Whedon Teases Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver for AVENGERS 2

Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver courtesy Marvel.com

Will Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver appear in Avengers 2?

At the Iron Man 3 world premiere writer/director told Yahoo of the upcoming sequel:

“I try to think of this as its own movie. Sometimes, ya, I feel pressure, how do you not? And by the way, Shane [Black] not helping! Iron Man 3 not helping! Because I saw this and said, ‘Aw, man, he really got it right!’ The pressure continues! But you put that aside, when you’re in the story, when you’re dealing with these characters that you love, that everybody loves, when you got the new characters sliding in next to them, it’s very exciting. Then I don’t feel pressure. Then it’s like I’m reading my favorite comic.”

“I’ve done enough shows and movies to be comfortable with that. You do come to a point where we all agree. ‘Okay. Oh, I’ve got these two characters, two of my favorite characters from the comic book; a brother-sister act. They’re in the movie. That’s exciting.’ You know, you lock certain things in”

A brother-sister act from the comic books can only mean Continue reading Whedon Teases Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver for AVENGERS 2

David Finch Exclusive: His Justice League of America Favorites

Justice League of America #2 courtesy DC Comics
Justice League of America #2 courtesy DC Comics

Fan favorite artist David Finch appeared at Fan Expo Vancouver this past weekend. There were huge lines for Finch as fans eagerly waited for a chance to have the acclaimed creator sign their books, get sketches and talk with him about his stellar career. Finch is now a DC Comics exclusive artist (Batman: The Dark Knight, Justice League of America) after amazing runs at Top Cow (Cyberforce) and Marvel Comics (New Avengers, Ultimate X-Men, Ultimatum, Moon Knight.)

Finch joined legendary Iron Man artist and X-O Manowar co-creator Bob Layton and Ultimate Comics X-Men, Incredible Hulk cover artist Kaare Andrews for an engaging sketch duel panel. The three creators gave fans a choice: they spend the entire session working on one sketch each or a rapid fire 5 minutes per sketch. The sketch duel ends with lucky fans leaving with the sketches so the crowd unanimously voted for the chance at 15 fans receiving 15 sketches over three fans getting three sketches.

The battle began with requests for Catwoman, Hulk, Spider-Man, Wolverine and finally Captain America while the creators shared career insights and answered fan questions in a revealing and hilarious session.

David Finch at Fan Expo Vancouver 2013, photo by ComicsBlend
David Finch at Fan Expo Vancouver 2013, photo by ComicsBlend

After enjoying the panel I got the opportunity to talk one on one with Finch back at his table. I did have to wait my turn. As you can see above this young fan was extremely chatty and excited as she watched Finch create a sketch just for her.

Batman: Dark Knight #6 courtesy Marvel
Batman: Dark Knight #6 courtesy Marvel

After a great run on Batman: The Dark Knight which he co-wrote with Paul Jenkins, Finch is now drawing a new Justice League of America written by Geoff Johns. The eclectic cast includes Catwoman, Katana, Stargirl, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Martian Manhunter, Vibe and the new Green Lantern Simon Baz. I asked Finch which members of the team were his favorites so far. His answer included a surprise and a tease for a dramatic event planned for the youngest hero on the roster:

It’s almost the second anniversary of DC Comics The New 52 relaunch which was controversial but successful. I asked Finch what it was Continue reading David Finch Exclusive: His Justice League of America Favorites

Phil Jimenez Exclusive! Character Design at Fan Expo Vancouver

Phil Jimenez at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend
Phil Jimenez at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend

Acclaimed artist Phil Jimenez (Fairest, Wonder Woman, New X-Men) has transformed Warrior Woman! It’s the latest character redesign victory in a stellar comic book career.

Jimenez recently made his first trip to Vancouver, B.C. to appear at Fan Expo Vancouver. Along with sketching for fans and signing comic books Jimenez appeared on a Sketch Duel panel with Stephen Sadowski (JSA, Starman, Avengers) that was an insightful and hilarious highlight of the Expo.

Jimenez and Sadowski are known for their popular redesigns of characters so the first half of the sketch duel challenge was to give a B (or C or maybe D level depending on your opinion) character a new look while they shared insights on their design work and answered fan questions.

After a wave of suggestions from the audience (including Modok, Ma Hunkel, Booster Gold and Legion – that was mine) Jimenez decided on Dazzler and Sadowski took on Jack of Hearts!

As the sketching began Jimenez revealed how fashion design and trends have affected his work citing a Donna Troy look he said was inspired by Emma Peel (played by Diana Rigg) of The Avengers (as in the classic British series!) He went on to say how comics should be fantastical and his design influence was more haute couture than ready to wear.

Sadowski revealed his new takes on Atom Smasher and Hawkgirl on his JSA run as his favorite character redesigns. Busts and body images of female superheroes was a popular audience topic. Sadowski shared that he fought to give Kendra smaller breasts because he felt it would be more appropriate for her hawk-like appearance and the need to be more aerodynamic.

The first half hour ended with a Sadowski revealing a bolder, cleaner and more built version of Jack of Hearts while Jimenez went retro giving the Disco Dazzler big sunglasses and Farrah Fawcett inspired hair!

Dazzler by Phil Jimenez, photo by ComicsBlend
Dazzler by Phil Jimenez, photo by ComicsBlend

The second half hour was the most unique version of Pictionary you might ever experience. The audience submitted comic book characters, iconic weapons (like Thor’s hammer) or items of a costume (I chose Storm’s headpiece) on cards. Mystique and Wonder Woman cosplayers joined Team Jimenez while Beast and one of a trio (imagine an all male version of the X-Men’s Stepford Cuckoos) of Phoenixes played on Team Sadowski.

Jimenez vs. Sadowski sketch duel at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend
Jimenez vs. Sadowski sketch duel at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend

Continue reading Phil Jimenez Exclusive! Character Design at Fan Expo Vancouver

Fan Expo Vancouver Day One


Stan Lee with Marvel Cosplayers at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend.com
Stan Lee with Marvel Cosplayers at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend.com

Fan Expo Vancouver celebrated a second year by bringing in the biggest geek God of all – Stan Lee! The legendary creator inspired huge lines for autographs, photos opportunities! Stan the Man delivered a special surprise – posing with dozens of these Marvel inspired cosplayers! It’s amazing to think nearly all these characters were created or co-created by this incredible writer who still have spectacular energy and wicked sense of humor.


The cast of the hit sci-fi show Continuum greeted fans and teased the almost here season premiere (tonight, April 21st.) Rachel Nichols recalled her favorite fights (as Scarlet vs. the Baroness in G.I. The Rise of Cobra) and her many action packed roles (Alias and Star Trek.)


X-Men cosplayers at Fan Expo Vancouver photo by ComicsBlend.com
X-Men cosplayers at Fan Expo Vancouver photo by ComicsBlend.com

Phil Jimenez and Stephen Sadowski participated in the expo’s first sketch duel! The first challenge was to redesign a B-level character. Sadowski pumped up and scaled down (briefly an Avenger) Jack of Hearts while Jimenez styled up Dazzler. Beast, Mystique, Wonder Woman and Phoenix consplayers joined the two artists for a game of comic book Pictionary with hilarious results. Sunday’s big sketch duel is between David Finch, Bob Layton and Kaare Andrews!


Fans has the chance to cheer and ask questions of Stan Lee, The Walking Dead star Michael Rooker among other celebrities. Sunday Nichelle Nichols of Star Trek, Elvira, Michael Hogan of Battlestar Galactica are the big Q&A sessions so grab your guide and plan ahead to get a great seat.


Thor/Cosplay leader at Fan Expo Vancouver photo by ComicsBlend.com
Thor/Cosplay leader at Fan Expo Vancouver photo by ComicsBlend.com

Vancouver could be renamed Fancouver as lovers of comic books, anime, video games, science fiction and fantasy converged on the convention center. There’s an amazing sense of community as geeks gather to share and cheer for the fan-favorite creators and legendary stars.


By Editor


Keep coming back for more stories, pictures and interviews!

What If the Marvel Universe Rebooted?

The creative minds at Marvel Comics may be orchestrating the greatest “What If?” story of all time? Is Marvel time twisting their comic book universe into a reboot of the entire line? When Marvel Now was announced fans speculated a major reboot was coming. Brian Michael Bendis teased that the finale of Age of Ultron is “unguessable.”

Could decades of history and continuity be burned away for a whole new beginning?

Kang in Young Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel
Kang in Young Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel

Let’s take a look at what’s happening and coming:

Kang The time traveling manipulator is the mastermind of Rick Remender’s latest Uncanny Avengers arc. Kang has seized the Apocalypse Twins and manipulate an 11th century battle between Apocalypse and Thor. Odin warned that the arrogant young Thunder God’s victory will have a price.

All-New X-Men Beast went back in time to bring the original five X-Men into the present. The best laid plan backfired and was powerfully written by Brian Michael Bendis. Young Jean Grey’s telepathic powers triggered earlier than it had in real Marvel history and she doesn’t have Professor Xavier to train her. Jean has assumed control of the teen X-Men and declared they will stay in the present – their future.

Age of Ultron Before I continue here’s a




IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AGE OF ULTRON #6 THEN STOP READING! Continue reading What If the Marvel Universe Rebooted?

Colossus: X-Man Needs Love

Cable and X-Force #6 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #6 courtesy Marvel

As I read Cable and X-Force #7 I had a thought about one of my favorite X-Men. Dennis Hopeless packs this issue with action, tense interactions and hilarious lines.

As bad girl Domino is breaking Colossus out of prison she tells him,”Look, I’m a big fan of yours. What can I say, big, burly and all sorts of broken. I’ve got a type.”

A sentiment shared by many girl and some guys for big emo lugs like Peter Rasputin.

The innocent Russian farm boy has had a universe of heartbreak and emotional torture over the years with deaths, resurrections, breakups and possessions.

Isn’t it about time Colossus get some… Continue reading Colossus: X-Man Needs Love

Will Age of Ultron Twist Marvel’s History?

Age of Ultron #8 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #8 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine and Susan Storm Richards of the Fantastic Four make a desperate decision to stop the death and destruction caused by Hank Pym’s greatest invention and greatest mistake – Ultron.

Marvel shared this preview of Age of Ultron #8 by artist Brandon Peterson. Logan and Susan appear to be facing off against Iron Man. The other image shows someone (that doesn’t look like Tony Stark) in the Iron Man armor but tapped into a matrix or network (perhaps inside Ultron) tapping into memories of Marvel’s greatest moments.

Do you see Continue reading Will Age of Ultron Twist Marvel’s History?

IRON MAN, Godkiller Finale!

Iron Man #8 courtesy Marvel
Iron Man #8 courtesy Marvel

Tony Stark has been found GUILTY!

Iron Man has been branded Godkiller for his actions in Avengers vs. X-Men. An alien race that worshiped the Phoenix Force took Tony into deep space and put him on trial for executing their deity.

Time for alien justice in Iron Man #8 this week! What kind of punishment

Continue reading IRON MAN, Godkiller Finale!