New Avengers End Times Cover

New Avengers #34 courtesy Marvel

You may call it a variant cover. I call it a love letter to an epic run.

Marvel gave Comics Newsarama a first look at a ton of gorgeous variants to Marvel Now titles coming in November.

This one is my favorite. David Yardin (X-Factor covers) created this beautiful variant for New Avengers #34. Brian Michael Bendis is wrapping up his 8 year run with End Times.

This cover represents – to borrow a famous line – the best of times, the worst of times for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes: The evil Dark Reign of Norman Osborn, The Secret Invasion of the Skrulls, The Tragedy of Robert Reynolds aka The Sentry and the infusion of new blood. Bendis brought in Luke Cage, Spider-Woman, Iron Fist, Wolverine and Daredevil to make the Avengers franchise new and exciting. The only person missing is the beautiful Jessica Jones aka Mrs. Cage.

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