Inside DEATHLOK #1

Deathlok #1 courtesy Marvel
Deathlok #1 courtesy Marvel

The Deathlok comeback continues!


After appearing in Uncanny X-Force, Wolverine and the X-Men and on the television in Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the cyborg soldier will star in his own solo series.


Marvel shared a look inside the first issue by Nathan Edmondson (Black Widow, Punisher) and Mike Perkins (Captain America). Continue reading Inside DEATHLOK #1

Rebirth of a Hero In CAPTAIN AMERICA #25

Captain America #25 courtesy Marvel
Captain America #25 courtesy Marvel

World War II hero Captain America is a part of Marvel history and comics history is made this week when a new hero takes over the role and wields the shield.


As you can see from this Marvel preview of Captain America #25, the Avengers are gathering for this powerful moment.


The Super Soldier Serum was drained from of Steve Rogers body. Cap’s super strength may be gone but he’s far from a broken but he is a frail elderly man in his 90’s. Continue reading Rebirth of a Hero In CAPTAIN AMERICA #25


Uncanny Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #9 courtesy Marvel

Rogue is the villain turned X-Man turned Avenger.


Since losing Professor Xavier, Rogue has clashed with her teammates and lost control of her powers in Uncanny Avengers.


The tension between Rogue and Scarlet Witch exploded into a fatal encounter but now both women are pawns of the Red Skull as he unleashes his “World War Hate.” Continue reading ROGUE In AXIS


Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #3 courtesy Marvel
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #3 courtesy Marvel

What is Sabretooth without Wolverine?


Kyle Higgins (Nightwing, C.O.W.L.) returns to Marvel to answer that question in Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #3.


The seven-part series focuses on the allies and enemies of Wolverine’s life after his death.


Higgins and more Batman family writers tell these stories. Higgins will take on Logan’s greatest enemy. How will Victor Creed vent his rage and hate without Wolverine as his lifelong sparring partner? Continue reading KYLE HIGGINS On SABRETOOTH’S LOGAN LEGACY


Uncanny X-Men #26 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #26 courtesy Marvel

Are we about to see the redemption of Scott Summers?


Between the events of The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier in Uncanny X-Men and Avengers and X-Men: AXIS, the fallen leader must rise up against a powerful mutant and the threat of the Red Skull.


Summers is still haunted by the death of Professor X. The mutant race he’s sworn to protect is facing an all-powerful threat as the Red Skull unleashes World War Hate on the mutant race. Continue reading CYCLOPS Redeemed In AXIS?

Top Comics for September 24, 2014

Batman Eternal #25 courtesy DC Comics
Batman Eternal #25 courtesy DC Comics

Aliens: Fire and Stone #1

A brand new adventure in the terrifying universe of Aliens and Prometheus. A desperate band of colonists on the run from an alien outbreak but is there a greater danger in space? Chris Roberson takes the Dark Horse Comics franchise in new directions.


Batman Eternal #25

The pieces are all in place. Gotham City is about to erupt in riots. The corrupt force within the police is about the declare martial law. Can Batman and his allies stop the conspiracy? Is Hush really the mastermind of the plots within plots or is a greater evil pulling his strings too? Continue reading Top Comics for September 24, 2014


Storm #3 courtesy Marvel
Storm #3 courtesy Marvel

An X-Men reunion this week in Storm #3.


Greg Pak brings Forge back in Ororo’s life after an intense showdown way back in a Warren Ellis epic called Ghost Boxes.


Forge was Storm’s great love after she lost her powers but they didn’t last. Forge was responsible for Storm’s loss of mutant ability. Ororo moved on to Black Panther then Wolverine.


When the two reunite how will it go down? Continue reading STORM & FORGE Reunion