu!

  Mystery woman Susan Hatchi forced Karma to attack her own teammates and Northstar’s partner Kyle and blew up Wolverine. Controlling someone who controls minds is a pretty impressive feat then Susan made Logan explode from the inside out. Now Hatchi is just showing off!

 In this week’s Astonishing X-Men #53 the honeymoon is over as this X-team tries to find Hatchi and Karma and uncover a deadly new tech that inspires Hank’s Dune reference.

  Liu does the unexpected when the X-Men confront Hatchi at a corporate presentation. Hatchi admits her guilt, gloats and teases the X-Men over what she did to them. Hatchi belittles them and basically calls them guineau pigs. Hatchi reveals she’s much more than just a ruthless businesswoman. I’m curious to see how Liu will tie Hatchi’s actions and revelation to a huge moment in mutant history. 

  Northstar and Kyle’s wedding was not just a one issue stunt. Liu takes us into the newlyweds’ bedroom. Liu continues to give us a unique perspective on what it would really be like to be a superhero’s spouse. This isn’t the only couple Liu has masterfully written. The hilarious flirtation between Warbird and Iceman continues in this chapter. Beast and Cecilia Reyes have a scientific John Steed and Emma Peel tension. In the lab or in the field Hank and Cecilia share an easy rapport, clever banter and mutual dedication to medical science.

  The search for Karma moves to a Russian complex where we see just how cruel and massive Hatchi’s experiments are evolving. Liu and Mike Perkins take a dark turn from Northstar’s wedding day and make this mutant soap opera great fun with realistic touches. I hope this creative team and title continue in the Marvel NOW.

Just remember X-Men:

“Fear is the mind-killer. You must not fear.”  The Bene Gesserit Litany in Dune.

  By Editor

The X-Men’s Sinister Showdown

Uncanny X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

  A sinister showdown in Uncanny X-Men #17 taking place before the shattering of the Phoenix Five in the main AvX series. Gillen orchestrates unexpected action and sharp humor in a last stand between the X-Men and Mister Sinister.

  Psylocke is the breakout star of his issue. From her psychic manipulation of Sinister’s army to her intimate bonding with Danger to infiltrate the stronghold to her declarations “I’m a bloody ninja!”

Psylocke has become the female Wolverine! She’s in every freakin’ X-book but when she’s written this good (Rick Remender and Brian Wood equally rock Betsy) I can enjoy her overexposure.

  Kieron Gillen does a fantastic job wrapping a two-year storyline amid a major crossover. I wish Carlos Pacheco could have rejoined him as this title ends. Gillen breathed new life into a tired old villain and Sinister manages to do to the Phoenix Five in this issue what Avengers’ biggest brains wish they could do.

Uncanny X-Men #9 interior art of UNIT courtesy Marvel

  This looks like the end of Sinister and his own twisted version of London but I hope it’s just the beginning for Unit. I think he’s the X-Men’s version of Ultron. I already pleaded on Twitter for Gillen to pit Tony Stark against the metallic manipulator on his upcoming Iron Man run. Please? I just hope Marvel doesn’t let this brilliant and scary creation fade away.

By Editor


First Look Inside All-New X-Men #1

  Brian Michael Bendis is bringing the first five X-Men into the Marvel NOW. The original mutant teenage dream arrive in our present and to them – it’s a nightmare.


All-New X-Men #1 interior art courtesy Marvel.com

  Stuart Immonen is the artist bringing past and present together. Today Marvel.com revealed the first interior art from All-New X-Men #1. The original Scott, Jean, Bobby, Hank and Warren arrive at the Jean Grey School and see the present day Hank aka the Beast.

All-New X-Men #1 interior art courtesy Marvel.com

 Can you imagine the look Immonen will create on Scott and Jean’s faces when they see the memorial statue of Jean on the school grounds?

By Editor

Astonishing X-Men: Northstar

Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel

  It was the comic book wedding of the year that made mainstream news. Openly gay X-Man Northstar married Kyle Jinadu with the X-Men and Alpha Flight watching in New York’s Central Park. The road to the altar was sidetracked with human and superhero drama – including the return of the Marauders.

  Astonishing X-Men: Northstar collecting the first arc of Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins on the book. An elite team of X-Men (Gambit, Northstar, Wolverine, Iceman and Warbird) are in New York City when a new version of the Marauders attack. This arc brought back Cecelia Reyes and Karma. The New Mutant’s return came with a plot twist that’s still turning in the title.

  The gay wedding made huge news, inspired a short-lived protest and inspired some gay X-men fans to tie the knot…in a comic book store on the day of the wedding issue’s arrival.

  Here’s a link to Astonishing X-Men: Northstar if you missed the issues or would like to have the entire collection in this hardcover edition.

By Editor

Professor X Joins Avengers vs. X-Men

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  Professor Charles Xavier is a refined badass. He’s been patient. He’s tried to support and understood the actions of this prize student. It’s time for Professor X to get into the war. Time to go all psi-war on the Phoenix Force!

  Comics Newsarama has a first look at interior art for Avengers vs. X-Men #11 by Olivier Coipel. Professor X and Storm join forces with Captain America, the Avengers and Hope against the Phoenix Two: Cyclops and Emma Frost.

  Brian Michael Bendis will script this penultimate issue of the epic conflict. I felt Bendis really captured Professor X’s anguish and anger in last week’s New Avengers #29 and this week’s Avengers #29.

  With the announcement of a new X-Men Legacy relaunch starring the Professor’s son, Legion, could this mean Charles will make the ultimate sacrifice to stop the student who is more like a son? 

  What if Charles must destroy Scott? Here’s my theory of what might happen to Miss Emma Frost after AvX!

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