Uncanny X-Men #18 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #18 courtesy Marvel

Who has a gun to Cyclops’s head?


Is Scott’s revolution about to be silenced along with the mutant leader?


The revolution escalates and so does the war with S.H.I.E.L.D. in Uncanny X-Men #18 this week.


It’s all part of the master plan by writer Brian Michael Bendis since he launched Uncanny X-Men and All-New X-Men.


“All of the groundwork has been laid out and now it’s time to blow the roof off the place,” Continue reading CYCLOPS Under The Gun In UNCANNY X-MEN #18


Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine and the X-Men#1 arrives this week after the Graduation Day and final issue from writer Jason Aaron last week.


Writer Jason Latour and artist Mahmud Asrar are the new creative team as we picked up the story of the strange kids of the Jean Grey School.


The change in creative team and relaunch comes after a major change in Wolverine – he’s lost his healing factor and left the school he founded. Continue reading WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN #1 Preview

X-MEN Resurrections in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Crossover

All-New X-Men #24 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #24 courtesy Marvel

In The Trial of Jean Grey the Shi’ar have kidnapped Jean to stand trial for her crimes as the Phoenix. This is the original Jean from the past who never became the host for the malevolent entity who wiped out a Shi’ar battle cruiser, consumed a planet causing a supernova that killed billions of lives.


Brian Michael Bendis is weaving this incredible crossover in the pages of All-New X-Men and Guardians of the Galaxy. As Jean stands trial – Kitty, Scott, Hank, Bobby and X-23 joined forces with Peter Quill’s freedom fighters to find and save Jean. They found something shocking in deep space. Continue reading X-MEN Resurrections in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Crossover

AMAZING X-MEN #5 Preview

Amazing X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel



Nightcrawler leads his mutant friends in a battle against demon pirates in Amazing X-Men #5.


Marvel shared a preview of the big showdown on a supernatural seas from writer Jason Aaron and artist Ed McGuinness.


Logan, Storm, Beast, Northstar, Iceman and Firestar have been through heaven and hell literally in their quest to find the truth about Kurt Wagner Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN #5 Preview


Wolverine and the X-Men #42 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #42 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine and the X-Men #42 arrives this week. It’s the finale to the series by writer Jason Aaron.


After fighting the Hellfire Club, monsters, aliens and each other it’s Graduation Day at the Jean Grey School.


As I’ve written in nearly every review of this series – Jason Aaron made this book a pure joy to read every month. He balanced action, drama, teen angst and perfect accents of humor along with Brood, Wolverine’s brother, homicidal teenage brats and even Frankenstein. Continue reading Jason Aaron’s Final WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN

Professor X’s Journey In X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

courtesy Fox
courtesy Fox

X-Men: Days of Future Past unites the cast of First Class and the original X-Men trilogy.


Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart) and Magneto (Ian McKellen) send Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) to 1973 to change the past. Logan will confront a very different Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) in order to reshape the destiny of the mutant race.


If First Class was Erik’s transition to Magneto – Days of Future Past is about the transformation of the Professor. As you’ve seen in the trailer – the older Charles pleads for his younger self to “hope again.” Continue reading Professor X’s Journey In X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

Nicholas Hoult De-Beasted in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy in X-Men: Days of Future Past courtesy Fox via Twitter
Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy in X-Men: Days of Future Past courtesy Fox via Twitter

Nicholas Hoult returns as Hank McCoy in X-Men: Days of Future Past. In X-Men: First Class Hank’s mutation was accelerated by his own creation (using Mystique’s DNA) transforming him into the furry blue Beast.


In this picture from Director Bryan Singer via Twitter – McCoy is back in human form and sporting 1973 style. Continue reading Nicholas Hoult De-Beasted in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST


X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

The new Lady Deathstrike will stop at nothing to destroy the X-Men and take over the world with an ancient power source.

But Arkea will not be possessed.


The all-female X-team written by Brian Wood now face the Sisterhood, more dead enemies resurrected….and a whole army of rebooted Sentinels under Arkea’s control this week in X-Men #11. Continue reading X-MEN #11 ENEMIES RESURRECTED