Top Comic Book Picks for 11/7/12

Daredevil: End of Days #2 courtesy Marvel

Daredevil End of Days #2 The final story of The Man Without Fear? Last issue delivered two shocking deaths. Four powerhouse creators crafted some of the most brutal images ever in a book. I could almost feel the punches! What will Bendis and Mack do in this issue? What does Matt Murdock’s dying last word mean?

Iron Man #1 Deadly tech is on the black market. Tony Stark suits up in brand new armor to get it back before Extemis becomes a terrorist weapon. Kieron Gillen and Greg Land launch a brand new series propelling Iron Man into the Marvel Now.

Manhattan Projects #7 A top-secret Cold War era meeting that brought the Americans and Russians up against the mad scientists of the Manhattan Projects! Jonathan Hickman’s epic of weird science and twisted history will entertain and warp your brain!

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hive #2 Captain Picard faces a new enemy so fearsome he may consider an alliance with – the Borg? Star Trek Television/Movie Producer Brannon Braga co-creates this brand new adventure.

X-Factor #246 A behind the scenes, day in the life at X-Factor Investigations! Peter David puts Pip the Troll in the spotlight. This could compete with the Doop-centric issue of Wolverine and the X-Men as the most hilarious and unique issue of the year!

IRON MAN Reloads!


Iron Man #1 cover by Greg Land, courtesy Marvel

  Iron Man #1 is out this week with a new creative team and a new suit of armor for Tony Stark! Kieron Gillen and Greg Land (Uncanny X-Men) relaunche the Armored Avenger as part of the Marvel Now relaunch. Gillen told why he left the mutants of Utopia and Asgard (Journey Into Mystery) for the world of playboy genius Tony Stark.

  “It just seemed like an interesting way to mix things up a bit. It wasn’t just the fact that [Tony Stark is] such a tech hero, because beneath some of the stuff I’m doing in Uncanny X-Men there is a modicum of science even though I often fire it through quite a few filters. This is actually the first solo hero I’ve ever written. The Thor run really doesn’t count because it was a bit strange; every book I’ve written has been a sort of team book. Loki, abstractly, is the lead [of JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY] but in practice he isn’t and, on a larger scale, has gone 23 issues and hasn’t hit anybody. That’s not a traditional Marvel super hero. This is different, this is the iconic Avenger.”

  When I started writing Wolverine in Uncanny X-Men, I called my mom once and told her what I do for a living and she said “Ohh, I fancy that Wolverine.” When you’re writing characters that members of your family fancy you’re in an interesting place and, in the case of Iron Man, that’s totally it.

  When Marvel NOW! came around, I had reached a suitable place in Uncanny X-Men to move off of, and there were a variety of options with Iron Man [which sounded] really interesting. Of the major Marvel characters he’s the one most aligned to me philosophically, as in he’s a very straightforward person, and in terms of the heroes, there are none more forward than Tony; that’s what attracted me to [him].”

Gillen revealed his plans Stark involve the women of Tony’s complicated life.

“Oh hell yeah. It’s actually a key part of my second theme. I’m going to explore Tony and his relationship with women. I’m interested in Tony’s selection of women in everything, from his mom, to Pepper, to the random people he’s sleeping with and everything that relates to them. He’s a complicated guy and he does bad things occasionally without thinking. Well, not [without] thinking exactly but he’s not always thinking about the right thing. He’s not the distracted genius but he always has something else going on.

  Matt Fraction did a brilliant take on the corporate figure and his run is a defining arc, so I’m staying away from it. Tony is still a scientist and will still be working on the armor but it’s all about him going out into the world and the whole grail-knight comparison. All the traditional corporate motifs are there but they’re not the primary drive of the book. Tony will be in the armor a lot, he’ll be going out into the world.

Iron Man #2 courtesy Marvel

The first five issues will be single stories that will share [both] a defining motif and a plot but it will be Iron Man facing new instances of technology and each is basically a new villain. Each issue will illuminate something about Tony and they’re all very different. Issue two is a lot like the Bruce Lee Kung-Fu Island story; it’s like a joust, it’s all about the knight imagery, essentially going to a tournament. Issue three is like a ninja story, Tony Stark trying to be a full-on stealth master, issue four is a horror story and issue five is something a little more romantic and scientific but I’m going to keep that one under wraps.

  I really want to mix it up with single issue stories because I think that quite a few people are feeling the same way.Single issues are an exciting place to go and anyone can jump on with any of the first five issues, not just issue #1. [In] each of those issues I introduce Iron Man; I say something meaningful about a character that you may know already and I want it to be accessible and to pop. That’s the thing with Greg Land: his photorealistic style really pops and it’s a glamorous book in that way.”

Iron Man will go on a quest for one of his greatest creations. The techno virus Extremis is loose and Tony must prevent it from falling into the hands of terrorists. Iron Man Extremis by Warren Ellis and Adi Granov will be a story element in Iron Man 3.

Iron Man #1 by Gillen and Land launches this week followed by #2 later this month.

For the entire interview here’s the link.

By Editor

Fearless in the Marvel Now?

Fear Itself The Fearless #2 courtesy Marvel

Never fear! New one word teases are here! Marvel revealed a new title by Cullen Bunn (Wolverine, Venom) and Will Sliney is coming in February 2013. What could FEARLESS mean?

I hope this means a title starring Valkyrie! Why? I absolutely loved Fear Itself: The Fearless in which Bunn was one of the architects (along with Matt Fraction.) This 12-part epic starred Valkyrie on a mission for Odin that took her across the Marvel Universe and against some of the biggest heroes and villains. Valkyrie even defied the Avengers and X-Men to recover lost Asgardian artifacts.

Valkyrie has been a member of Rick Remender’s Secret Avengers team but I think it’s time Valkyrie to assume the leadership role in her own series or with her own team (maybe with former Valkyrie and New Mutant Dani Moonstar?)Matt Fraction’s Defenders has ended so perhaps this is a relaunch of the non-team team – maybe Val reuniting with Hellcat?  Stay tuned!

By Editor

New Mutants Finale

New Mutants #50 courtesy Marvel

I will always hold a special place in my geeky heart for the New Mutants. This extended family of mutants is reaching a milestone again. The latest volume ends with this week’s New Mutants #50. Dani Moonstar, Magma, Sunspot, Warlock and Cypher welcomed X-Man in this latest version of the team based on San Francisco. They sided with Cyclops in the Schism event, chose to live in a San Francisco neighborhood in an effort to integrate better with normal humans.

I consider the New Mutants and the Teen Titans  the comic book kids who never get to grow up. In some ways I would love to see Sam, Dani, Roberto and Shan become the X-Men. In the real world these young heroes would already taken the leadership role. But this is comics and I’m also a guy who would cry if Wolverine, Storm and Cyke really did retire to a mutant retirement center.

What will happen to the New Mutants in the Marvel Now?

Sunspot and Cannonball are becoming part of Jonathan Hickman’s huge roster for The Avengers.

Karma is the center of Marjorie Liu’s Astonishing X-Men arc.

New Mutants #47 courtesy Marvel

Dani Moonstar may have lost her mutant ability to cast illusions but she always has been in touch with her Asgardian connection as a former Valkyrie. Dani made a deal with Hela that turned the tide of Siege. Even without powers, Dani has proved herself to be a born leader and teacher. Dani has even infiltrated the Mutant Liberation Front. Dani would make an excellent S.H.I.E.L.D. agent or Secret Avenger at some point.

Warlock and Cypher would be perfect as rookie agents for S.W.O.R.D. Doug’s abilities and Warlock’s background could make them good resources for Abigail Brand’s mission to protect earth from alien invaders.

Magma – the fiery female may need to consult with Doctor Strange after her recent romantic encounters with Mephisto. Dating the Devil can be hazardous to more than your heart!

In the aftermath of AvX new mutants are being born so we could expect a new volume of the New Mutants starring brand new mutants.

By Editore

Top Comic Book Picks for 10/31/12

A+X #1 courtesy Marvel

A+X #1 Let the healing begin! A brand new team-up series in the post-Avengers vs. X-Men world! Wolverine teams up with the Hulk. Captain America and Cable? Did Nathan recently tried to take out the Avengers?

Batgirl Annual #1 The first meeting of Barbara Gordon and Catwoman in the New 52! Will they clash when they cross paths? Plus, the Talon from Night of the Owls is stalking Barbara and wants a rematch!

Doctor Who #2 An evil force is stealing time from anyone it touches. Can the Doctor save the next victim? It looks like this new Time Lord tale could be a sequel of sorts to one of my favorite Tom Baker serials The Pyramids of Mars. All the visual clues are there! We’ll see.

Fatale #9 Get ready for one HELL of a showdown as Jo confronts the demonic force that’s been stalking her through the decades. Sex, death, and cults in seedy 1970’s Hollywood. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips wrap their latest arc of horror noir that’s not like anything else in the comic shop!

Wolverine and the X-Men #19 After last issue’s shocking murder how will Logan pull the students and staff of the Jean Grey School together? What does the Hellfire Club have planned next?

By Editor


Halloween Flashback! Kitty’s Nightmare Before Christmas

Uncanny X-Men 143 courtesy


  Uncanny X-Men #143 is a classic confrontation that’s perfect for Halloween. This issue titled “Demon” is one of my favorite comic book chillers. It’s a true nightmare before Christmas as a rookie X-man is alone in the mansion being stalked by a N’Garai, a nasty hybrid of Alien and Michael Myers.

  Kitty Pryde had just joined Xavier’s School and this issue was a lesson in fear and determination. The youngest X-Man is terrified by the relentless demon then learns the hard way that her mutant phasing power will not save her from the otherworldly predator. Just like horror movie heroines Kitty uses the adrenaline and thinks on her feet to find way to kill the monster. I’m not giving anything anyway obviously because we know Kitty is alive and well – until the next villain goes after her.

  You should give this one issue thrill ride a go to see how Kitty survives. If you can’t find this single issue, this story is collected in Essential X-Men Volume 2 by Chris Claremont, which includes another creepy one issue story with Cyclops facing the demon, D’Spayre, and features a guest appearance by Man-Thing.

  This creepy cover image above features the art of John Byrne and Terry Austin. Check out for more of the X-Men’s clashes with these demons.

By Editor

Death of An Astonishing X-Man?

Astonishing X-Men #55 courtesy Marvel

Iceman melted. The attack of a fake X-Men. Wolverine back in his “Patch” get-up. New York City under threat of attack. It’s a showdown in Madripoor. Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins deliver an action packed but often frantic chapter of this team’s war with Susan Hatchi in this week’s Astonishing X-Men #55.

We know Hatchi’s connection to Karma. Mike Perkins draws a beautifully haunting flashback showing Hatching’s hate for Shan and lays the seed for her endgame. I love how Liu has skillfully created plot within plots. Hatchi’s manipulations and vicious attacks on the team have led to this fateful encounter that may finally free or damn Karma.

My one fault with this issue in this is how the loss of a teammate is nearly forgotten. Only Warbird lashes out but then it’s over. I realize the action is fast and furious as they try to prevent Hatchi’s deadly scheme but I think the death of an X-Man by another would have been weighing heavier on the team.

I love Phil Noto’s cover demonstrating how Hatchi has turned the X-Men into her own personal weapons in a family feud.

By Editor


Top 5 Comic Book Picks 10/24/12

Astonishing X-Men #55 courtesy Marvel

Astonishing X-Men #55 The villainess who blew up Logan, mindwarped the team and enslaved Karma has given the X-Men a mission impossible in Madripoor! Innocent people are caught in the crossfire of Hatchitech weapons around the globe. Will the team sacrifice Karma to stop Hatchi?

Batman Incorporated #4 Move over Batman and Robin, here comes Wingman and Redbird?! What is the Dark Knight’s connection to these new crusaders? Talia Al Ghul escalates her plot to Damian.

Captain America #19 The end of an era. Ed Brubaker’s final issue of the hero he revitalized. Artist Steve Epting returns for Brubaker’s final Steve Rogers story.

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #6 Can the Doctor convince Captain Picard to join forces with the Federation’s greatest enemy? Will the Time Lord shatter his new alliance with the Enterprise crew in order to defeat the Cybermen?

Wolverine MAX #1 Logan unleashed in a brand new, more mature readers only book by crime novelist Jason Starr. Is Wolverine the pawn or target of a terrorist plot in Tokyo. The X-Man gets to cut loose!

By Editor