All-New X-Men #40 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #40 courtesy Marvel

The closet door opens wider as a fan-favorite mutant comes out in All-New X-Men #40.

Pages of the issue were leaked online but we’re choosing not to show them or reveal the details of who comes out or how it happens so you can read it yourself if you choose.

While the issue was promoted as a return of former X-base Utopia, the big story was at the New Xavier School.

This week’s revelation by writer Brian Michael Bendis reminds us how the X-Men have long been a reflection of diversity and makes us question where are these Marvel’s GLBT heroes now?

Benjamin Deeds aka Morph is a creation of Bendis who came out recently in Uncanny X-Men. Deeds was unsure of his mutant power and contribution to the team until Emma Frost took him on a mission to test his potential in a daring adventure with a rival anti-mutant faction within S.H.I.E.L.D. It was a great issue that paralleled Benjamin’s coming out with him learning to understand his mutant abilities. Morph and the rest of the kids from the New Xavier School joined the Jean Grey School when Cyclops shut it down and ended his Revolution team. The fate of Benjamin and the X-Men are up in the air as Bendis leaves the franchise and no new writer has been announced for a possible relaunch after Secret Wars.


Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel

Northstar is the most famous gay Marvel hero. Back in the 80’s John Byrne wanted to have Jean-Paul Baubier come out in Alpha Flight but it was reportedly against editorial policy. The Canadian speedster finally came out in 1992 with writer Scott Lobdell at the reigns of the book.

Jean-Paul joined the X-Men and became a mentor to young GLBT mutants likek Anole and Bling but made Marvel history 3 years ago when he married the man he loved in Astonishing X-Men by Marjorie Liu. Kyle has disappeared from the books but Jean-Paul is part of the Amazing X-Men cast.


Anole is a lizard looking mutant who recently appeared in a one-shot Amazing X-Men issue with his mentor Northstar. Victor was a big part of the New X-Men: Academy X era and his friendship with Rockslide was a hilarious bromance and example of gay/straight allies finding common ground.

 Karma was an original member of New Mutants and played a significant role in Liu’s Astonishing X-Men run but is off the front burner. Xi’an is Vietnamese and a lesbian with mind control powers and was a role model for Anole and Bling.

X-Factor’s Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy Marvel

Rictor and Shatterstar were created in the original 90’s X-Force era but were revealed to be gay and in love during Peter David’s acclaimed X-Factor run that earned a GLAAD Media Award. The attraction was hinted at but Shatterstar was an asexual alien warrior. The alien’s time on Earth and with Julio made him fall for Ric. Alas, Ric and Shatterstar are “off the canvas” since the book ended.

Mystique is one the greatest X-villains who tangled with Wolverine and Sabretooth but her heart belongs to Irene Adler. Some of the ruthless shapeshifter’s most ambitious schemes have been inspired by her attempts to reunite with the mutant precog code-name Destiny. Raven is one of the stars of Wolverines now.

Marvel’s other GLBT heroes have been in various teams:

Hulkling & Wiccan are founding members of the Young Avengers. Wiccan (Billy) is the son of Scarlet Witch with magical powers. Hulking (Teddy) is the hybrid son of a Skrull princess and legendary Captain Mar’vell, a Kree warrior. The teens relationship was tested as they fought aliens and bad guys, even Doctor Doom along with interdimensional adventurer Miss America Chavez (who came out in the book) who protected Wiccan from Loki.  Young Avengers earned a GLAAD Media Award too for Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie’s run.

Cullen Bloodstone survived Avengers Arena to join the cast of Avengers Undercover, along with Runaways alum Karolina Dean. Striker was another Avengers Academy grad.

This week’s X-Men outing will make headlines and boost sales like Northstar’s wedding issue three years ago but what about in the long run? Most of these characters are MIA because of creator changes, creative shifts and ultimately sales.

While Marvel is committed to diversity with titles like Ms. Marvel, Thor and the All-New Captain America what about a GLBT hero starring in their own book? The Distinguished Competition has Batwoman and a Midnighter solo book launches in June.

Marvel fans are waiting to see what new books will arrive after the big Secret Wars event. It will take forward thinking writers and editors to pitch books with a GLBT character in the lead but ultimately fans have the power. All the major publishers are pushing to have diverse comic book universes that reflect the real world. The reality is fans must vote every week at the comic book shop.

Here’s hoping this week’s X-Men outing generates a dialog and maybe inspires a new generation of writers, editors and readers who will create a future where coming out isn’t an issue.

By Editor

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